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Freedom of Expression: Facing Up to the Threat of a war


Freedom of Expression: Facing Up to the Threat of a world war ?

Union for the Truth and for Al Jazeera:

The National Human Rights Committee of the State of Qatar in cooperation with the International Federation for the Protection of Journalists and the International Press Institute has organized an international conference on “Freedom of Expression: Facing Up to the Threat ” in Doha from 24 to 25 July 2017.
The Conference is discussing how to:
  • Address the enforcement of international human rights law, instruments and procedures with regards to freedom of opinion and expression and access to information;
  • Address the problems and challenges to international human rights law in connection with modern communication technology;
  • Protect and support journalists and promote pluralistic, independent and free media;
  • Enhance the protection of journalists in hostile zones and conflict areas and end impunity for crimes against journalists;
  • Raise up to ethical challenges, in particular threats posed by the resurgence of racism as well as cultural and religious conflicts, and rekindle a positive ethic for the profession.

MM Benoît Ouellet and François de Siebenthal have been interwied by various TV and will pass soon at the news in many countries, in French or in English, not. in Algeria, Soudan, Iran and Quatar.

They are working for the newspaper "www.Versdemain.org " and the institution  " Louis Even" based in Canada since 1939.
This newspaper is published in 4 languages, ( French, English, Spanish and Polish )

and has more than 50'000 paying subscribers all over the world and millions of people connected in a way or an other.

Agenda: freedom of expression


MONDAY 24 JULY – Day 1 8:00-9:00: Registration 9:00-10:00: Opening Session  Mohammad Ali Alnsour, Chief of Middle East and North Africa, Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR)  Younes M’Jahed, Senior Vice-President of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)  John Yearwood, President of the International Press Institute (IPI)  Giacomo Mezzone, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)  Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch ( HRW )  Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri, President of the National Human Rights Committee ( NHRC ) 10:00-10.30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:30: PLENARY Freedom of Expression: Facing Up to the Threat Chair: Jim Boumelha, International Federation of Journalists  Imen Ladjimi, Article 19  Tim Dawson, National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland  Elena Chernievska, Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media  Daoud Kuttab, Community Media Network, Jordan  Dominique Pradalié, Chief Editor, formerly of France Television 12:30-14:00: Lunch 14:00-15:30: PANEL 1 MEDIA FREEDOM, INTERNET UNIVERSALITY Legal And Regulatory Ecology Chair: Sabina Inderjit, Vice-President, International Federation of Journalists  Luckson Chipare, Media Institute South Africa  Rodney Dixon QC, Temple Gardens Chamber, UK  Prof. Curtis F. J. Doebler, University of Makeni, Sierra Leone  Joyce Hakmeh, Chatham House اليوم االول: االثنني 24 يوليو التسجيل: 9:00 -8:00 االفتتاح كلمات: 10:00 -9:00  محمد علي النسور، رئيس قسم الشرق األوسط وشمال إفريقيا، المفوضية السامية لحقوق اإلنسان، األمم المتحدة  يونس محمد جاهد، النائب األول لرئيس االتحاد الدولي للصحفيين  جون ياروود، رئيس المعهد الدولي للصحافة  جياكومو ميزون، اتحاد البث األوروبي  كينيت روث، المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش  علي بن صميخ المري، رئيس اللجنة الوطنية لحقوق اإلنسان شاي استراحة: 10:30 – 10:00 األولى اجللسة: 12:30 – 10:30 حرية التعبير في مواجهة اخملاطر رئيس اجللسة: جيم بوملحة، االحتاد الدولي للصحفيني  إمين الدجيمي، منظمة املادة 19  تيم داوسون، اإلحتاد الوطني للصحفيني، بريطانيا وايرلندا  إيلينا تشيرنيفسكا، مكتب ممثل حرية وسائل االعالم مبنظمة األمن والتعاون في اوروبا  داود خطاب، شبكة وسائل اإلعالم اجملتمعية، األردن  دومينيك برادلي، كبير الصحفيني سابقا، تليفزيون فرنسا غداء استراحة: 14:00 – 12:30 :15:30 – 14:00 مجموعة العمل )1) حرية اإلعالم وعاملية االنترنت: البيئة القانونية والتنظيمية الرئيس: سابينا انديرجت، نائب رئيس االحتاد الدولي للصحفيني  لوكسون تشيبار، معهد اإلعالم في جنوب أفريقيا  رودني ديكسون، بريطانيا  كورتيس ف.ج.ديبلر، جامعة ماكيني، سيراليون  جويس حكمه، شاتهام هاوس PANEL 2 MEDIA FREEDOM AND JOURNALISTS RIGHTS For A Pluralistic, Independent And Free Media Chair: Seamus Dooley, Acting General Secretary NUJ Ireland  Larry Goldbetter, National Writers Union, USA  Kathy Kiely, National Press Club Journalism Institute, Washington  Mostefa Souag, Acting Director General of Al Jazeera  Melody Patry, Index on Censorship  Jaber Bin Chief, Doha Center for Media Freedom 15:30-16:00: Coffee Break 16:00-17:30: PANEL 3 MEDIA AND WAR Protecting journalists on the frontline Chair: Marius Lukosiunas, UNESCO  Carmen Draghici, City University, London  Zuliana Lainez, Federation of Journalists of Latin America  John Yearwood, International Press Institute  Al Sadiq Al-Rezaigi, Sudanese Journalists Union  Haydee Dijkstal, Lawyer at the International Criminal Court PANEL 4 ETHICS IN THE NEWS Facing up to rights and wrongs Chair: Mounia Belafia  Chris Frost, Liverpool John Moores University  J. Fernandez, Curtin University, Western Australia  Tom Law, Ethical Journalism Initiative, UK  Khaled Hroub, Northwestern University, Qatar 19:30: Dinne r TUESDAY 25 JULY - Day 2 9:00-11:00: PLENARY The Fight Goes on for Global Media Freedom Chair: Fairouz Ziani, Al Jazeera Arabic Channel  James Tager, PEN America  Yolanda Quintana, Platforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información PDLI, Spain  Barbie Zelizer, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania  James Cusick, Editor OpenMedia, UK  Beth Costa, General Secretary of FENAJ, Brazilian National Federation of Journalists 11:00-11.30: Tea Break 11:30-12.00 Report Back From Panels 12:30-13.00 Conclusions 13:00: Lunch ) مجموعة العمل )2 حرية اإلعالم وحقوق الصحفيني: نحو وسائل إعالم تعددية ومستقلة وحرة الرئيس: سيموس دولي، القائم بأعمال األمين العام، االتحاد الوطني للصحفيين، أيرلندا الري غولدبيتر، احتاد الكتاب الوطنيني، الواليات املتحدة األمريكية  كاثي كيلي، النادي الوطني للصحافة، معهد الصحافة، واشنطن  مصطفى سواق، مدير عام شبكة اجلزيرة بالوكالة  ميلودي باتري، منظمة مؤشر الرقابة  جابر بن شافعة، مركز الدوحة حلرية اإلعالم  00:16 :استراحة شاي -15:30 :17:30 – 16:00 ) مجموعة العمل )3 اإلعالم واحلرب: حماية الصحفيني على خط املواجهة الرئيس: ماريوس لوكوسيوناس، منظمة اليونسكو كارمن دراغيسي، جامعة سيتي، لندن  زوليانا لينيز، احتاد الصحفيني في أمريكا الالتينية  جون ياروود، املعهد الدولي للصحافة  الصادق الرزيقي، إحتاد الصحفيني السودانيني  هايدي ديجستال، محامية، احملكمة اجلنائية الدولية  ) مجموعة العمل )4 األخالقيات في مجال األخبار: في مواجهة الصواب واخلطأ الرئيس: مونيكا بيالفيا كريس فروست، جامعة ليفربول جيمس موريس  ج. فرنانديز، جامعة كورتيس، أستراليا  توم لو، مبادرة الصحافة األخالقية  خالد حروب، جامعة نورث وسترن، قطر  عشاء: 19:30 اليوم الثاني: الثالثاء 25 يوليو :الثانية اجللسة: 11:00 – 9:00 ً استمرار النضال من أجل حتقيق حرية وسائل اإلعالم عامليا رئيس الجلسة: فيروز زياني، قناة الجزيرية العربية جيمس تاغر، مركز منظمة بني أمريكا  يوالندا كينتانا، منظمة الدفاع عن حرية الوصول للمعلومات، إسبانيا  باربي زيليزر، مدرسة أننبرغ لالتصاالت، جامعة بنسلفانيا  جيمي كيوسيك، محرر، االعالم املفتوح ، بريطانيا  بيث كوستا، األمني العام، الفدرالية الوطنية للصحفيني في البرازيل  شاي استراحة: 11:30 – 11:00 العمل مجموعات مخرجات: 12:00 – 11:30 والتوصيات اخلتام: 13:00 – 12:00 غداء: 13:00

Textes en langues européennes:


Freedom of expression: texts


La liberté d’expression : Face aux menaces
Imen  Ladjimi, Article 19
Au-delà des techniques de gouvernance, ce sont les libertés fondamentales, dont la liberté d’expression, qui représentent la clé de voûte de toute démocratie authentique. Tout progrès ne peut s’engager que dans un environnement qui garantit et protège la liberté d’expression et d’information, par des médias libres, pluralistes, indépendants et professionnels mais aussi des politiques nationales fondées sur le respect de l’Etat de Droit et des standards internationaux.
Ces dernières années ont été mouvementé pour la région, La région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord a été submergée par une vague de manifestations populaires en faveur de réformes sociales.
Si certains pays ont emboîté le pas des révolutions ou encore celui des réformes sociales, d’autres ont connu un bouleversement, pour certains, chaotique. Ces évènements ont considérablement impacté la liberté d’expression et d’information dans la région, dont le bilan actuel est mitigé : l’on peut qualifier la situation de la liberté d’expression et d’information dans la région d’équivoque et ce, de par les menaces auxquelles elle est confronté.
Quels types de menaces ? Comment y faire face ?
1- Les menaces sur la liberté d’expression et d’information :
A. Vulnérabilité / immaturité du cadre juridique :
Au jour d’aujourd’hui, certains pays ne prévoient que fort peu de garantis concernant le respect du droit d’expression et d’information, d’autres, à l’inverse l’énoncent, toutefois, sa mise en œuvre demeure enserré notamment, par les lois restrictives donnant aux autorités toute latitude pour interpréter et réprimer la liberté d’expression.
Ainsi des exceptions trop larges et peu précises telles que "le respect de l’identité nationale, des valeurs culturelles de la société, des exigences de la sécurité et de la défense nationale, de l’ordre public, des intérêts économiques ou encore de la souveraineté et de l’unité nationale" autorise des interprétations subjectives qui pourraient se traduire en pressions inacceptables.
Il va s’en dire que certains pays  ont connu la mise en place des nouveaux textes ou dispositions progressistes, inaugurant une situation nouvelle pour la liberté d’expression et d’information, résultant d’une forte empreinte du mouvement sociétal et politique qui aspire à un environnement propice à la liberté. Or la pratique est toute autre : d’un côté on persiste à appliquer les anciennes lois/ dispositions qui demeurent en vigueur, d’un autre ; l’implémentation du nouveau cadre juridique peine à se faire.  
B. bâillonnement des opinions diverses et divergentes :
  • Au niveau des diffuseurs d’informations professionnels : on assiste toujours au recours à l’intimidation physique ou psychologique, des arrestations, des interrogatoires et des accusations criminelles, à l’encontre des journalistes.  Par ailleurs on assiste toujours à la censure, à la confiscation ou bien même la suspension ou la fermeture de journaux et médias. Toute ces pratiques visent à réduire au silence toute voix discordante et à mettre la vérité hors de portée un effet dissuasif sur le droit à la liberté d’expression, des journalistes sont réprimés, censurés dans un but de les empêchés de faire leur travail et les citoyens ne peuvent pas, en l’occurrence, produire ou consulter librement des informations.

  • Au niveau des individus exerçants leurs droit liberté d’expression notamment via Internet et les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication :  ces individus qui sont pour la plupart (les bloggeurs, les activistes dans les réseaux sociaux, ou de simples internautes)  sont à leur tour intimidé, des attaques physique à leurs encontre, des arrestations et interpellation arbitraires, peuvent entraîner une autocensure généralisée et l’inhibition de débats ouverts sur certaines questions d’intérêt général.
Les nouvelles technologies, se sont transformés en un moyen de surveillance et de répression, permettant aux services de sécurité d’identifier les opposants et ce à travers notamment les vidéos publiés. De même ils ont permis à certains régimes de décider de la mesure dans laquelle les citoyens peuvent jouir du droit à la liberté d’expression, à travers la mise en place de d’une autre forme de censure en vue d’empêcher le public d’avoir accès à plusieurs contenus de l’Internet.
C. L’intensification de la pression politique sur la liberté d’expression au motif de la lutte contre le terrorisme :
Des États ont répondu à ces situations de manière rapide et automatique, en imposant des restrictions disproportionnées à la liberté d’expression ; d’un côté un prétexte pour réprimer des expressions légitimes ainsi que les opinions critiques à l'égard de la politique, d’un autre côté, à mettre en péril le droit des journalistes à protéger la confidentialité de leurs sources.
Par ailleurs, la lutte contre le terrorisme a favorisé l'utilisation de techniques et procédures particulières d'enquête pour surveiller les médias et journalistes et porter ainsi atteinte à la liberté d'expression et au droit au respect de la vie privée.
2- Faire face aux menaces :
- Les standards internationaux doivent être consolidés dans les législations nationales, ils doivent de même, être renforcés et promus auprès des acteurs dont la mission consiste, en principe, à protéger et garantir le respect des droits humains. Ces derniers doivent d’une part ; disposé d’une meilleure compréhension quant aux obligations internationales de leur pays en matière de protection de la liberté d’expression, d’autre part ; être plus informé et attrait aux standards, pour ainsi réduire les interprétations disproportionnés des terminologies vagues et larges pouvant réprimer la liberté d’expression.
-Il doit aussi y avoir une volonté politique de soutenir la liberté d’expression et un Etat de Droit pour le protéger. Ici le rôle de la société civile est plus que considérable, il se manifeste notamment par le contrôle et la garantie de la protection effective de la liberté d’expression par les décideurs : si la mise en place d’un cadre juridique progressiste, par certains pays de la région est louable, elle reste néanmoins insuffisante, car elle doit refléter réellement et concrètement l’intention de mettre en œuvre les garanties de liberté d’expression qu’offrent leurs nouveaux textes. Ils doivent se débarrasser des anciennes lois contradictoires et veiller à l’implémentation effective de leurs nouveaux cadres juridiques.
- les consommateurs d’informations doivent avoir les compétences nécessaires pour produire et faire circuler les informations et nouer un dialogue avec les médias et la presse , mais aussi pour analyser de manière critique et synthétiser les informations qu’ils reçoivent : Pour se faire, il convient de favoriser la mise en place des mécanismes permettant la redevabilité des professionnels mais aussi l’interaction entre les consommateurs d’informations  et les diffuseurs d’information professionnels il est question ici des mécanismes de régulation et d’autorégulation. De même il convient de conscientiser et sensibilisé desdits consommateurs à travers l’éducation aux médias et à l’information.
- la censure n’est pas une réponse efficace à l’extrémisme : le pluralisme, la diversité des opinions, favorisent un débat ouvert et critique, qui constitue un élément important de toute stratégie adoptée en réponse aux attaques systématiques contre la liberté d’expression et leurs causes sous-jacentes. Autrement, la pénalisation de l’expression peut inciter à marginaliser des griefs et alimenter la violence. Par ailleurs les mesures qui doivent être prises dans le cadre de situations exceptionnelles telle que la lutte contre le terrorisme, ne doivent pas toucher à l’essence du droit à la liberté d’expression et devenir un prétexte pour élargir ses restrictions. Le champ d’application des dérogations à la liberté d’expression et d’information y compris, dans les situations exceptionnelles, doit se conformer à des principes basés sur le droit international, régional mais aussi sur les normes se rapportant à la protection des droits humains, en ce sens nous appelons ici à se référer aux principes de Johannesburg pour ainsi concilier entre Liberté et Sécurité.

