Photographe: Iris Boisseau
Open Assembly
10 September 2016
Please join us for the World Social Forum (WSF) 2016 Open Assembly on Saturday, October 1st from 10am-1pm at UQAM
You are cordially invited to the next WSF 2016 Open Assembly.
When : Saturday, October 1st, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: Université du Québec à Montréal, Hubert-Aquin pavillon, A-M050, near the central library
Where: Université du Québec à Montréal, Hubert-Aquin pavillon, A-M050, near the central library
For questions contact: info@fsm2016.org
Website for the WSF2016: http://www.fsm2016.org/
Website for the WSF2016: http://www.fsm2016.org/
This Assembly will give the opportunity to debreaf with the different actors of the WSF 2016, present the final report to partners and foresee next steps in this process that we undertook together.
We remind you that the 12th World Social Forum (WSF) is the largest gathering of global civil society, aiming to find solutions to the problems of our time. The Montreal WSF 2016 will make a mark on history as the first event of its type to take place in a Northern country. In fact, since its creation in Porto Alegre (Brazil) in 2001, the WSF has only taken place in Southern countries (Latin America, Asia, Africa). The objective of the WSF 2016 is to gather between 50,000 and 80,000 people, representing 5,000 organizations from local, national, regional, and worldwide civil society, in downtown Montreal from the 9th to the 14th of August 2016 to participate in more than 1,500 self-managed activities, with opening and closing processions, a youth camp, and extensive cultural programming.
To access the Skype chat room in English : Please copy paste this link in a skype conversation, and click on it: you will be taken to the chat room :https://join.skype.com/ KE1h12XI7RJn
Our Skype contact account : prepafsm2016.extension
Also, there will be an alternative (freeware): Jitsi Meet: https://meet.jit.si/ fsm2016test
Our Skype contact account : prepafsm2016.extension
Also, there will be an alternative (freeware): Jitsi Meet: https://meet.jit.si/