Social Credit inherited term "dividend" but it confuses. Dividend is a part of profit and should be deducted from profit. It means that we first must realize profit (count our productive activity with double entry accounting paradigm) to could have dividend from it.
But from the SC philosophy what is postulated is not a dividend but a royalty taken from the organizational structure of society as a whole. We citizens all are co-authors and transmitters of that organizational structure and, as co-authors (and probably as "means of exchange"), we are entitled to royalty, being a percentage of sold production, meaning GDP. We allow that production to happen - sometimes by doing nothing to stop it, sometimes giving our synergetic add value to the processes.
Royalty is contracted before production happens. How do you estimate royalty due to you, citizenship?
I estimate it at 1/3 of my GDP. generously speaking 33%.;)