Biographie Courte
Imen est doctorante en droit pénal international, a aussi travaillé sur les questions relatifs aux droits humains en tant qu’enseignante mais aussi en tant qu’activiste dans la société civile locale.  Elle est actuellement la coordinatrice des recherches et des analyses du bureau régional d’ARTICLE 19 basé en Tunisie, elle est chargé de la coordination des recherches et des analyses des textes juridiques et projets de loi des pays de la région MENA, avec le bureau international d’ARTICLE 19.


Le Qatar a besoin des BRICS


M. Hocine Aït Ahmed, le fameux leader du FNL algérien, ami du roi Faycal d'Arabie et du Raïs Abdel Nasser, luttait pour le mouvement des pays non-alignés.

Vu les graves risques de guerre, le Qatar et sa chaîne d'informations libres Al Jazeera ont besoin du soutien de tous les pays favorables à la paix, notamment des pays du BRICS


Brésil · Russie · Inde · Chine · Afrique du Sud


États membres[modifier | modifier le code]

Observateurs[modifier | modifier le code]


Qatar and Al Jazeera need the BRICS


Mr. Hocine Aït Ahmed, the famous algerian leader, friend of the King Faycal and of the Raïs Abdal Gamel Nasser, was for the non aligned countries.

We need his spirit ( now the BRICS ) for peace in Qatar and Al Jazeera.


Members, observers and guests[edit]

Current members[edit]

The following countries are members of the NAM, arranged by continent, showing their year of admission:[1][36]


Currently every African country (except the newly created South Sudan) is a member of the Non-Aligned Movement.
  1.  Algeria (1961)
  2.  Angola (1976)
  3.  Benin (1964)
  4.  Botswana (1970)
  5.  Burkina Faso (1973)
  6.  Burundi (1964)
  7.  Cameroon (1964)
  8.  Cape Verde (1976)
  9.  Central African Republic (1964)
  10.  Chad (1964)
  11.  Comoros (1976)
  12.  Democratic Republic of the Congo (1961)
  13.  Djibouti (1983)
  14.  Egypt (1961)
  15.  Equatorial Guinea (1970)
  16.  Eritrea (1995)
  17.  Ethiopia (1961)
  18.  Gabon (1970)
  19.  Gambia (1973)
  20.  Ghana (1961)
  21.  Guinea (1961)
  22.  Guinea-Bissau (1976)
  23.  Côte d'Ivoire (1973)
  24.  Kenya (1964)
  25.  Lesotho (1970)
  26.  Liberia (1964)
  27.  Libya (1964)
  28.  Madagascar (1973)
  29.  Malawi (1964)
  30.  Mali (1961)
  31.  Mauritania (1964)
  32.  Mauritius (1973)
  33.  Morocco (1961)
  34.  Mozambique (1976)
  35.  Namibia (1979)
  36.  Niger (1973)
  37.  Nigeria (1964)
  38.  Republic of the Congo (1964)
  39.  Rwanda (1970)
  40.  São Tomé and Príncipe (1976)
  41.  Senegal (1964)
  42.  Seychelles (1976)
  43.  Sierra Leone (1964)
  44.  Somalia (1961)
  45.  South Africa (1994)
  46.  Sudan (1961)
  47.  Swaziland (1970)
  48.  Tanzania (1964)
  49.  Togo (1964)
  50.  Tunisia (1961)
  51.  Uganda (1964)
  52.  Zambia (1964)
  53.  Zimbabwe (1979)


  1.  Antigua and Barbuda (2006)
  2.  Bahamas (1983)
  3.  Barbados (1983)
  4.  Belize (1976)
  5.  Bolivia (1979)
  6.  Chile (1973)
  7.  Colombia (1983)
  8.  Cuba (1961)
  9.  Dominica (2006)
  10.  Dominican Republic (2000)
  11.  Ecuador (1983)
  12.  Grenada (1979)
  13.  Guatemala (1993)
  14.  Guyana (1970)
  15.  Haiti (2006)
  16.  Honduras (1995)
  17.  Jamaica (1970)
  18.  Nicaragua (1979)
  19.  Panama (1976)
  20.  Peru (1973)
  21.  Saint Kitts and Nevis (2006)
  22.  Saint Lucia (1983)
  23.  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2003)
  24.  Suriname (1983)
  25.  Trinidad and Tobago (1970)
  26.  Venezuela (1989)


  1.  Afghanistan (1961)
  2.  Azerbaijan (2011)
  3.  Bahrain (1973)
  4.  Bangladesh (1973)
  5.  Bhutan (1973)
  6.  Brunei (1993)
  7.  Cambodia (1961)
  8.  India (1961)
  9.  Indonesia (1961)
  10.  Iran (1979)
  11.  Iraq (1961)
  12.  Jordan (1964)
  13.  Kuwait (1964)
  14.  Laos (1964)
  15.  Lebanon (1961)
  16.  Malaysia (1970)
  17.  Maldives (1976)
  18.  Mongolia (1993)
  19.  Myanmar (1961)
  20.    Nepal (1961)
  21.  North Korea (1976)
  22.  Oman (1973)
  23.  Pakistan (1979)
  24.  Palestine (1976)
  25.  Philippines (1993)
  26.  Qatar (1973)
  27.  Saudi Arabia (1961)
  28.  Singapore (1970)
  29.  Sri Lanka (1961)
  30.  Syria (1964)
  31.  Thailand (1993)
  32.  East Timor (2003)
  33.  Turkmenistan (1995)
  34.  United Arab Emirates (1970)
  35.  Uzbekistan (1993)
  36.  Vietnam (1976)
  37.  Yemen (1990) [38]


  1.  Belarus (1998)


  1.  Fiji (2011)
  2.  Papua New Guinea (1993)
  3.  Vanuatu (1983)

Former members[edit]

  1.  Cyprus (1961–2004)[39][40]
  2.  Malta (1973–2004)[40]
  3.  Yugoslavia (1961–1992)[9][41][42]


The following countries and organizations have observer status (2012):[1]




There is no permanent guest status,[44] but often several non-member countries are represented as guests at conferences. In addition, a large number of organisations, both from within the UN system and from outside, are always invited as guests.

M. Hocine Aït Ahmed, le fameux leader du FNL algérien, ami du roi Faycal d'Arabie et du Raïs Abdel Nasser, luttait pour le mouvement des pays non-alignés.

Vu les graves risques de guerre, le Qatar et sa chaîne d'informations libres Al Jazeera ont besoin du soutien de tous les pays favorables à la paix, notamment des pays du BRICS

Freedom of expression in Qatar


Benoît Ouellet from Canada.

François de Siebenthal from Switzerland

MM. Benoît Ouellet & François de Siebenthal, , are working in Doha, Qatar, during the meeting " freedom of expression" for the newspaper " www.Versdemain.org " and the institution  " Louis Even" based in Canada since 1939.
Our newspaper is published in 4 languages, ( French, English, Spanish and Polish )
We have more than 50'000 paying subscribers all over the world and millions of people connected in a way or an other.
Benoît Ouellet is working in Canada.
François de Siebenthal is based in Switzerland, in Lausanne near Geneva.
He is acting in all continents since years as a lecturer, formator, reporter and writer, researcher, and producer of films which can be seen on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion among others. 


Donner à chacun ce qui lui est dû par un dividende social à tous!

à faire circuler largement, merci, le monde est déjà meilleur grâce à ce simple geste de solidarité.

We demand press freedom

Dangers des franc-maçonneries et clubs services... Rotary, Lions Club, Kiwanis ...


M. Gerhard ULRICH fait la lumière sur le régime de l’oligarchie occulte de la franc-maçonnerie et de ses clubs de services (Rotary, Lions Club, Kiwanis, etc.), qui dirigent le système judicaire actuel et les pouvoirs politiques. Le citoyen qui passe à la moulinette de la machine judiciaire bien huilée, ressent instinctivement qu’il est Victime d’un complot. Mais il est incapable de le prouver, car le système cultive soigneusement la non transparence. Si une telle personne invoque l’aide des politiciens, on se débarrasse d’elle sous prétexte du dogme de la séparation des pouvoirs. Les dogmes ont toujours servi à asservir les peuples.L’auteur de ces révélations observe depuis 16 ans le dysfonctionnement judiciaire, archivant systématiquement les résultats dans sa base de données, devenue volumineuse. A l’opposé d’autres critiques du régime, il s’est montré jusqu’à présent prudent concernant ses attaques au sujet de la Franc-maçonnerie. Il était conscient que ses connaissances de ce qui se passe dans nos prétoires, étaient assez modestes. Cependant, la persévérance et un travail continu lui permettent aujourd’hui de rejoindre la position de Marc-Etienne BURDET sur le sujet.

Le dossier de la Victime Jacques ROMANENS démontre une fois de plus les conséquences des coups portés aux Victimes par les Francs-Maçons qui occupent les sièges du pouvoir judiciaire. Leur activité crasse en faveur de leurs “Frères” de Secte, contribue à mettre les justiciables dans des situations insoutenables. Pour les Victimes judiciaires, il est peine perdue de vouloir prouver à leurs bourreaux qu’elles sont dans leur bon droit... 

C’est seulement en démontrant à l’Opinion publique que les magistrats détracteurs sont indignes et ne sont pas légitimés à exercer leurs fonctions que les choses changeront ! Nous lançons un APPEL AU PEUPLE POUR METTRE FIN À CETTE TYRANNIE !

Dénonciation de la tentative de liquidation de Jacques ROMANENS

Jacques ROMANENS était atteint par des maladies rares qui le rendaient handicapé et vulnérable, exposé au risque de fausses routes. Selon sa volonté, il continuait à vivre chez lui, à Renens, en recevant des soins à domicile. Le 17 juin 2011, l’infirmière Augustine ANKER, av. de Montchosi 63, Lausanne, et l’aide-soignante Aurore BARBE du CMS Renens Nord, ont tenté de liquider ce patient encombrant par simulation de noyade. Il a miraculeusement survécu et pu témoigner et expliquer comment ces anges de la mort ont procédé. Elles ont bénéficié du soutien scandaleux de leur hiérarchie: Manon FAWER, directrice, ch. des Glycines 10, 1022 Chavannes-près-RenensFrancine JECKER, responsable du DSAS, Grand’Rue 3, 1162 St-Prex Karim BOUBAKER, médecin cantonal. Se servant d’une expertise de complaisance établie par le médecin légiste Patrice MANGIN, le «procureur» Pascal GILLIÉRON a débouté la plainte de Jacques ROMANENS par une ordonnance de classement, approuvée par le « Procureur général » Eric COTTIER, Av. de Jaman 11, Lausanne, en faveur d’ANKER. Cela dans le but d’éviter tout risque d’un débat public lors d’un procès. Les recours du plaignant furent enterrés par les «juges» cantonaux Bernard ABRECHT, r. du Vieux-Bourg 1, Cully, Joël KRIEGER, av. Gratta-Paille 11, Lausanne et Guillaume PERROT. Puis le « juge » fédéral Christian DENYS, ch. des Crêtes 2a, Lausanne, qui couvre déjà les nombreux cas de corruption vaudois, a épaulé ses complices vaudois. Les Conseillers d’Etat Pierre-Yves MAILLARD, r. du Lac 42, Renens et Béatrice MÉTRAUX, ch. du Ru 17, Bottens ont été mis au courant de cette tentative de liquidation. Tous deux se sont barricadés derrière la chimérique séparation des pouvoirs et sont ainsi devenus complices de tentative d’assassinat, aux dépens de Jacques ROMANENS. ...

Morts par euthanasies actives illégales de mes deux parents
Mes deux parents sont morts dans des circonstances très étranges. Le décès de mon père le le 5 février 2006 est vraiment suspect. Nous n'avons toujours pas reçu le rapport final de l'autopsie que nous attendons des autorités vaudoises depuis le mois de février 2006 qui a été demandé plusieurs fois sur recommandation du médecin qui a trouvé louche ce décès au milieu de la nuit et les deux médicaments antagonistes.
Hospitalisé au CHUV pour un très grave refroidissement sur demande d'un médecin, il est renvoyé quelques heures plus tard dans une ambulance glaciale à St Loup, hospitalisé loin des siens pour des motifs sordides et faux d'économies, vu les pressions des banques et de leurs bénéfices honteux par de la « création » monétaire du néant, qui violent la morale…( voir la démonstration ci-dessous ). Il est alors « parqué » dans une chambre d'angle et au coin Nord glaciale, fenêtre presque toujours ouverte et sans chauffage. Il lui était impossible de dormir tellement il avait froid. Le chauffage n'est ouvert que 3 jours plus tard (témoin externe à la famille).
On lui fait une interdiction d'employer des plantes qu’il utilisait depuis des mois avec succès (notamment. l'épilobe). Vu le froid, il s'infecte et il est opéré en urgence pour vider la vessie d'un drain qui reste extérieur et ouvert jusqu'à sa mort, porte ouverte aux infections.
Il est à nouveau infecté et transféré à Béthanie qui n'est pas un hôpital où il subit un traitement tardif de cette infection avec forte fièvre seulement sur ma demande insistante.
Nouveau transfert sans nous consulter à Sylvana d'un vieux Monsieur qui n'aime pas être transbahuté comme un colis au plus froid de l'hiver, tout ceci à quelques jours d'intervalles, et voici un décès très suspect vu l'administration de médicaments contradictoires ( notamment par un fort diurétique et une forte hausse de tension provoquée par un autre produit) et la visite d'une femme docteur qui insistait fortement et longuement pour faire de l'euthanasie active.
Il faut rappeler que tout ceci se déroule lors d' une élection où mon père était candidat aux élections.
Sans oublier d'autres faits troublants, concernant notre mère, qui a subi de graves mauvais traitements, avec notamment un bras cassé à l'EMS de Mont-Calme, l'ingestion de médicaments douteux et un quasi emprisonnement à l'Orme.
En effet, elle est entrée dans cet établissement en sachant marcher, et j'ai découvert de retour d'un voyage qu'elle y a été ligotée sur son lit ou sur sa chaise et en est ressortie quelques semaines plus tard impotente, avec des cloques et des esquarres…
On peut se demander si la pire conséquence ne serait pas une maladie dite d'Alzheimer. Celle-ci s'est aggravée par un traitement indélicat d'un dentiste ..., M. X..., soit une narcose avec ablation totale des dents, en profitant de l'état de faiblesse de notre mère.
Puis, par un grave accident sur la paroisse du St Rédempteur, dû à une mauvaise construction et conception d'un escalier toujours sans rambarde, qui a motivé à nouveau une narcose dommageable au cerveau de notre mère. L’escalier sur le côté de l'Église de la paroisse du St Rédempteur est toujours sans rambarde pour économiser…
Et voici que l'EMS arrête totalement de la nourrir sur ordre de la direction pendant les fêtes de Noël, sans rien nous demander car en restrictions de personnel...et elle meurt le 3 janvier…

Quatar demands press freedom





On the table, our presents to the Emir, most of our documents and books in arabic, english and french, plus a nice crucifix and a personal letter.

