Réformes monétaires au forum social mondial
Agora des initiatives - Finale
de 2h07 à 2h12
et de 3h35 à 3h39...
avec notamment
Frammery Chloé
Scheller Gérard
François de Siebenthal et les membres de
et de 3h35 à 3h39...
avec notamment
Frammery Chloé
Scheller Gérard
François de Siebenthal et les membres de
Monnaies-pleines, full-currencies , Sovereign money, Vollgeld, Moneta intera, AAA+, BNS, RBi, MFRB etc...
L'initiative a été publiée sur le site du FSM 2016
The initiative has been published on the WSF 2016
La iniciativa fue publicado en el sitio FSM 2016
Suite à l’initiative fédérale suisse http://www.monnaie-pleine.ch qui va être votée dans les mois à venir, créer un mouvement international de soutien à cette idée. Cette initiative prévoit notamment des versements directs des créations monétaires à tous les habitants du pays. http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/fragen/
Pour une monnaie bien commun. AAA+, pour une banque centrale coopérative et citoyenne. http://aaapositifs.ch/
Following the success of the Swiss Federal initiativehttp://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/english/ which will be voted in the coming months, we want to create an international movement in support of this idea, positive money or full money. This particular initiative provides direct payments of money creation to all inhabitants of any country. Quantitative easings to people![]()
Switzerland is politically unique in this regard as the Swiss Constitution provides a political instrument known as the Volksinitiative (Peoples’ Initiative) which enables Swiss citizens to launch an initiative aimed at changing specific provisions within the Swiss Constitution. To do so has required first of all the collection within an 18 month period of 100’000 valid signatures in support of the initiative. This has been done…
In a nut shell, the proposal extends the Swiss Federation’s existing exclusive right to create swiss francs coins and notes, to also include deposits. With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks would no longer have the power to create swiss official money through lending. The Swiss National Bank’s primary role becomes the management of the money supply relative to the productive economy, while the decision concerning how new money is introduced debt free into the economy would reside with the government. As is evident from the foregoing, the MoMo monetary reform initiative is essentially based on the monetary reform advocated by PositiveMoney.
For those interested in following the developments of the campaign, or who would like to understand the detailed provisions, including those relating to the transition period, please refer to the campaign website. The website is in German, French, and Italian, so language might present a limitation for many of you. Nevertheless, we do encourage you to visit the website and if you have specific questions, to leave a message in English. Someone from the team who speaks English will get back to you. T…. Although, this is a non-UK initaitive, the MoMo team succeeded in putting such a fundamental reform proposal to a national vote, this is a momentous achievement for the monetary reform movement in Europe and across the globe. All eyes are fixed on Switzerland, because success for this small but significant player in the financial arena would inevitably have a ripple effect in other countries. The others swiss free currencies, as the http://www.wir.ch are protected.
– This initiative has been presented :via assemblee de convergence C07 link http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/monetary-reform-c07. co organized according to the its admins by 1 organizations registered in the site
– Its last edition is made by: its/ses/sus promoters.
– It has number: 16.1 in the calendar and is written in : EN
– It has as principal theme :Theme 1. seehttps://fsm2016.org/sinformer/en/axes-thematiques-2016/
– Its scale and zone: national – Suisse.
– Its promoting orgnizations are currently 3 – MFRB France et Québec, comité initiative monnaie pleine (manual update)
– the first is contactable at :https://fsm2016.org/en/groupes/monnaie-pleine-vollgeld-moneta-intera/organisation.
– A contact person for the initiative is:https://fsm2016.org/en/participants/sieb/. Another contact mode is :http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch.