On the table, our presents to the Emir, most of our documents and books in arabic, english and french, plus a nice crucifix

Doha, stop aux censures.


Sur la table, dans le sac, nos cadeaux pour l’Émir, notamment un grand Crucifix et la plupart de nos documents en trois exemplaires, en arabe, anglais, et français offerts grâce à nos milliers de donateurs anonymes.

MM. Benoît Ouellet et François de Siebenthal sur de nombreuses chaînes mondiales, dont Al Jazeera

www.versdemain.org Doha, Quatar, Ritz Hotel

Conséquences de la censure

La censure de l’Internet viole les Droits constitutionnels des Citoyens, l’accès au savoir, à la culture et au Droit fondamental à l’information.Malgré ce droit à l’information garanti par l’article 19 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de la personne, le nombre des pays qui emploient des mesures de censure sur Internet n’a pas cessé d’augmenter au cours des quelques dernières années. Alors les techniques et outils de contournement créés, déployés et distribués par des activistes, des programmeurs et des bénévoles un peu partout dans le monde, sont de plus en plus répandus.
Raisons de la censure

Elle peut être mise en place par le fournisseur d'accès à internet (FAI) pour des raisons économiques ou sur injonction d'une autorité arbitraire qui agit en fonction de conflits d’intérêts.

Comment se pratique la censure

Pour bloquer un site, l'intermédiaire technique (le FAI) envoie des données mensongères en réponse aux requêtes de l'internaute. C'est une atteinte à la neutralité du réseau.

Keep Al Jazeera free


Rights groups 'condemn' demand to close down Al Jazeera 

  • A number of international, regional and national rights organisations "unequivocally" condemned the Saudi-led group's demand to close Al Jazeera and other media outlets that Qatar allegedly funds. 
  • The group made the statement on Tuesday at a conference organised by Qatar's National Human Rights Committee in Doha. 
  • The organisations also expressed their "total solidarity with journalists and other media and ancillary works at Al Jazeera and other targeted media". 

The latest developments since several countries, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, cut ties with Qatar on June 5. (All times local Doha time).

10:10am - 'Differing views over future of Arab people at heart of Gulf crisis'

  • The differences between how Qatar and the Saudi-led bloc view the future of the Arab people is at the heart of the Gulf crisis, a senior Qatari official said on Friday.
  • Fahad bin Mohammed Al Attiyah, Qatar’s ambassador to Russia, told a radio station in Moscow that his country supported the Arab people’s aspirations in the wake of uprisings that began in Tunisia in 2010, Qatar News Agency reported.
  • Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, however, chose to go against that current, he said, adding that the four states wanted Qatar to punish those who oppose their governments and brand them terrorists.
  • "This in itself is terrorism," he said. "The siege countries are trying to reproduce the regimes that produced terrorism, and they want to convince us that these regimes will fight terrorism."

2:00am - Arab states to meet in Bahrain on Saturday

  • Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will meet in Manama on Saturday to discuss the latest developments on their blockade of Qatar, Egypt's foreign ministry said on Friday.
  • In the two-day meeting, the four countries will press Qatar to comply with their demands, which include stopping alleged interference in their internal affairs, the Egyptian statement said.

11:15am - Qatar refuses to 'outsource foreign policy' 

  • Qatar said it refuses to bow to Saudi-led demands to "outsource" its foreign policy to resolve the Gulf crisis.
  • Government spokesman Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed Al-Thani told AFP in an interview that Qatar's sovereignty and independence is behind the dispute.
  • "It (the crisis) is about... outsourcing our foreign policy so that decisions are not made in Qatar, and that is something that will never be acceptable," he said.

12:05am - Qatar says UN should play role in resolving Gulf crisis  

  • Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani called on the UN to help resolve the Gulf crisis, adding that the Saudi-led group blockading Qatar has violated international law. 
  • Speaking after a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the foreign minister said that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are showing "stubbornness" and have not taken any steps to solve the crisis. 
  • He vowed that Qatar will spare no effort to overcome what he called "violations" and said "the United Nations is the right platform to start from". 

11:35am - UAE asks banks to freeze accounts of those named on Qatar-linked blacklist 

  • The United Arab Emirates' central bank has asked all banks to stop dealing with the 18 individuals and entities added to a Qatar-linked blacklist, the state news agency WAM reported on Wednesday. 
  • The move makes it the first financial watchdog in the Gulf to act on the new blacklist, with regulators in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt likely to follow.  
  • In a circular, the UAE watchdog asked banks and financial institutions to "start immediate search for and freezing of all bank accounts, investments, and deposits that may be held by any individual or entity" included on the July 25 list.

2:45am - Qatar's FM says blockading states are ignoring US calls to end Gulf crisis

  • Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani is in Washington DC for talks with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
  • "It was noticed that the blockade states did not react to the suggestions made by the US Secretary of State," said Mohammed bin Abdulrahman after a meeting on Wednesday. 
  • The Qatari foreign minister added that Qatar had dealt with US advice in a "positive and constructive way".
  • "In addition, we discussed our bilateral relations and the memorandum of understanding on fighting terrorism that we signed and the measures we took regarding it," said Mohammed bin Abdulrahman.

1:00pm - Qatar says new Saudi bloc blacklist 'disappointing'

  • Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed Al Thani, Qatar’s communications director, said the decision by four Arab states to add 18 groups and individuals allegedly linked to Doha to their "terrorist" list has no basis in fact. 
  • "It comes as a disappointing surprise that the blockading countries are still pursuing this story as part of their smear campaign against Qatar," he said in a statement on Wednesday. 
  • "This latest list provides further evidence that the blockading countries are not committed to the fight against terrorism," he said, adding: "All individuals with links to terrorism in Qatar have been prosecuted."

9:55am - Qatar reiterates support for 'peaceful means' to settle disputes 

  • Qatar said it remains committed to settling international disputes through peaceful means despite a unilateral blockade imposed against the Gulf nation by its Arab neighbours.
  • Speaking at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Sheikha Alia Ahmed bin Saif Al Thani, Qatar’s envoy to the UN, said her government supports global efforts at ensuring peace and security, as well as international and bilateral efforts to combat terrorism.
  • She also praised Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s mediatory efforts at resolving the diplomatic crisis in the Gulf. 

4:05am - Qatari FM's US visit aims to inform politicians about impacts of the crisis

  • Qatar's Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said on Wednesday that his current visit to Washington is part of the follow-up efforts exerted by the State of Kuwait in partnership with the United States to reach a diplomatic solution to the Qatar-Gulf crisis.
  • In an interview with Al Jazeera, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman said that "this visit is also aimed at informing politicians, senators and MPs in the United States about the negative impacts of this crisis on the region".
  • The Foreign Minister said that "the US position demanded, since the outbreak of the crisis, the rapid lifting of the unjust siege against Qatar ... but the contradictory statements of the siege countries prevented this to happen."

3:25am - Qatari compensation committee receives nearly 3,000 claims

  • The Qatari Compensation Claims Committee has received 2,945 individual cases from the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC), reported the Qatar News Agency on Wednesday.
  • Ahmed bin Hassan Al-Hammadi - Secretary-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of the claims committee - told Al Jazeera that the committee receives about 100-160 complaints and 60 calls a day.
  • The Compensation Claims Committee was formed on July 9 to consider citizen compensation or bring cases to the competent domestic and international courts related to the blockade.
  • The compensation committee was divided into three sections, said Al-Hammadi: the first is to examine citizens' complaints about violations of human rights or individual damage; and the second for traders who were affected by the closure of land, sea and air borders; and third of government institutions affected by the blockade such as the Ministry of Economy and Qatari Aviation.

10:45pm - Lebanon's PM: Dialogue is the best way to resolve the Gulf crisis

  • Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri has said that dialogue was the best way to improve ties between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
  • "I think there is an effort by the Kuwaitis [to resolve the crisis]... I think that they made some progress. We believe that the dialogue is the best way in improving the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Qatar," he told reporters on Tuesday at a joint press conference with US President Donald Trump at the White House.
  • "I believe that maybe the United States could also help in solving this issue in the Gulf," he added.

10pm - Qatar's FM: The quartet undermines mediation efforts

  • Qatar's foreign minister has criticised Saudi Arabia and three other blockading countries for actions which he said were undermining mediation efforts backed by the US.
  • "We see there is a negative behaviour aimed at influencing the mediation, either through statements or through (media) leaks which they launch at critical moments," Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani told Al Jazeera late on Tuesday.
  • He reiterated the Qatari position that Doha was ready for dialogue on a range of issues of concern but that it would not negotiate over topics to do with internal affairs and that the boycott against it must be lifted.

5:40pm - Egypt: No compromise in dispute with Qatar

  • Egypt has said that the four Arab states would accept no compromise in their dispute with Qatar over allegations that Doha supports "terrorism".
  • Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, speaking after talks with warned the European Union diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini in Brussels on Tuesday, said Qatar must accept in full the demands by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  • "It is not an issue of compromise, we cannot compromise with any form of terrorism, we cannot compromise or enter into any form of negotiations," Shoukry told a press conference.
  • "It is only once the necessary measures are undertaken by Qatar, that goes towards truly accepting to be a partner in the fight against terrorism, that this crisis will be resolved," he said.

4:25pm - Erdogan: Gulf tour was 'productive and successful'

  • Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday described his two-day trip to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar to deal with the Gulf crisis as "productive and successful".
  • He told lawmakers from his ruling AK Party at a parliamentary meeting: "The contacts we have made during this visit have been useful, and we will continue our efforts for the stability and peace of the region with increasing determination."

2:15pm - Rights groups 'condemn' demand to close down Al Jazeera 

  • A number of international, regional and national rights organisations "unequivocally" condemned the Saudi-led group's demand to close Al Jazeera and other media outlets that Qatar allegedly funds. 
  • The group made the statement on Tuesday at a conference organised by Qatar's National Human Rights Committee in Doha. 
  • The organisations also expressed their "total solidarity with journalists and other media and ancillary works at Al Jazeera and other targeted media". 

1:30pm - Qatar: 'Lifting siege comes before dialogue'

  • Qatar's Defense Minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah says the blockade imposed on his country by four Arab states must be lifted before engaging in any dialogue with its neighbours.
  • "Lifting the siege should precede any dialogue," al-Attiyah said in an interview with Russia Today, excerpts of which was published by Qatar's official news agency on Tuesday.
  • "If the blockade countries remain reluctant to lift the siege, Qatar will be compelled to resort to the available international legal procedures to lift it," he said.

1:15pm - Saudi-led states blacklist 18 individuals and groups

  • Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have added 18 individuals and groups to its so-called "terror list", according to state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
  • The new entrants include entities from Libya and Yemen and individuals from Qatar, Yemen and Kuwait who the Arab states say have direct and indirect links to Qatari authorities, a joint statement by the Saudi-led group said, according to SPA.

1:05pm - Saudi lobby pays $138,000 for anti-Qatar ads in the US

  • A Saudi lobby in the US has launched a television advertisement campaign against Qatar, contracts reviewed by Al Jazeera show, with $138,000 spent on seven, 30-second TV spots.
  • The TV spots have been purchased by the Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee (SAPRAC).

3:15am - Qatar's defence minister praises Russia

  • Qatar's Minister of State for Defence Affairs Dr Khalid bin Mohammad Al Attiyah on Monday praised Russia's clear position that supports lifting the unjust siege imposed on the Gulf nation.
  • Al Attiyah said in an interview with Russian news channel RT that the speech of the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani was clear and comprehensive, laying a road map and telling the truth that many of the peoples knew but that some parties refuse to understand.
  • He noted that the Emir intended to deliver a speech to the Qatari people and residents since the beginning of the crisis but opted to delay the speech to a suitable time in response to the request of Emir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah, who has led the mediation efforts to end the crisis. 

10:15pm - UN praises Qatar's call for dialogue

  • UN's Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed on Monday the call for dialogue Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to resolve the Gulf crisis.
  • Guterres encouraged all parties to enter a negotiation to lift the blockade imposed on Qatar and seek an acceptable solution for all parties regarding the crisis.
  • He also praised the mediation efforts of Kuwait, expressing his hope that these efforts will continue.

8:20pm - Erdogan departs from Doha after talks

  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left Doha late on Monday after meeting with Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

8:15pm - Lavrov: Russia ready to help mediate in Gulf crisis

  • Russia is ready to help mediate in the dispute between Qatar and four other Arab states if approached, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview released on Monday.
  • "We are interested in this crisis being overcome, taking into account mutual concerns and finding solutions which will be acceptable for all participants of this process," Lavrov told Kurdish television channel Rudaw, according to a transcript of the interview published on the foreign ministry's website.
  • "We support the mediating efforts which are being made by the Emir of Kuwait... If as part of those efforts or in addition to them all sides think that Russia could also do something useful, we will be ready to respond to such appeals," Lavrov said, according to the transcript.

6:30pm - Qatar's Emir and Erdogan discuss Gulf crisis

  • Qatar and Turkey have discussed the Gulf crisis and efforts being exerted to defuse the dispute between Doha and a group of Saudi-led Arab states through dialogue and diplomatic means.
  • This came during a meeting between Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Doha on Monday.
  • The two sides praised Kuwait mediation to end the row. Erdogan is on a Gulf tour that took him to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
  • The two leaders also discussed Qatar-Turkey joint efforts in the fight against "terrorism and extremism", according to Qatar's state news agency.

2:25pm - Saudi Arabia allows access to pilgrims from Qatar 

  • Saudi Arabia has allowed access to pilgrims from neighbouring Qatar aboard all flights other than Qatar Airways, Qatar's national carrier.
  • "Pilgrims from Qatar who have Hajj permits ... can come directly from Doha or through any other transit place,” the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) said in a statement cited by the official SPA news agency on Sunday.

10:55pm - Qatar-based websites were briefly unblocked in Saudi Arabia

  • A Saudi official announced on his Twitter account early on Monday that Qatar-based websites were unblocked in the country because of a technical issue and they will be blocked again in a few hours, according to Turkey's Anadolu agency.
  • Saud al-Qahtani, a Saudi royal court adviser, was apparently referring to Al Jazeera and beIN Sports that have been blocked in the country since the beginning of the Gulf crisis.
  • There was no official statement on the issue.

11:30pm - Erdogan meets with Kuwait's Emir

  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has held a meeting with Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah at Dar Salwa Palace which lasted an hour.

8pm - Erdogan heads to Kuwait

  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has left Saudi Arabia for Kuwait, the mediator in the Gulf crisis.
  • He will meet with Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah later on Sunday.
  • Erdogan is accompanied by Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak, Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli, Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar, and National Intelligence Organisation (MIT) head Hakan Fidan.

7:20pm - Mogherini urges talks to resolve Gulf crisis

  • Federica Mogherini, the European Union foreign affairs chief, on Sunday called for swift direct talks to resolve the Gulf crisis.
  • Her remark came in a statement after she met Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah and expressed EU support for Kuwait's "relentless mediation efforts" in the dispute.
  • Mogherini called on "all the parties to enter into negotiations to agree clear principles and a roadmap for a swift resolution of the crisis".
  • She said the EU was ready to support the process of negotiations and assist in the implementation of a plan for the resolution of the crisis, in particular in the area of counterterrorism.

7:10pm - Alliance for Freedom and Dignity probes Qatar blockade

  • A European human rights organisation has called on Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain to end their blockade against Qatar and help alleviate the suffering of citizens on disputing sides.
  • A 16-member delegation from the Brussels-based Alliance for Freedom and Dignity, AFD, travelled to Doha to investigate and document the humanitarian impact on ordinary citizens resulting from the blockade imposed on Qatar on June 5.

6:45pm - UK welcomes Qatar's call for Gulf crisis talks

  • Britain's government has praised Qatari Emir's willingness for dialogue to resolve the ongoing diplomatic dispute with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. 
  • "I welcome the Emir of Qatar's commitment to combat terrorism in all its manifestations, including terrorist financing," Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said in a statemen on Sunday.
  • "The Emir also pledged to resolve the remaining differences with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain through dialogue, negotiation, and Kuwaiti mediation. These steps will help to resolve the dispute," Johnson added.

5:55pm - Erdogan meets Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince

  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Saudi Arabia's King Salman  and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman separately on Sunday in the Saudi city of Jeddah on the first leg of his Gulf tour, which will also include Kuwait and Qatar.

4:30pm - US army commander meets Qatar's Emir in Doha

  • Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani met with General Joseph Leonard Votel, commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM), on Sunday in Doha.
  • According to Qatar's state news agency, they discussed the ways of increasing their defence cooperation and reviewed joint operations between Qatar and the US in combating terrorism.
  • General Votel thanked Sheikh Tamim's pivotal role in this field.

1:35pm - EU foreign policy chief visits Kuwait

  • Federica Mogherini has arrived in Kuwait as part of efforts to resolve the Gulf crisis. 
  • She met Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah and other officials on Sunday.

10:35am - Erdogan: Prolonging Gulf crisis 'not in anyone's interest'

  • Prolonging the crisis in the Gulf is not in the interest of anyone, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said as he embarked on a visit to the region.
  • "No-one has any interest in prolonging this crisis any more," the president said before leaving Istanbul airport. He accused "enemies" of seeking to "fire up tensions between brothers".

9:30pm - UAE: No dialogue with Qatar until it revises policies

  • Anwar Gargash, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates, said a call for dialogue by Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was welcome, but it could only happen after Doha had made changes in its policies. He did not specify the required changes.
  • "Dialogue is necessary and needed but its backbone has to be revision," Gargash said on his Twitter account.
  • He expressed disappointment with by Sheikh Tamim's Friday speech: "I had hoped that the speech of Sheikh Tamim would be an initiative for revision."

5:30pm - Qatar's BeIN sports network back on air in UAE

  • Qatar's BeIN sports satelite network was broadcasting again on Saturday in the United Arab Emirates, according to subscribers to its channels which have been blocked since the start of a Gulf crisis.
  • "We are again receiving the network of BeIN sports channels, distributed by Du," one of two telecommunications companies in the Emirates, one customer told AFP news agency.
  • Etisalat, a UAE-based telecommunications giant, had also reinstated BeIN sports, according to several subscribers to its channels. Customers were informed of the move in an email from Etisalat.
  • "We would like to advise that starting 22 July 2017 the BeIN package will be available to customers and normal charges will apply," the message said. "The provision of the BeIN package will be subject to an ongoing review."

03:10am - Key points of Qatari Emir's speech

  • The spirit of solidarity, harmony and defiance that had prevailed in the people of Qatar frustrated the hopes of those who banked on the opposite.
  • Qatar is fighting terrorism, relentlessly and without compromises and the international community recognises this.
  • Differences are resolved through dialogue and negotiation and we should not burden civilians with political differences.
  • We are opening our economy to initiatives, investments, production of food, medicine and ultimately to diversify our source of income.
  • We are open to dialogue to find solutions to lingering problems, within the framework of respect for the sovereignty and will of each state as mutual undertakings and joint commitments binding all.

12:41am - Turkish President to embark on a two-day Gulf tour

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan will embark on a two-day Gulf tour starting on Sunday as part of his efforts to resolve the crisis in the region.
  • His first stop will be in the Saudi port city of Jeddah, during which he will meet Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.
  • Erdogan will then depart for Kuwait to meet Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, who has led mediation efforts to resolve the crisis. His next stop will be Doha, where he will meet the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

10:15pm - Emir Sheikh Tamim denounces "smearing" of Qatar 

  • Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has denounced the "malicious smearing campaign" directed against the country in his first address following the blockade. 
  • Sheikh Tamim said Qatar and its people "rose spontaneously defending the sovereignty and independence of the country."

05:20pm - Tillerson hopes Qatar blockade will be lifted 

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has renewed his call on Arab states to lift the blockade on Qatar, saying the US is satisfied with Doha's efforts to implement an agreement aimed at combating terror financing. 
  • "They have been very aggressive in implementing that agreement, so I think we're satisfied with the effort they're putting forth," Tillerson told reporters just before meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah at the State Department on Friday.

04:50pm - UAE welcomes Qatar's move to amend anti-terror laws 

  • The United Arab Emirates on Friday welcomed Qatar's decision to amend its anti-terrorism laws, in one of the first positive signs since sanctions were imposed on Doha in June. 
  • "The Qatari decree to amend the anti-terrorism law is a positive step to deal seriously with the 59 terrorists," UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Twitter. 
  • Gargash also said the countries’ concerns about Qatar’s relationship with Iran had eased since Kuwait ordered the expulsion of Iranian diplomats for alleged links to a "spy and terror" cell on Thursday. 

04:33pm - Erdogan says Turkey will try to solve GCC crisis 

  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would do his best to solve problems between the "brothers of the Gulf region" as he prepared to visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar on July 23-24. 
  • Erdogan has been a staunch ally of Qatar in its dispute with its neighbours. He has criticised a list of demands by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to end sanctions they imposed on Doha. 
  • In a speech in Istanbul, Erdogan said the political problems were temporary and he called on Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other Gulf states to invest in Turkey

10:45am - China urges Gulf crisis talks after Qatar FM visit 

  • China's foreign minister has called on Doha and the four Arab countries blockading Qatar to resolve their differences through talks within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), according to Chinese state media. 
  • Wang Yi made the remarks after meeting his Qatari counterpart in Beijing on Thursday, a day after he held talks with a top UAE official. 
  • "All sides should continue restraint and conduct face-to-face talks as soon as possible, so as to avoid escalation of the situation, send out a positive signal in addressing the crisis through political and diplomatic means, and reassure the role of the GCC," Wang said. 

2:40am - Qatar's Emir orders changes to law combating terrorism

  • Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has issued a decree amending some provisions of a law on "combating terrorism", the state news agency reported.
  • The decree issued on Thursday included definitions for the terms "terrorist", "crime", "terrorist acts", "terrorist entities", "the freezing of funds" and the "financing of terrorism", according to the Qatar News Agency.
  • Meanwhile at the United Nations, Qatar's UN ambassador, Alya Ahmed Saif Al Thani, rejected the "baseless accusations" made by Egyptian Deputy UN Ambassador Ihab Awad Moustafa against Doha.
  • Earlier on Thursday, Moustafa told the UN Security Council that Qatar is adopting a "pro-terrorist" policy that violated UN council resolutions, and said it is "shameful" that the 15-member body had not held Qatar accountable.

1am - Qatar says cyberattack 'originated from the UAE'

  • Qatar's Ministry of Interior say experts now have evidence showing that the cyberattack on the country's official media originated from the United Arab Emirates.
  • During a news conference in Doha on Thursday, officials said the planning for the hacking of Qatar News Agency (QNA) started as early as April.
  • Investigators also reportedly traced the IP (internet protocol) address linked to the hacking to the UAE. Officials said the case has been referred to prosecutors.
  • The UAE denies the allegations.

6:10pm - Qatar presents more evidence of hacking

  • Qatar has presented on Thursday new evidence and technical details "confirming direct contact" from one of the blockading countries, leading to the hacking of the country's official media.
  • Qatar's Ministry of Interior said the hackers obtained addresses, passwords and emails of state media staff, using them to carry out the attack against Qatar News Agency and its related media accounts. 

1:00pm - Qatar FM to meet Chinese counterpart 

  • Qatar's foreign minister is visiting Beijing a day after his Chinese counterpart told a top UAE official that China hoped the rift between the Gulf countries could be repaired.
  • Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani is expected to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, according to China's foreign ministry.  

9:50am - Qatar to release report on the hacking of Qatar News Agency

  • Qatar's Ministry of Interior is set to release a report on Thursday on the hacking of its official Qatar News Agency and government social media accounts. 

4:25am - Turkish Deputy PM urges Saudi Arabia to drop demands against Qatar

  • Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus called on Saudi Arabia to drop 13 demands it and other Arab states had made of Qatar, saying they represent an infringement on its sovereignty.
  • Speaking in an interview with the Qatar-based Al Jazeera broadcast on Wednesday, Kurtulmus also said: "The UAE must show a stand that is in favour of peace and a settlement and this is in its interest too, otherwise every conflict breeds conflict and no one knows the outcome."
  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar on July 23-24 as part of efforts to resolve the crisis.
  • Kurtulmus also said Turkey had no plans to shut its military base in Qatar, where a fresh contingent of troops arrived on Wednesday, saying it was not aimed against any of Qatar's neighbours.
  • He also said that Turkey and Qatar were planning to conduct military exercises in coming days and that US forces may join in the exercises.

3:30am - US praises Qatar's role in fight against 'terrorism'

  • The US State Department praised Qatar's "strong partnership" in the fight against "terrorism" in its annual "Country Reports on Terrorism" released on Wednesday.
  • The State Department said Doha had "maintained a strong partnership in the fight against terrorism in 2016 and collaborated to foster closer regional and international cooperation on counterterrorism, law enforcement and rule of law activities".
  • Qatar, it added, has made "significant progress" in combatting terrorist financing but "terrorist financiers within the country are still able to exploit Qatar's informal financial system".
  • The Saudi-led group blockading Qatar accuse it of funding "terrorism", an accusation Doha rejects as "baseless".
  • The State Department also said that individuals and "entities" in Saudi Arabia had been channelling money out of the country to "terrorist" organisations but that: "Saudi Arabia continued to maintain a strong counterterrorism relationship with the United States".
  • The report also mentioned that individuals have made use of the UAE as a financial hub to funnel money out of the country to "terrorist" groups, but that the UAE had increased its counterterrorism prosecutions.

11:15pm - Gulf's reputation as haven of business stability 'in jeopardy', reports FT

  • Most Gulf nationals cannot now travel to or from Qatar; breaking up families and business ties, and dealing a blow to cross-border investments, reported the Financial Times on Wednesday.
  • Businesses say the embargo is causing uncertainty and confusion, and pushing up costs.
  • Contractors are shifting supply chains from the UAE to Oman, which has remained neutral in the dispute - although many can still move materials from the UAE to Qatar, albeit with extra precautions.
  • "The crisis has encouraged companies to think about restructuring to keep UAE and Qatar operations separate," says one diplomat.
  • Qatari businesses are having to seek alternative sources for some building materials such as aggregate.
  • Mohammed Saleh's business distributes building materials across the region - the crisis left Qatar-bound cargo stranded in Dubai. He had to take out a loan to pay his supplier, and lost £30,000: "One minute we are doing business with Qatar, the next we are told we are doing business with terrorist financiers," he said. "It's all so confusing."

10:55pm - Qatar faults 'disorganised' conduct by Saudi-led group

  • A government official in Qatar has called the Saudi-led group's conduct "dangerous" and "disorganised" after the four Arab nations modified their demands.
  • Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain called on Qatar on Wednesday to commit to six principles on combatting terrorism, instead of the 13 demands they had initially made.
  • Sheikh Saif Al Thani, director of Qatar's government communications office, told the Associated Press news agency that the new demands are "another example of the dangerous and disorganised manner in which the illegal blockade has been conducted". 
  • The four countries have regularly issued "conflicting statements and arguments," he said.

7:55pm - Qatar Hajj pilgrims facing 'obstacles' 

  • The head of Qatar's National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) said the Saudi government was putting obstacles against Qatari citizens who wished to perform the annual Hajj or Pilgrimage. 
  • Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri said Saudi Arabia is "inciting" its citizens against Qataris. He also said that Gulf states are rebuffing Qatar's bid to ease humanitarian impact of the blockade. 

5:05pm - Qatar business lobby to assess blockade losses

  • The Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry has asked local companies to report any loss of earnings caused by the Saudi-led blockade of Doha. 
  • The business lobby said it would use the information "to take appropriate legal measures" to limit damage, and to help companies claim compensation for any losses. 

6:45am - Saudi-led group urges Qatar to accept six 'principles'

  • Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE are urging Qatar to commit to six 'principles' on combating "extremism" and "terrorism", and to negotiate a plan with specific measures to implement them. 
  • Abdallah al-Mouallimi, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the UN, told reporters on Tuesday that the four countries are now committed to the six principles agreed on by their foreign ministers at a July 5 meeting in Cairo. 
  • Six 'principles': 
  • Commitment to combat extremism and terrorism in all their forms and to prevent their financing or providing havens.
  • Suspending all acts of provocation and speeches inciting hatred or violence.
  • Full compliance with the Riyadh Agreement of 2013 and the supplementary agreement and its implementation mechanisms of 2014 within the framework of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
  • Adherence to all the outcomes of the Arab Islamic American Summit held in May 2017 in Riyadh.
  • Refraining from interfering in the internal affairs of states and from supporting illegal entities.
  • The responsibility of all states of the international community to confront all forms of extremism and terrorism as a threat to international peace and security.
  • Mouallimi also said that the four Arab states believe that stopping incitement to violence is essential, but he said closing Al Jazeera might not be necessary.
  • "If the only way to achieve that is by closing down Al Jazeera, fine," he said. "If we can achieve that without closing down Al Jazeera, that's also fine. The important thing is the objective and the principle involved."

6:30am - Qatar FM meets with Pakistan PM over Gulf crisis 

  • Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has expressed his support for the "efforts in finding a solution to the current crisis in the Gulf", his office said on Monday. 
  • Sharif met with Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani in Islamabad on Monday to discuss the rift between Doha and four other Arab states. 

4:30am - Another US media outlet reports that the UAE played a role in Qatar hacking

  • Another US media organisation is reporting the United Arab Emirates played a role in the hacking of Qatar's state news agency. The hack led to fake news being posted about the Qatari Emir.
  • NBC News has cited multiple US intelligence sources confirming a Washington Post article alleging the UAE was behind the attack.
  • The UAE denies involvement.

08:15pm - Qatar weighs seeking damages over Gulf blockade

  • Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, Qatar's economy minister, met on Tuesday with the heads of international trade organisations in Geneva to discuss the compensation.
  • Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah, Qatar's defence minister, also said the country may even go to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, in The Hague. 
  • Qatar has contracted a specialised legal team to study the actions taken by the blockading countries against it, according to a statement from the economy ministry.

06:15pm - Iran FM Zarif says Gulf divisions slowing ISIL fight

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said divisions in the Gulf region are slowing down the fight against groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).
  • Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Zarif also expressed hope that Iran and Saudi Arabia could one day set aside their difference and work together to end the war in Yemen. 
  • "Iran is a serious partner for all these countries in fighting our common enemy, because we believe at the end of the day, these extremist forces are as much as threat against us, but even more a threat against them," Zarif said.

04:35pm - FIFA: No effort to take away 2022 World Cup

  • The international football federation has denied reports that there is an effort to strip Qatar of the 2022 World Cup.
  • In a statement to Al Jazeera, FIFA said: "The FIFA President has never received such a letter and subsequently has not made any comment on that." 
  • Reuters earlier reported that a group of Arab nations have asked FIFA to take action against Qatar. The website designed to look like a Swiss news publication turned out to be fake and Reuters withdrew the story.