– If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ‘follow group’ button herebelow
– If you want to see the whole initiatie press ‘initiative’ in the menu bar below this text, and this will show :https://fsm2016.org/en/groupes/monnaies-pleines/initiatives/” with info BELOW the menu bar
Suite à l’initiative fédérale suisse http://www.monnaie-pleine.ch qui va être votée dans les mois à venir, créer un mouvement international de soutien à cette idée. Cette initiative prévoit notamment des versements directs des créations monétaires à tous les habitants du pays. http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/fragen/
Pour une monnaie bien commun. AAA+, pour une banque centrale coopérative et citoyenne. http://aaapositifs.ch/
Following the success of the Swiss Federal initiativehttp://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/english/ which will be voted in the coming months, we want to create an international movement in support of this idea, positive money or full money. This particular initiative provides direct payments of money creation to all inhabitants of any country. Quantitative easings to people

Switzerland is politically unique in this regard as the Swiss Constitution provides a political instrument known as the Volksinitiative (Peoples’ Initiative) which enables Swiss citizens to launch an initiative aimed at changing specific provisions within the Swiss Constitution. To do so has required first of all the collection within an 18 month period of 100’000 valid signatures in support of the initiative. This has been done…
In a nut shell, the proposal extends the Swiss Federation’s existing exclusive right to create swiss francs coins and notes, to also include deposits. With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks would no longer have the power to create swiss official money through lending. The Swiss National Bank’s primary role becomes the management of the money supply relative to the productive economy, while the decision concerning how new money is introduced debt free into the economy would reside with the government. As is evident from the foregoing, the MoMo monetary reform initiative is essentially based on the monetary reform advocated by PositiveMoney.
For those interested in following the developments of the campaign, or who would like to understand the detailed provisions, including those relating to the transition period, please refer to the campaign website. The website is in German, French, and Italian, so language might present a limitation for many of you. Nevertheless, we do encourage you to visit the website and if you have specific questions, to leave a message in English. Someone from the team who speaks English will get back to you. T…. Although, this is a non-UK initaitive, the MoMo team succeeded in putting such a fundamental reform proposal to a national vote, this is a momentous achievement for the monetary reform movement in Europe and across the globe. All eyes are fixed on Switzerland, because success for this small but significant player in the financial arena would inevitably have a ripple effect in other countries. The others swiss free currencies, as the http://www.wir.ch are protected.
– This initiative has been presented :via assemblee de convergence C07 link http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/monetary-reform-c07. co organized according to the its admins by 1 organizations registered in the site
– Its last edition is made by: its/ses/sus promoters.
– It has number: 16.1 in the calendar and is written in : EN
– It has as principal theme :Theme 1. seehttps://fsm2016.org/sinformer/en/axes-thematiques-2016/
– Its scale and zone: national – Suisse.
– Its promoting orgnizations are currently 3 – MFRB France et Québec, comité initiative monnaie pleine (manual update)
– the first is contactable at :https://fsm2016.org/en/groupes/monnaie-pleine-vollgeld-moneta-intera/organisation.
– A contact person for the initiative is:https://fsm2016.org/en/participants/sieb/. Another contact mode is :http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch.
– If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ‘follow group’ button herebelow
– If you want to see the whole initiatie press ‘initiative’ in the menu bar below this text, and this will show :https://fsm2016.org/en/groupes/monnaies-pleines/initiatives/” with info BELOW the menu bar
Agora des initiatives - Finale
de 2h07 à 2h12 et de 3h35 à 3h39...
monetary reform C07
last modified September 5 by facilitfsm
Dynamique Extension FSM 2016 WSF | extension16 assemblees convergence fsm2016
monetary reform C07
- presentation page https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/international-movement-for-monetary-reform-convergence-assembly/
- 1 organisation Comité WSF-IMMR Comittee and Monetary Reforms Committee are the same "organisation" ( website problem)
- online participation circle for assembly and agora discussion circle 5phttps://join.skype.com/uDUaAPzFKcK3
- assembly video 1h46 §§https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNXqCA9B6_Y
- agora presentation page http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/agora-des-initiatives-13-08
- agora participation space 63phttps://join.skype.com/yW0N94hfXiBI
- discussion circle video
- agora presentaton 3h45https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnZRJ5KcsLw mn xxx to xxxxx
- declaration action plan
- initiatives
Convergence assembly
Aug 11 2016 16:00 - 18:00
This activity will bring together members of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) in order to focus on solutions to the common challenges that they face.
You can visit the IMMR website for more information :
Multiple, IMMR members