9:50am - Turkey's Erdogan to visit Gulf next week

  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar on July 24-25, the president's office said. 

9:45am - Al Jazeera: 'Business as normal' despite Gulf crisis

  • Giles Trendle, the acting general manager of Al Jazeera's English-language service, said the channel is not going anywhere despite demands by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to close it down. 
  • "Obviously it's an unusual situation but it's business as normal ... we're just getting on with our jobs," Trendle said at London's iconic Frontline Club on Monday. 

8:05am - Qatar: No right to ask for closing Turkish base

  • Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah, Qatar's defence minister, said no country has the right to call for the closure of the Turkish base in Doha.
  • In an interview with TRT, al-Attiyah said everyone knew about the Turkish base in Qatar a long time ago.
  • "Unfortunately, we did not choose the time to attack, besiege and boycott Qatar," he said. 
  • The Saudi-led group "did choose the time so they cannot come and ask us to close a base where everybody knows about it from a long time back and this is considered a relation between two sovereign state countries".

5am - Iran FM: Gulf dispute hampering fight against 'terrorism'

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said divisions in the Gulf region are hampering the fight against what he called "terrorism".
  • While speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, he also expressed hope that Iran and Saudi Arabia could one day work together to end the war in Yemen. 

10:20pm - Egypt ends visa-free entry for Qatari citizens

  • Egypt's foreign ministry has announced the end of visa-free entry for Qataris - the latest measure taken against Doha in the Gulf crisis.
  • Qatari nationals will now have to apply for a visa in order to enter Egypt, the ministry said on Monday.
  • "It does not make sense to keep making exceptions for Qatar and giving it privileges in light of its current positions," said Ahmed Abu Zeid, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman. 
  • The restriction will not affect spouses and children of Egyptian nationals, as well as Qatari nationals who are studying at Egyptian public universities, Abu Zeid said.

9:20pm - Libya's UN-backed leader: Solving Gulf crisis will benefit Libya

  • Fayez Sarraj, the head of Libya's UN-backed government, told Russia's Sputnik that resolution of the Gulf crisis would "positively impact the situation in Libya" as the disputing countries have ties with rival forces in his country.
  • He said he hoped that "this situation between the Arab brothers will be resolved, the crisis will end, and inter-Arab reconciliation will replace it again".

9:05pm - Egypt tells Kuwait it will keep sanctions against Doha

  • Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has told his Kuwait counterpart that Egypt is standing by the list of demands it and three other Arab states made of Qatar and will keep sanctions against Doha in place until the demands are met.
  • Ahmed Abu Zeid, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman, said in a statement that the stance comes "in light of what the quartet states see as Qatar's stalling and procrastination, and lack of concern for the concerns of the four states".
  • Kuwait's FM Sheikh Sabah al-Khalid al-Sabah met Shoukry and President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi in Cairo on Monday.
  • Sisi told Sabah he appreciated what Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah was doing to preserve Arab unity but that Egypt would not let anyone interfere in its affairs and would stand strong against policies that support terrorism, his spokesman Alaa Youssef said in a statement.

8:30pm - Report: Egypt tightens visa rules for Qatar's citizens

  • Qatar's citizens will no longer be able to receive visas upon arrival to Egypt, according to an official source at Cairo International Airport quoted by Egypt's state-run Ahram Online publication.
  • The restriction coming into force on Wednesday will not affect spouses and children of Egyptian nationals, as well as Qatari nationals who are studying at Egyptian public universtities, the report said on Monday.
  • Those affected by the move, including holders of diplomatic or special passports, will have to apply for visas in advance from an Egyptian embassy abroad, said the source on condition of anonymity.
  • Egypt's foreign ministry has not issued a statement regarding the changes.

4:35pm - Qatar: UAE violated international law by hacking QNA

  • Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed Al-Thani, the director of Qatar's government communications office, said in a statement on Monday the "crime" of hacking its state news agency (QNA) by the United Arab Emirates was a violation of international law.
  • "The State of Qatar has long maintained that its government news agency website was hacked on 24 May and fabricated quotes published. The information published in the Washington Post on 16 July 2017, which revealed the involvement of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and senior Emirati officials in the hacking of Qatar News Agency, unequivocally proves that this hacking crime took place."
  • "It is especially unfortunate that this shameful act of cyber terrorism is being attributed to a fellow member of the Gulf Cooperation Council".
  • "This criminal act represents a clear violation and breach of international law and of the bilateral and collective agreements signed between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, as well as collective agreements with the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the United Nations."
  • "The Public Prosecutor will take all necessary legal measures to bring to justice the perpetrators and instigators of this crime, whether in Qatari courts or relevant international jurisdictions specialising in cybercrimes."

11:45am - UAE minister denies any hacking of Qatar 

  • Anwar Gargash, the UAE's state minister for foreign affairs, said his country was not responsible for any alleged hacking of Qatari websites. 
  • Gargash also said the UAE would not escalate its blockade on Qatar by asking companies to choose between doing business with it or Qatar. 

4:20am - UAE wants international monitoring of Qatar

  • "We need a regional solution and international monitoring," said Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, in prepared remarks he was scheduled to deliver on Monday in London.
  • "We need to be certain that Qatar, a state with $300bn in reserves, is no longer an official or unofficial sponsor of jihadist and terrorist causes," he said, giving no further detail on the proposed monitoring. Qatar strongly denies all allegations of supporting "terrorism".
  • Gargash said the memorandum of understanding signed by the US and Qatar on Tuesday on the financing of terrorism was a positive development but fell short of allaying their concerns
  • "We do see signs now, however, that our pressure is working," Gargash said. "We are ready for this process to take a long time."

3:50am - UAE arranged hacking of Qatari media: Washington Post

  • The United Arab Emirates arranged for Qatari government social media and news sites to be hacked in late May in order to post false quotes linked to Qatar's emir, prompting the Qatar-Gulf diplomatic crisis, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
  • The Post reported that US intelligence officials learned last week of newly analysed information that showed that senior UAE government officials discussed the planned hacks on May 23, the day before they occurred.
  • The officials said it was unclear if the UAE hacked the websites or paid for them to be carried out, the newspaper reported. The Post did not identify the intelligence officials it spoke to for the report.
  • UAE Ambassador to the US Yousef al-Otaiba denied the report in a statement, saying it was "false".

11:10pm - French FM urges 'de-escalation' in Gulf crisis

  • French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called on Sunday for a "de-escalation" in the row between Qatar and four Arab countries, as he held talks in the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, a mediator in the crisis.
  • "It would be preferable if the parties could engage in a process of de-escalation, one that is indispensable so that negotiations can take place in a constructive atmosphere," Le Drian said in Abu Dhabi.
  • He held talks with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan, who is also deputy commander in chief of the UAE's armed forces.
  • Abu Dhabi was the last step in a tour of four Gulf nations that began on Saturday and also took Le Drian to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

4:20pm - French top diplomat meets Kuwait's Emir

  • Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah met his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on Sunday in Kuwait city, according to Kuwait's state news agency (KUNA).
  • Le Drian's visit is part of his effort to resolve the dispute between Qatar and its neighbours which is mediated by Kuwait.

4:15pm - Expert: Qatar should join Rome Statute to protect itself

  • Toby Kidman, an expert in international law on war crimes, human rights, terrorism and extradition, said on Saturday that there was no legal basis for the blockade imposed on Qatar by Saudi Arabia and three other Arab states and for the list of demands presented by these countries.
  • Speaking to the Qatari daily Al-Sharq, Kidman said that under the international law the measure was illegal and they were purely punitive.
  • He said that the next legal step that must be taken by Qatar during the crisis was to join Rome Statute system and the International Criminal Court as a mean to protect itself.
  • Kidman said that the legal consequences might be stark and the situation might end in the UN Security Council.

11am - French FM arrives in Kuwait 

  • French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has arrived in Kuwait as he continues his efforts to end the Gulf crisis.
  • Le Drian was in Doha and Saudi Arabia on Saturday and is expected to travel to the United Arab Emirates later on Sunday.

11:45pm - Le Drian meets Saudi FM and Crown Prince

  • French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian met with his Saudi counterpart Adel Jubeir and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah late on Saturday.
  • "We look for everyone's determined commitment against terrorism, its support and financing. In this perspective, it is important that GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries should be united, to remain a rampart against instability," Le Drian said.
  • Jubeir said Saudi Arabia would present Le Drian with "comprehensive dossiers of the negative acts committed by Qatar over years", adding that a similar file was given to US State Secretary Rex Tillerson.

8:15pm - Qatar's rights agency chief holds meetings at UN head office

  • Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, the chairman of the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC), on Saturday met in New York City with Assistant UN Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour.
  • According to Qatar's state news agency, Al Marri told Gilmour it was necessary to move swiftly to stop the deterioration of human rights violations that Qatar's citizens and its residents were being subjected to.
  • He stressed on the importance of differentiating between humanitarian issues and politics because while the latter can eventually be resolved through diplomacy and mediation, violations of human rights cannot wait for political negotiations.
  • During his visit to the UN headquarters, Al Marri also held separate meetings with head of diplomatic missions of Switzerland, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ghana, Sweden and Liechtenstein, discussing the Gulf crisis and its implications.

4:35pm - Qatar's Emir meets France's top diplomat in Doha

  • Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Qatar's Emir, met Jean-Yves Le Drian, the foreign minister of France, in the Qatari capital Doha on Saturday.
  • According Qatar's state news agency, the Gulf crisis topped the agenda of the meeting.
  • Le Drian also held a meeting with Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, Qatar's prime minister and interior minister.

2:10pm - French FM concerned for humanitarian consequences of blockade, says crisis 'is against everyone's interest'

  • Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian renewed France's commitment to helping reduce tensions in the Gulf, offering full support to Kuwait's mediation efforts and stating that the spat is "not benefitting anyone and is against everyone's interest".
  • Speaking alongside his Qatari counterpart in Doha, Jean-Yves Le Drian said he was particularly concerned for separated, binational families, and for students whose education has been disrupted.
  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani welcomed France's support, and again rejected claims Doha is supporting terrorism.
  • Samer Shehata, associate professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, said while few countries have leverage over Saudi Arabia, which is among the nations boycotting Qatar, those offering support "do add momentum to the argument that this should not become the new normal".

11:00am - France and Qatar's foreign ministers to hold talks in Doha

  • France's Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has arrived in Doha on a two-day Gulf tour aimed at easing tensions in the region. 
  • Le Drian is due to meet his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Saturday. He will then travel to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
  • The French foreign ministry said the trip was in line with similar strategies adopted by the US, Britain and Germany regarding the boycott of Qatar by its neighbours. 

2:40am - Trump: We will maintain good relations with Qatar

  • "We are going to have a good relationship with Qatar and not going to have a problem with the military base [in Qatar]," Trump said in an interview with CBN News aired on Wednesday.
  • Qatar is home to the Al-Udeid airbase that holds the forward headquarters of Central Command and hosts around 10,000 American troops.
  • "If we ever had to leave [the base], we'd have 10 countries willing to build us another one. And they'll pay for it."

12:20am - British navy vessel in Doha for joint exercise

  • The British navy vessel "HMS Middleton" arrived in Doha to participate in a joint naval exercise between Qatar's Emiri Navy and the British Royal Navy in the Qatari territorial waters, according to Qatar's defence ministry.
  • The ministry said the exercise came on the basis of prior agreements between the two sides in the framework of bilateral defence cooperation to support efforts of combating terrorism and smuggling as well as to maintain security and stability in the region.

9:20pm - Nasr al-Hariri: Gulf crisis has had no impact on Syria

  • A top Syrian opposition figure on Friday said that the dispute between Qatar and four key Arab countries has had no impact on the "revolution" aimed to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
  • Nasr al-Hariri, the head of the Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee, said the disputes between Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have with Qatar amount to "a problem in one family, in one house".
  • He said the Syrian opposition has good ties with all the countries.
  • Speaking to reporters near the end of the latest intra-Syrian peace talks round under UN mediation in Geneva, Al-Hariri said he hoped the disputes "will be resolved soon without any impact on us".

8:15pm - Trump, Saudi King discuss Qatar dispute

  • The White House said that US President Donald Trump spoke by phone to Saudi King Salman on Friday.
  • The two leaders discussed efforts to resolve the month-long dispute between Qatar and the four Arab states.

8pm - Erdogan meets Qatar's FM in Ankara

  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Friday in the Turkish capital of Ankara.
  • According to Qatar's state news agency, they discussed the Gulf crisis and bilateral relations among other topics.

3:35pm - Ankara, Doha say Turkish base will stay in Qatar

  • Turkey and Qatar on Friday reiterated Ankara would keep a new military base in the Gulf country, rejecting demands from Saudi Arabia and its allies for the facility to be closed.
  • "No country has the right to raise the issue of the Turkish base or the military cooperation between Qatar and Turkey as long as this cooperation respects international law," Qatar Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani told reporters in Ankara.
  • Speaking after meeting him, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the demands to close the base go against the two countries' sovereignty.
  • "A third country has no right to say something to Qatar or Turkey. Everyone must respect this," he added.
  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hopes to visit the Gulf soon to discuss efforts to resolve the crisis, Cavusoglu said.

12:47pm - Qatar FM says Tillerson visit not a failure

  • Qatar's foreign minister says it would be unfair to describe US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's shuttle diplomacy to find a solution as a failure, insisting that the crisis "cannot be solved in a day."
  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani also told reporters in Ankara on Friday that Qatar would continue to work with the United States and Kuwait to end the standoff with its four Arab neighbors.
  • The Qatari minister again denied accusations that his nation provided support to terror groups, accusing the four of failing to provide "single evidence" against his gas-rich nation.

8:57am - Qatar FM to visit Turkey

  • Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani is expected to visit Turkey and meet with his counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
  • Turkey has shown support for Qatar during the GCC crisis, stepping in to send troops and food supplies following the blockade.
  • Qatar's foreign minister is expected to hold a joint press conference in the morning with Cavusoglu.

3am - UAE says 'headed for a long estrangement' with Qatar

  • There will be no quick end to the Gulf crisis said the United Arab Emirates' minister of state for foreign affairs on his official Twitter account on Friday.
  • "We are headed for a long estrangement ... we are very far from a political solution involving a change in Qatar's course, and in light of that nothing will change and we have to look for a different format of relations," Anwar Gargash said.

2:05am - Egyptian coach suspended as row over Qatar reaches football

  • Egyptian coach Hossam el-Badry was fined $10,000 on Thursday by the Confederation of African Football and suspended for one game for refusing to give interviews to Qatar-based beIN Sports network - owned by Al Jazeera - and attempting to boycott a news conference.
  • El-Badry - coach of Egyptian club Al Ahly - initially refused to attend a news conference following a match on June 20 because of the presence of beIN sports journalists. He did eventually attend, but either put his hand over the beIN microphone while speaking or pushed it away, CAF said.
  • Following a game in Egypt last weekend against Cameroon's Coton Sport, el-Badry and Al Ahly players refused all interviews with beIN. The players also boycotted the news conference.
  • El-Badry's one-game ban was put on hold, provided he is not found guilty of a similar offence during the remainder of the African Champions League.

8:30pm - Turkey will stand by Qatar: Economy minister

  • Turkey will continue to meet Qatar's daily and long-term needs through exporting necessary supplies, Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said.

8:20pm - UAE minister says demand to shut Al Jazeera dropped

  • In an interview with The Times, Noura al-Kaabi, the UAE minister for the federal national council, said the Emirates sought "fundamental change and restructuring" of Al Jazeera rather than to shut it. She also said that the Saudi-led group was ready to negotiate with Qatar.

6:45pm - HRW: Isolation of Qatar causing rights abuses

  • Human Rights Watch said the blockade imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies is infringing on the right to free expression, separating families, and interrupting medical care among other rights violations. 
  • "Gulf autocrats' political disputes are violating the rights of peaceful Gulf residents who were living their lives and caring for their families," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. 

5:55pm - GCC crisis lingers as Tillerson heads home

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has held a second round of talks with the leaders of Qatar on Thursday, but he left for the US without talking to the press. 

3:20pm - Tillerson meets with Qatari emir and foreign minister 

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has met the Qatari emir and foreign minister for the second time during his four-day visit to the Gulf.
  • According to Qatar News Agency, the meetings discussed the efforts to solve the Gulf crisis.

8am - Tillerson to make unexpected return to Qatar 

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is due to make an unexpected return visit to Doha on Thursday, as he tries to help find a solution to the Gulf crisis. 
  • The visit comes a day after he held talks with leaders from the four Arab states blockading Qatar. 
  • In his first trip to Doha on Tuesday, Tillerson told reporters that the Qatari government had "very reasonable" views in the dispute. 

5:50am - Bob Corker: Saudi terrorism support 'dwarfs' Qatar's

  • "The amount of support for terrorism by Saudi Arabia dwarfs what Qatar's doing," said Bob Corker, the Chairman of the US Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, on Wednesday.
  • "I was really disappointed to see what Saudi Arabia did after having a great summit and bringing everybody together," he said - referring to the Riyadh summit in May attended by US President Donald Trump. "I think this is quite possibly a rookie mistake by a crown prince who I think could be the future for Saudi Arabia," added Corker.
  • Corker made the comments about Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during a legislative hearing while addressing the former US ambassador to Israel.
  • Corker has the power to block arms sales to GCC countries - which he has previously threatened to do if the Gulf crisis is not resolved diplomatically.

3am - Rex Tillerson to travel to Qatar on Thursday

  • The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make an unexpected return visit to Doha on Thursday to meet with senior Qatari officials as he tries to find a solution to the Gulf crisis, according to the state department.
  • It comes after Tillerson held a day of talks with the four Arab states leading a blockade against Doha.

11:30pm - UAE accuses Al Jazeera of anti-Semitism, inciting hate

  • In a letter to the UN, the UAE's state minister for foreign affairs, Anwar Gargash, accused Al Jazeera of having "promoted anti-Semitic violence by broadcasting sermons by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi". 
  • The letter - published on Wednesday by the UAE National Media Council - also accused Al Jazeera of "incitement to hostility, violence and discrimination" and lists broadcasting the speeches of slain al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden as an example.
  • The United Nations has warned that demands on Qatar to close Al Jazeera by the Saudi-led group, which includes the UAE, violate basic freedoms.

04:35pm - Tillerson holding meetings in Saudi Arabia 

  • Foreign ministers of the four Arab countries boycotting Qatar began a meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday, as the US official seeks to find a solution for the Gulf dispute. 
  • The meeting brings together foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt with Tillerson in the Saudi Arabian coastal city of Jeddah, DPA news agency quoted the Saudi-owned TV network Al Arabiya as reporting.
  • Tillerson arrived in Jeddah earlier Wednesday and held a meeting with King Salman and Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir before the meeting, the official Saudi Press Agency reported.

03:40pm - French foreign minister to visit Gulf countries 

  • The French government has announced that Foreign Minister Jean-Yes Le Drian will be visiting Qatar as part of efforts to ease the tension in the Gulf. 
  • Reuters reported that Le Drian will also visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates during the trip scheduled on July 15 and 16.
  • "Concerned by current tensions that are affecting these countries with whom we have close and friendly ties, we call for a rapid de-escalation that would be in everyone's interest," the French foreign ministry statement said.

10:45am - Turkey sent nearly 200 cargo planes to Qatar since GCC crisis began 

  • Turkey has sent 197 cargo planes, 16 trucks and one ship to Qatar to meet its daily needs since a dispute broke out last month between Qatar and other Gulf states, Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said on Wednesday.
  • At a meeting with Zeybekci in the Turkish capital Ankara, Qatar's economy minister, Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, said Doha's sea and land trade was continuing without disruption despite the blockade by four Arab states.

8:00am - Tillerson heads to Saudi Arabia to discuss Gulf crisis

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to meet Saudi King Salman on Wednesday, before holding talks with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia and three other Arab states that have imposed a blockade on Qatar.
  • The visit to Jeddah follows meetings in Doha with Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. 

7:00am - Qatar questions timing of Riyadh agreement leak

  • Qatar's foreign minister has questioned the timing of the leak of a set of agreements made between Gulf countries between 2013 and 2014 and insisted that his country was abiding by the accords.
  • After CNN on Monday published a set of documents known as the "Riyadh agreements," Qatari officials said the leak aimed to weaken mediation efforts in the region.
  • The documents were published ahead of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's arrival in the Gulf for shuttle diplomacy between Jeddah, Doha and Kuwait City.
  • "These are clear efforts to diminish … the mediation by Kuwait, and the efforts of the United States to mediate this crisis," Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said.

1:20am - More Turkish troops arrive at military base in Qatar

  • Qatar said on Tuesday more Turkish troops had arrived at a military base in Doha after Ankara fast-tracked legislation last month for more soldiers to be deployed there.
  • Training has been ongoing since June 19. The base in Qatar houses Turkish soldiers under an agreement signed in 2014.
  • "This defence cooperation between Doha and Ankara is part of their common defence vision to support anti-terrorism efforts and maintain security and stability in the region," a statement by Qatar's Armed Forces said.
  • The statement did not give the number of Turkish troops at the base or how many had just joined to bolster the deployment, but said it was the fifth batch of Turkish troops to arrive.

11:40pm - Qatar-US terror deal 'insufficient', says Saudi-led group 

  • Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain said the agreement on combatting terror funding between Qatar and the US was "insufficient".
  • In a joint statement released in their state media, the four Arab states said they would "carefully monitor the seriousness of Qatari authorities" in fighting terrorism financing.
  • They also said sanctions on Doha would remain in place until it meets their demands.

9:25pm - Egypt wants Qatar out of anti-ISIL coalition 

  • The US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) should kick Qatar out of its operation, the spokesman of Egypt's foreign ministry said during a coalition meeting held in Washington, DC. 
  • Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid, who is the head of the Egyptian delegation in the meeting, said it is "unacceptable" for the coalition "to have among its members states that support terrorism, or advocate for it in their media". 
  • "The decision by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain to boycott Qatar -a coalition member- is in accordance with that principle," he said in a statement. 
  • Qatar hosts the largest US military airbase in the Middle East, Al-Udeid, where more than 11,000 US and coalition forces are deployed. The US-led operation is mostly launched from the Al-Udeid military base. 

7:35pm - Kuwaiti emir expresses 'bitterness' over Gulf crisis 

  • Kuwait's ruler has described the rift in the Gulf as unprecedented, but said he intended to push ahead with mediation efforts, state news agency KUNA reported.
  • "His Highness the country's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah ... expressed a feeling of bitterness and has been deeply affected by the unprecedented developments that [our Gulf house] is witnessing," the agency said.
  • He said the positive reaction and support for Kuwait's mediation efforts had strengthened his resolve to deal with the crisis.

4:30pm - Qatar signs MoU on 'terror financing' with the US

  • The Qatari FM and the US secretary of state say Qatar has signed a memorandum of understanding on combatting and financing "terrorism".
  • Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani called the meetings with Rex Tillerson in Doha "very constructive". He called on the countries blockading Qatar to also sign the MoU.
  • Tillerson said the US has one goal: "To drive terrorism off the face of the Earth." 

4:20pm - FMs of boycotting nations to meet in Jeddah

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet the foreign ministers of the four countries leading the boycott against Qatar in Jeddah on Wednesday. He will then return to Kuwait before heading back to the US.

2:00pm - Tillerson calls Qatari position 'reasonable'

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in the Qatari capital Doha on Tuesday it had "reasonable" views in the month-old diplomatic crisis with Arab neighbours.
  • "I think Qatar has been quite clear in its positions, and I think those have been very reasonable," Tillerson told reporters. 

11:55am - Tillerson arrives in Qatar for talks on GCC crisis 

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has arrived in Doha for talks with Qatar's emir and foreign minister.

10:00am - Tillerson due in Qatar to discuss Gulf crisis

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is set to hold talks with Qatar's emir and foreign minister in Doha on Tuesday.  
  • The US State Department said Tillerson would meet with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at 8:30 GMT.
  • He will then hold talks with Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. 

8:00am - Saudi-led bloc says Qatar violated Riyadh agreements

  • The Saudi-led bloc has accused Qatar of violating deals it signed in 2013 and 2014 with its Gulf neighbours, which prohibited support for opposition groups in those nations, as well as in Egypt and Yemen. 
  • The existence of the agreements has been known, but the content and the documents, which were obtained by CNN, were never made public.
  • The Gulf countries have accused Qatar of not complying with the agreements. "It is without doubt that Qatar did not abide by Riyadh Agreements of 2013-2014, violated it and broke promise," Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain said in a statement.
  • Many of the demands that were recently made to lift the blockade against Qatar were already included in the Riyadh Agreements.

1:30am - US, UK and Kuwait call on all sides to swiftly end Gulf crisis

  • The United States, United Kingdom, and Kuwait urged all parties "to quickly contain the current crisis and resolve it at the earliest through dialogue," according to a statement reported by the Kuwait state news agency KUNA on Tuesday.
  • The statement came as US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and British National Security Advisor Mark Sedwill visited Kuwait, which is acting as a mediator, in order to resolve the crisis.

11:35pm - 'An issue that concerns not just us but the whole world'

  • "We are trying to resolve an issue that concerns not just us but the whole world," Kuwait's ruler, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah, told US top diplomat Rex Tillerson.
  • US officials said Tillerson does not expect an immediate breakthrough, which they warned could be months away. Rather, they said, he wants to explore possibilities for sparking negotiations.  

7:30pm - US secretary of state lands in Kuwait

  • Rex Tillerson has arrived in Kuwait at the start of his four-day visit to the Gulf. He was greeted by the deputy emir, the foreign minister and other officials.
  • Tillerson is set to met Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah this evening as well as the foreign minister and the British national security adviser who is also in Kuwait for consultations on the Gulf crisis.  

6:05pm - Qatari rights committee backs compensation claims

  • Qatar's National Human Rights Committee welcomes the establishment of the Compensation Claims Committee that aims to seek compensation for damages and losses resulting from the blockade. 
  • The NHRC says it will forward all complaints received from victims to the Compensation Committee. 

3:55pm - Qatar Petroleum, France's Total to launch joint venture

  • State-owned Qatar Petroleum and French energy giant Total will formally launch a 25-year joint venture to develop the Al Shaheen oil field, the companies said.
  • The North Oil Company, to be launched on Tuesday, will be made up of a 70 percent stake from QP and a 30 percent stake from Total, which is taking over operations from Maersk Oil. The launch comes amid the worst crisis to hit Qatar, the world's largest exporter of natural gas, in years.
  • The signing of the contract also comes amid reports that Saudi Arabia and the UAE may pressure international companies to either do business with them or with Qatar.

12:05pm - Qatar's energy minister: LNG exports not affected by anti-Qatar quartet boycott

  • Energy Minister Mohammed al-Sada said that Qatar's exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Japan, India, South Korea and China have not suffered as a result of a boycott by the four Arab states.
  • In a statement today, al-Sada said that exports to the four Asian countries accounted for nearly three quarters of the country's total exports.
  • Exports to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain accounted for less than eight percent, the statement said.

8:15am - Tillerson heads to Kuwait to help resolve GCC crisis

  • US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is set to arrive in Kuwait today to help seek a resolution for the Gulf crisis.
  • In a statement, the US state department said that Tillerson will "meet with senior Kuwait officials to discuss the ongoing efforts to resolve the Gulf dispute".
  • His meeting with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah is scheduled for 16:15 GMT. 

6:30am - Qatar central bank says country has $340bn in reserves

  • Qatar has $340bn in reserves including holdings of its sovereign wealth fund that could help the Gulf country to weather the isolation by its powerful Arab neighbours, central bank governor Sheikh Abdullah bin Saoud Al Thani told CNBC.
  • "This is the credibility of our system, we have enough cash to preserve any...kind of shock," he said.
  • Al Thani said the central bank has $40bn in reserves plus gold, while the Qatar Investment Authority has $300bn in reserves that it could liquidate.

6:05pm - ICC prosecutor expresses regret over anti-Qatar blockade

  • Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and the country's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Sunday held a meeting in Doha with Fatou Bensouda, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Among other topics, they discussed the Gulf crisis and the illegal anti-Qatar steps taken by Saudi Arabia and three other Arab states.
  • For her part, Bensouda expressed regret over the human rights violations committed by the quartet that imposed air, sea and land blockade against Qatar.
  • She praised Qatar's mature way of dealing with the crisis.

4pm - Qatar Chamber chief: Unjust siege against Qatar affected blockading states more

  • Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, the chairman of Qatar Chamber, said that the unjust siege imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies on Qatar did not affect the country's market as much as it hit the companies of those countries who lost the Qatari market.
  • He said that Qatar was able to immediately secure its needs of all kinds of goods by importing them from alternative countries at the same cost and with better quality.
  • Sheikh Khalifa highlighted the recent launch of direct shipping lines with Salalah and Sohar ports in Oman, Mundra and Nhava Sheva ports in India and the Turkish port of Izmir from which the first ship carrying about 3,000 tons of miscellaneous foodstuffs arrived last week. 

2pm - Qatar to seek compensation for damages from blockade

Qatari Public Prosecutor Ali Al Marri said in a press conference that the government is forming a committee to handle claims made by private companies, public institutions and individuals of damages stemming from the blockade.

10:35pm - UK's top diplomat meets Qatar's Emir

  • Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary of the United Kingdom, has met Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at Al Bahr palace in Doha.
  • Among other topics, the two discussed the Gulf crisis as well as ways to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation between Qatar and the UK, according to Qatar's state news agency.

9:15pm - UK's foreign secretary arrives in Doha

  • British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has arrived in Qatar's capital in an effort to mediate in the Gulf crisis.
  • He was met late on Saturday by Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.

9:10pm - Erdogan criticises anti-Qatar measures

  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticised the sanctions against Qatar at a news conference on Saturday after the G20 meeting in Hamburg.
  • He said that allegations against Qatar are unfair and provocation in the Gulf region should be avoided.
  • Erdogan stressed that the countries involved in the standoff should work towards a reasonable solution of the conflict.

4:20pm - UK's top diplomat in Kuwait to help mediate in the Gulf crisis

  • British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson arrived in Kuwait on Saturday to support the country's mediation in the Gulf dispute.
  • Johnson planned to meet Kuwait's foreign minister and other senior leaders, following talks on Friday with officials from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, his office said.
  • "The UK strongly supports Kuwait's mediation efforts and the foreign secretary will pay tribute to the work of the Emir of Kuwait," it said in a statement.
  • Johnson's talks in Kuwait would be followed by similar meetings with senior leaders in Qatar later on Saturday.

11:55pm - Qatar port operating 'at full capacity' as usual

  • The head of Qatar's main commercial port has said that it is operating "at full capacity" but that it has not seen an increase in traffic after the beginning of the blockade by Saudi Arabia and its allies. 
  • Abdulaziz Nasser Al-Yafei, Hamad Port director, said on Friday that the only change was that the Doha-bound ships were transiting through two Omani ports, rather than the Emirati Jebel Ali port - a regional hub. 

10pm - Qatar rejects Saudi-led group allegations

  • A source at Qatar's foreign ministry said that accusations from the Saudi-led anti-Qatar quartet regarding financing "terrorism" and interference in internal affairs of other countries amount to defamation.
  • "The State of Qatar is an active member committed to combating terrorism and its financing at regional and international levels. The international community attests to that," said the source.

9:15pm - UNESCO receives complaints from Qatari students in anti-Qatar Gulf states

  • National Human Rights Committee in Qatar has submitted a report to UNESCO detailing the violations committed by educational institutions against Qatari students in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  • NHRC Chairman Ali bin Smaikh Al Marri said that violations against students included preventing them from taking final exams, withholding certificates of graduation, closing their educational accounts and arbitrarily terminating their registration without giving reasons.
  • At least 85 violations against Qatari students were committed in the UAE, 29 violations in Saudi Arabia and 25 in Bahrain, according to the report.

8:45pm - UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson arrives in Saudi Arabia

  • Boris Johnson arrived in Saudi Arabia on Friday as part of a tour that will also take him to Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait in a bid to help ease Gulf tension.
  • "The Foreign Secretary will urge all parties to get behind Kuwait's mediation efforts, which the UK strongly supports, and work towards de-escalation and Gulf unity for the sake of regional stability," the foreign office said in a statement.
  • The statement also said that Johnson will discuss security and bilateral issues with a "particular focus on working together to address the common threats of extremism, radicalisation and terrorism."

7:30pm - Oman orders trade of Qatari Riyal at official rate

  • The Central Bank of Oman ordered all local commercial banks and exchange companies to trade the Qatari riyal at the official exchange rate.
  • "The Central Bank of Oman will also accept Qatari riyals and provide exchange services if needed," the bank said in a statement.

7:20pm - 'Qatar is rich enough to face threats of the blockade'

  • Qatar's Finance Minister Ali Sharif al-Emadi said that his country is rich enough to withstand threats of bloackade. 
  • "We have sovereign wealth funds of 250 per cent of gross domestic product, we have Qatar Central Bank reserves, and we have a ministry of finance strategic reserve," Emadi told The Times newspaper.

1:30pm - Mattis affirms US-Qatar cooperation: Pentagon

  • James Mattis, the US defence secretary, has reaffirmed the US' strategic security partnership with Qatar, the Pentagon said, amid a diplomatic crisis in the Gulf.
  • Qatar hosts a vital US-led command center at the Al-Udeid air base, where the anti-ISIL coalition launches raids against the armed group.
  • Saudi Arabia is leading a four-country blockade of Qatar in the region's biggest crisis in years. Mattis stressed the importance of de-escalating tensions "so all partners in the Gulf region can focus on next steps in meeting common goals," the readout stated.

4:30am - Tillerson to travel to Kuwait

  • A US State Department statement late on Thursday said that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be travelling to Kuwait on Monday to discuss efforts to resolve the Gulf crisis.
  • Tillerson would visit Kuwait City following visits to Ukraine and Turkey and is expected to meet Kuwaiti officials who have been trying to mediate.

2am - Saudi-led group vows 'appropriate' measures

  • In a joint statement released late on Thursday, the Saudi-led group blamed Qatar for "continuing to seek to sabotage and undermine the security and stability in the Gulf region".
  • "All political, economic and legal measures will be taken in the manner and at the time deemed appropriate to preserve the four countries' rights, security and stability," the statement said.

12:45am - US warns Gulf crisis could last for months

  • The US State Department warned that the Gulf crisis could "possibly even intensify", Heather Nauert, spokeswoman for the state department, said on Thursday.
  • "We remain very concerned about that ongoing situation between Qatar and GCC countries."

12:20am - Trump discusses Qatar-Gulf crisis with Angela Merkel

  • "President Donald Trump met Chancellor Angela Merkel in Hamburg, Germany, to coordinate on key policy areas ahead of Friday's G20 summit," a White House press release said. 
  • "The leaders conferred on a range of shared foreign and security policy priorities, including ... de-escalating the conflict between Qatar and some of its Gulf and Arab neighbors."

11pm - Qatar's defence minister discusses Gulf crisis with US defence secretary

  • Qatar's Defence Minister Khalid bin Mohammed Al Attiyah held a telephone conversation with US Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Thursday.
  • Attiyah discussed the Gulf crisis with Mattis and reiterated Qatar's backing for the efforts of Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah to reach a resolution of the dispute through constructive dialogue, according to Qatar's state news agency.
  • He also expressed Qatar's appreciation for the US supportive stance for regional stability, stressing the depth of cooperation between the two countries in terms of combating and rejecting terrorism and violent extremism.

10:30pm - Egypt's FM discusses Gulf crisis with Russian counterpart

  • Egypt's foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, held a phone conversation with Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, discussing the dispute with Qatar. 
  • The foreign ministry of Egypt said Shoukry reiterated his country's rejection of Qatar's "support of terrorism" - the allegation that Doha denies.

10:10pm - US warns Qatar crisis could last for months

  • The US state department has warned that the Gulf crisis between Qatar and its neighbors is at an impasse and could potentially drag on for weeks or even months.
  • The United States believes the crisis could "possibly even intensify" said on Thursday Heather Nauert, the spokeswoman for the state department.
  • Nauert did not specify what type of escalation the US fears. But she said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson remains in close contact with the countries involved.
  • The US is praising Kuwait for trying to mediate a resolution, she said.

10pm - Tunisia's former leader: Anti-Qatar bloc isolated itself

  • Former Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki has said he believed that besieging Qatar is the last weapon at the disposal of regimes that have been trying for years to limit Qatar's role and prevent it from being a political player.
  • In an interview with Qatari daily Al Sharq published on Thursday, Marzouki said those who wanted to isolate Qatar were exposed and have themselves become isolated.
  • Marzouki said Qatar is on the right side and the whole world supports it and trusts its ability to withstand the crisis, stressing that the Arab peoples sympathise with Qatar and the vast majority of countries, particularly African ones, are on Qatar's side.
  • He said the battle against Qatar won't be the last, noting that other battles are "on the horizon and no one knows what third or fourth siege will hit any country" where a new Arab political regime rises.

6:45pm - Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of using Twitter to stoke dissent

  • Saudi Arabia, which is leading a four-country blockade of Gulf neighbour Qatar, on Thursday accused Doha of being behind over 23,000 Twitter accounts it blames for trying to stoke dissent in Saudi Arabia.
  • "We found over 23,000 Twitter accounts driven by Qatar, some of them linked to accounts calling for 'revolution' in Saudi Arabia," Information Minister Awwad Saleh al-Awwad told AFP news agency during a visit to Paris.

4:53pm - World-beating wealth props up Qatar against sanctions

  • A month after Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic, trade and transport ties with Qatar, accusing it of backing terrorism, it is suffering from isolation but is nowhere near an economic crisis, the Reuters news agency reports.
  • The alliance against it, meanwhile, may not have options to inflict further damage.
  • As the world's top liquefied natural gas exporter, Qatar is so rich - at $127,660, its gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power terms is the highest of any country, according to the International Monetary Fund - it can deploy money to counter almost any type of sanction.
  • In the past month, it has arranged new shipping routes to offset the closure of its border with Saudi Arabia, deposited billions of dollars of state money in local banks to shore them up, and drawn the interest of some of the West's biggest energy firms by announcing a plan to raise its LNG output 30 percent.
  • The success of these initiatives suggests Qatar could weather months or years of the current sanctions if it has the political will to do so - and that further sanctions being contemplated by the alliance may not prove decisive.

4:40pm - Energy giants seek role in Qatar's gas expansion despite Gulf crisis

  • Three of the West's biggest energy corporations are lobbying Qatar to take part in a huge expansion of its gas production, handing Doha an unintended but timely boost in its dispute with Gulf Arab neighbours.
  • The chief executives of ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell and France's Total all met Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani in Doha before it announced a plan on Tuesday to raise output of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by 30 percent.
  • Company and industry sources told Reuters news agency that the CEOs had expressed interest in helping Qatar with its ambition to produce 100 million tonnes of LNG annually - equivalent to a third of current global supplies - in the next five to seven years.
  • Spokespeople from all three firms declined comment. However, a top executive from one energy major looking into expanding in Qatar said the huge business opportunity was worth the considerable political risk.

2:30pm - UN undersecretary Jeffrey Feltman in Doha

  • Qatar's minister of state for foreign affairs, Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi, met with the United Nations undersecretary general Jeffrey Feltman in Doha. 
  • During the meeting, Feltman expressed the UN's concern about the continuation of the Gulf crisis. He also stressed UN support of the Kuwaiti mediation efforts to solve the crisis. 

10:20am - Germany to help clear up Qatar accusations

  • Germany's foreign minister says his country's intelligence service will participate in efforts to clear up accusations by Arab neighbours that Qatar supports "terror groups".
  • Gabriel told Deutschlandfunk radio Thursday there was an agreement for Qatar to "open all its books" to Germany's intelligence service "if we have questions about certain people or structures".
  • The minister said he no longer sees the risk of a military escalation in the standoff despite an angry reaction on Wednesday from the four Arab nations to Qatar's response to their demands. Gabriel said that, while the reaction sounded harsh, many demands were no longer mentioned. 

8am - Watch: What's next in the gulf crisis

  • Al Jazeera's Senior Political Analyst Marwan Bishara projects scenarios on the ongoing Gulf crisis.
  • There are limited choices for the four countries that are blockading Qatar as the military option appears to be off the table and diplomatic pressure on Qatar will split the Gulf Cooperation Council, he says. 

7:45pm - Turkey's Erdogan underlines support for Qatar

  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has underlined his country's support for Qatar and its anger at the demand for the closure of a Turkish military base in Doha. He said the demand shows "a lack of respect toward us and Qatar".
  • Erdogan told the German weekly Die Zeit on Wednesday that "what is being done with Qatar runs counter to international law". 

6:15pm - Saudi-led bloc voices regret over Qatari reply to demands

  • Four Arab states imposing a partial blockade against Qatar have voiced "regret" over Doha's "negative reply" to their demands, according to a joint statement.
  • The statement was issued after the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain met in Cairo.
  • Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said at a joint press conference that further steps against Qatar will be taken at the appropriate time in line with the international law.
  • He added that economic boycott against Qatar will remain until the country changes its policies for the better.
  • The minister also said he hoped that Turkey remained neutral in the crisis, while he called Iran "the biggest supporter of terrorism".

6:15pm - Trump calls Egypt's Sisi over Gulf crisis

  • US President Donald Trump has called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to discuss the ongoing dispute between Qatar and its Arab neighbours, according to the White House. 
  • Trump urged Egypt and other countries that imposed a blockade on Qatar "to negotiate constructively to resolve the dispute".
  • Trump "reiterated the need for all countries to follow through on their commitments at the Riyadh Summit to stop terrorist financing and discredit extremist ideology", the statement said. 

5:25pm - Kuwait FM meets German counterpart

  • Kuwait's First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al Hamad Al Sabah met on Wednesday with the visiting German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel. 
  • The foreign minister lauded Germany's support of Kuwait's mediation in resolving the regional crisis. For his part Gabriel reiterated his country's support of Kuwait, while urging restraint in order to reach a solution that satisfies all parties.

3:05pm - Qatar FM calls for dialogue to resolve Gulf Crisis

  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatar's foreign minister, said his country is going to do "whatever it takes to protect our people", even as he urges more dialogue to resolve the crisis. 
  • Sheikh Mohammed said that whatever Saudi Arabia and its allies take against Qatar should be based in international law.

3:55am - Saudi-led group confirms receiving Qatar's response

  • "The four countries have received the Qatari response via Kuwait before the end of the additional deadline, which came at the request of HH Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait," said Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt in a joint statement on Wednesday.
  • "Qatar will receive a reply in due time," added the statement, which was reported by the Saudi News Agency.

1:05am - Arab intelligence chiefs meet in Cairo

  • Heads of intelligence from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain held a meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, Egyptian state news agency MENA said.
  • MENA, citing "informed sources", did not provide details of the meeting, which took place one day before foreign ministers from the four countries were due to meet to discuss the Gulf dispute.

12:13am - AU chair says Saudi FM's Ethiopia visit not related to GCC crisis

  • Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, unexpectedly attended a summit of African Union (AU) leaders in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa.
  • When asked about Jubeir's visit, Alpha Conde, the AU chairperson, insisted the Saudi diplomat's trip was not an attempt to shore up support for a Saudi-led embargo against Qatar.
  • "No, he didn't come here to discuss the crisis in the GCC," Conde said, using an acronym for the Gulf Cooperation Council. "He came to discuss cooperation because Africa is against financing terrorism. We want to eradicate all sorts of terrorism. This is why we said we will cooperate with Kuwait in mediating this [Gulf] crisis."

11:02pm - Qatar FM: List of demands unrealistic and not actionable

  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Qatar's foreign minister, said "the fight against terrorism" is "a top priority" for his country.
  • "It is an issue of national security, not only to the state of Qatar but to the entire region," he told reporters in Qatar's capital, Doha, after a meeting with Sigmar Gabriel, his German counterpart.
  • "However, the unjust siege imposed by the other states under the pretext of combating terrorism is totally false and fabricated," he added
  • The Qatari diplomat also said that the demands put to Doha by Saudi Arabia and its allies were impossible to meet.
  • "The list is unrealistic and is not actionable," he said. "It's not about terrorism, it's talking about shutting down the freedom of speech."

8:20pm - Gabriel: Qatar's sovereignty must be respected

  • The foreign minister of Germany praised Qatar's "restraint" in responding to a blockade imposed by Arab states amid the worst regional diplomatic crisis in years.
  • "There are boundaries that you should not cross, that the sovereignty of each of country and the respect of this national sovereignty has to be there," Sigmar Gabriel told reporters in the Qatari capital, Doha, after a meeting with his Qatari counterpart, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.
  • "It has to be a basic condition and when that is there, even the most difficult questions can be talked about," added Gabriel, concluding a tour of the Gulf region, which also included stops in Saudi Arabia and the United Aran Emirates. 

5:10pm - German FM in Qatar for Gulf crisis talks

  • Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's foreign minister, is visiting Qatar as part of a Gulf tour to resolve the regional diplomatic crisis.
  • He is talking to journalists along with his Qatari counterpart, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, in Qatar's capital, Doha. Here are some excerpts from the press conference.
  • German FM: Gulf disunity could weaken entire region
  • German FM: Sovereignty of all nations needs to be respected
  • German FM: Best solution to Gulf crisis is deal to end support for armed groups
  • German FM: Would be good if other Gulf states accepted the invitation to dialogue. Conflicts like this can only be resolved at the negotiating table
  • German FM: There are plenty of ways to prevent the crisis escalating
  • Qatar FM: We are fully prepared to engage in dialogue and examine grievances
  • Qatar FM: Enough with the smear campaign and false accusations

12:30pm - UAE says it is still waiting on Qatar response to demands

  • UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al Nahayan said that the Arab countries blockading Qatar were still waiting for a response to their demands via mediator Kuwait
  • "I think it is premature to talk about extra sanctions ... this depends on what we will hear from our brothers in Kuwait," the foreign minister said at a press conference with his German counterpart in Abu Dhabi.  

12:15pm - German FM sees Gulf standoff as chance to tackle 'terror finance'

  • German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the entire Gulf region has the opportunity to strengthen the fight against "terrorism funding".
  • Gabriel is meeting officials in Abu Dhabi, before travelling to Doha to meet Qatar's foreign minister later on Tuesday.

11:15am - Qatar Petroleum CEO: Company 'will not be affected' by crisis

  • The CEO of state-run Qatar Petroleum has said the company "will not be affected by the siege". 
  • Saad al-Kaabi was speaking at a press conference on Tuesday where he announced the company would be increasing its natural gas output by 30 percent by 2024.

7:00am - UK's May calls for 'de-escalation' of GCC crisis in call with Saudi crown prince

  • In a phone call with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, British Prime Minister Theresa May urged "all sides" of the ongoing crisis to "take urgent steps to de-escalate the situation and restore [GCC] unity", her office said in a statement on Monday.
  • The statement also said that the "UK remains committed to supporting this process." 

10:46pm - Emir of Qatar speaks to Macron, to visit France in late summer

  • France's President Emmanuel Macron has held a phone conversation with Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani to discuss the situation in the Gulf.
  • "During this telephone exchange, the emir said that in view of the situation, he expected to come to France at the end of summer," a statement by Macron's office said. 
  • The two leaders stressed the need to resolve the Gulf crisis through dialogue and diplomatic means, as well as back the mediation efforts of Kuwait, Qatar News Agency said in a statement.

8:55pm - Saudi FM: Hope for 'positive response' from Qatar

  • Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said that he hopes Qatar will respond positively to a list of demands put forth by his country and other Arab states.
  • "We hope for a positive response to be able to resolve the crisis," he said from the Saudi city of Jeddah during a press conference with his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel.
  • Jubeir also said that Qatar's response will be "examined with precision".
  • The talks between the two foreign ministers focused on "the necessity of putting an end to the support for terrorism, extremism, and calls for hate and interference in the affairs of others", Jubeir said.

8:15pm - German FM: Arab states not questioning Qatar's sovereignty 

  • Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's foreign minister, said he did not have the impression that the Arab states that have cut ties with Doha were questioning the sovereignty of Qatar.
  • He was speaking at a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart Adel al-Jubeir in the Saudi city of Jeddah, during a tour of the Gulf region.
  • Gabriel said that the best way to solve the stand-off between Qatar and its Arab neighbours would be an agreement across the region to prevent the financing of "terrorism".

5:54pm - Turkey: Linking Qatar base with Gulf crisis is wrong

  • Numan Kurtulmus, Turkey's deputy prime minister, says the ongoing crisis in the Gulf has nothing to do with the Turkish military base in Qatar.
  • "Turkey's military base in Qatar is not just for Qatar's security, but for the security of the whole [Gulf] area. Turkey has a base there as part of the area's safety. The presence of Turkish soldiers will remain," he told reporters following a cabinet meeting in the capital, Ankara.
  • "Linking the [Gulf] crisis with the Turkish base is wrong. The tension and dispute between the Gulf countries is completely irrelevant [to the base]."

4:14pm - AU chair calls for peaceful resolution of Gulf crisis

  • Alpha Conde, the chairperson of the African Union and president of Guinea, has called for a peaceful end of the Gulf diplomatic dispute.
  • Conde was speaking at the opening of the 29th African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital, Adis Ababa.
  • He also said Africans must have one voice about the crisis.

12:00pm - Qatar hosted Hamas and Taliban delegations at the 'request' of the US 

  • Former CIA director and retired general David Petraeus has said Qatar hosted delegations from both Hamas and the Taliban at the "request" of the US.
  • "Our partners should remember that Qatar - at our request - welcomed delegations from the Taliban and Hamas, and that Qatar is now home to our military headquarters for our operations throughout the Middle East," Petraeus told French newspaper Journal du Dimanche.

11:00am - Qatar FM arrives in Kuwait to hand over response to list of demands

  • Qatar's Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani has arrived in Kuwait to hand over the state's response to the 13 demands from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE. 
  • The response will be the focus of a meeting in Cairo on Wednesday of foreign ministers from the four countries that have cut ties with Qatar. 

6:10am - Trump speaks to Gulf leaders, urges 'unity' 

  • US President Donald Trump spoke separately to Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan on Sunday to discuss his "concerns about the ongoing dispute" between Qatar and its Gulf neighbours.
  • Trump also underscored that unity in the region is critical to accomplishing the Riyadh Summit's goals of defeating "terrorism" and promoting regional stability, the White House said. 

4:55am - Trump calls Qatar's Emir to discuss crisis

  • US President Donald Trump rang the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Sunday night, reported the Qatar News Agency (QNA). The phone call dealt with the latest developments of the GCC crisis and its implications in the region.
  • The call also reviewed the American position, as well as international stances regarding the crisis, which call for dialogue and diplomacy in order to maintain the security and stability of the region, reported the QNA.
  • The two sides also stressed the importance of continuing their efforts and support to regional and international efforts for combatting "terrorism" and "extremism" in all its forms, regardless of its source or motives.
  • The two sides also reviewed the strategic bilateral ties between the two nations and the means to enhance and develop them.

4:03am - Germany urges 'serious dialogue' to resolve Qatar crisis

  • German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who on Monday starts a tour of several Arab states, called for "serious dialogue" to end the Gulf crisis.
  • "We are worried that the distrust and the disunity could weaken all the parties concerned as well as the entire peninsula," said Gabriel, who will visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
  • Gabriel called for a "serious dialogue between the parties" to resolve the crisis, adding that while Berlin was "not taking sides, the conflict... affects both us and our interests."

2:55am - Saudi-bloc agrees to give Qatar 48 more hours to accept demands

  • Saudi Arabia and three allies boycotting Qatar have agreed to a request by Kuwait to extend by 48 hours Sunday's deadline for Doha to comply to a set of demands, according to a joint statement on Saudi state news agency SPA.
  • Kuwait had received a response by Qatar to list of 13 demands imposed on it by a Saudi-led bloc of Arab countries, state news agency KUNA said on Monday.
  • After more than two weeks, the four countries gave Doha a 10-day ultimatum, which expired on Sunday night, to comply with a 13-point demand list in exchange for the end of the anti-Qatar measures.

2:30am - Kuwait seeks extension of deadline for demands on Qatar

  • Kuwait has received a response by Qatar to list of 13 demands imposed on it by a Saudi-led bloc of Arab countries, state news agency KUNA said on Monday, but has asked those countries to extend a deadline for compliance by forty-eight more hours.
  • Without stating whether Qatar had rejected the ultimatum as was widely expected, KUNA said Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah asked Saudi Arabia and three other countries that have boycotted Qatar to grant it an extension. Kuwait is mediating in the crisis.

12:07am - FMs from Saudi-led bloc to discuss Gulf dispute on Wednesday

  • The foreign ministers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will meet in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Wednesday to discuss the Gulf diplomatic crisis.
  • "At the invitation of Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, there will be a quartet meeting of the foreign ministers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in Cairo on Wednesday July 5 to follow up on the developing situation regarding relations with Qatar," Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a statement.
  • The four Arab countries cut diplomatic and travel ties with Qatar on June 5, accusing it of supporting "terrorism" and being an ally of regional rival Iran, charges that Doha denies.

Qatar-Gulf crisis: All the updates - Week 1 (June 5-11)

Qatar-Gulf crisis: All the updates - Week 2 (June 12-18)

Qatar-Gulf crisis: All the updates - Week 3 (June 19-25)

Qatar-Gulf crisis: All the updates - Week 4 (June 26-July 2)

10:55pm - Qatar-based websites were briefly unblocked in Saudi Arabia

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

2 conseillers fédéraux à Lausanne le 1er août !


Venez parler de la paix 

avec notamment 2 conseillers fédéraux à Lausanne le 1er août en présence de MM. Alain Berset, Guy Parmelin et de M. Grégoire Junod, syndic de Lausanne.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "premier août lausanne"

Fête nationale du 1er août 2017

La population lausannoise est invitée à célébrer le 1er août en présence de MM. Alain Berset et Guy Parmelin, conseillers fédéraux et de M. Grégoire Junod, syndic de Lausanne. 

Animations et buvettes seront proposées dès le 28 juillet sur la place de la Navigation par la Société de Développement et des Intérêts d’Ouchy.

La cérémonie officielle débutera le 1er août à 19h45 avec la fanfare Harmonie lausannoise. Cortège et vin d’honneur réuniront les autorités et la population, jusqu’au bouquet final du feu d’artifice à 22h15.


La partie officielle aura lieu cette année sur la place de la Navigation. Elle débutera mardi 1er août un peu avant 19h45, avec l’arrivée de Monsieur Alain Berset, conseiller fédéral et de Monsieur Grégoire Junod, syndic de Lausanne par la barge «La Vaudoise». Organisée par la Ville de Lausanne, la cérémonie officielle s’articulera comme suit:

19h45 Accueil de M. Alain Berset, conseiller fédéral, chef du Département fédéral de l’intérieur.
20h Formation du cortège officiel, suivi par les sociétés oscherines, les familles, les enfants et leurs lampions. Sérénade par la fanfare Harmonie lausannoise.
20h15 Partie officielle avec allocutions de M. Grégoire Junod, syndic, et de M. Alain Berset, conseiller fédéral
20h45 Vin d’honneur

Silence et écoute : le message de paix de Frère Nicolas.


Silence et écoute : le message de paix de Frère Nicolas. 

Pasteur Martin Hoegger

à 21h00, au Mont sur Lausanne, ce 1er août
Nicolas et Dorothee
J’aimerais vous parler d’un prophète. Qu’est-ce qu’un prophète ? Un prophète étonne, dérange et provoque ! En ce soir de fête nationale, je parlerai d’un prophète suisse. Sans doute le plus grand que notre pays ait donné. Il y a 600 ans, en 1417, naissait Nicolas de Flue.
 Sa vie continue à nous provoquer.
Pourquoi ce paysan, ce magistrat, père de 10 enfants décide-t-il un jour de vivre en ermite, à 500 mètres de sa maison, alors que son dernier enfant n’a que quelques mois ?
Comment comprendre son jeûne complet de plus de 20 ans qu’il a vécu sans le vouloir ?
N’est-ce pas choquant et dérangeant ?
Pourtant c’est lui que la Providence a choisi pour éviter une guerre fratricide entre les cantons de la Suisse d’alors.
Sans lui, la Suisse n’existerait sans doute pas telle qu’elle est aujourd’hui.

Un silence et une écoute qui fondent la Suisse

J’aimerais souligner deux points de la vie de Frère Nicolas – Bruder Klaus, comme on l’appelait : son silence et son écoute.
Deux points qui ont fondé la Suisse il y a 600 ans, et sans lesquels notre pays ne subsisterait pas aujourd’hui.
Tout d’abord son silence.
N’est-il pas paradoxal de parler du silence le premier août au milieu des pétards des feux d’artifices ?
Etes-vous déjà allé au Ranft, où il a vécu ? Près de Sarnen en Suisse centrale.
C’est un lieu de beauté et de silence.
Si vous ne le connaissez pas, je vous conseille d’y aller.
Le 9 septembre prochain, il y aura d’ailleurs lieu une grande journée œcuménique sur le message actuel de frère Nicolas. C’est une bonne occasion de le découvrir.
Aujourd’hui le silence est essentiel. Seuls ceux qui savent faire silence ne sont pas entraînés par les modes, l’impatience des foules, les harangues des tribuns, les emballements des réseaux sociaux, les avidités de toutes sortes.
Les vrais créateurs, les artistes, les chercheurs, les grands politiciens savent la valeur du silence.
Puis le deuxième point est l’écoute.
Parce qu’il savait la valeur du silence, frère Nicolas savait écouter.
Il écoutait Dieu lui parler à travers sa Parole qu’il entendait tous les jours dans la chapelle du Ranft.
S’il a pu se priver de nourriture pendant 20 ans, il n’a pas pu vivre un seul jour sans le pain de la Parole de Dieu.
Nous sommes faits ainsi : nous pouvons jeûner de pain, mais pas d’eau et d’esprit !
Parce qu’il était un homme qui savait écouter, bientôt le monde viendra à lui, car les confédérés voyaient vraiment en lui leur frère.
Il avait tout connu comme eux : les champs de bataille, les fatigues nécessaires pour assurer le pain quotidien d’une famille nombreuse, les responsabilités de la vie politique.
Il était leur frère, il pouvait les comprendre, se faire tout à tous, et même, certaines fois, exercer le don de lire dans les cœurs.
Chaque personne qui vient à lui, est accueillie comme un frère ou une sœur.

Chercher la paix.

Dans le silence et l’écoute frère Nicolas vit depuis 14 ans dans son ermitage. C’est alors qu’il jouera le rôle décisif qui fera de lui le «père de la patrie».
Ces années ont creusé en lui un sillon profond et un intense désir de partager la paix avec tous.
Son message est simple : la paix est à la fois un don de Dieu et une responsabilité de chacun.
Voilà ce qu’il dit à tous : « La paix se trouve toujours en Dieu, car Dieu est la paix ».
Ce message a été compris par les responsables des cantons qui étaient sur le point de faire la guerre les uns contre les autres. Ils sont retournés chez eux dans la paix.
Mais que signifie aujourd’hui chercher la paix dans un pays en paix comme le nôtre ?
Aujourd’hui comme au temps de frère Nicolas, chercher la paix signifie vivre dans la confiance, l’honnêteté, la justice, la pureté, la solidarité, l’attention aux plus faibles.
La Suisse d’aujourd’hui a besoin de prophètes comme frère Nicolas. L’Europe a aussi besoin de prophètes pour réaliser sa juste vocation.
Qui serons ces prophètes ?
Voulons-nous être ces prophètes ?
Si nous nous encourageons les uns les autres à chercher cette paix en Dieu, nous pouvons devenir ensemble ces prophètes !
Alors un feu s’allumera dans notre cœur.
Ce feu qui sera symbolisé dans un moment par ce grand feu qui sera allumé sur la place du Châtaignier !
Pasteur Martin Hoegger, Pasteur de l’Eglise évangélique réformée du canton de Vaud (EERV). (BIO)

Lire mon étude:  Nicolas de Flue. Une vie pour la paix et l’unité

Terrains gratuits fournis par des communes


Exemple au Congo :

Terrains gratuits fournis par la commune de Kinshasa à Charly selon la Vision du sou ci-dessous par St Nicolas de Flüe, patron de la paix mondiale depuis 1947

Le sou et la fontaine de vie

La place publique- Le frère se lève la nuit pour méditer sur la Passion et sur le martyre de Dieu. Au moment de se rendormir, il aperçoit en esprit une place: une foule de gens s'y livrent à de durs travaux, mais il s'étonne de les trouver si pauvres.
La vasque où se déverse la Fontaine. - Alors, à main droite, il vit une belle maison dont la porte était grande ouverte. Il entra et se trouva dans une cuisine, appartenant à toute une commune.
A droite, un escalier de quatre marches « ou à peu près »
Quelques rares hommes y montaient. Leur vêtement semblait aspergé de blanc.
Il vit une Fontaine sortir des marches et remplir une grande vasque dans la cuisine. Elle apportait trois choses: vin, huile, miel. Elle coulait aussi vite que l'éclair, et si haut que le palais en résonnait comme un cor. Il s'étonna que les gens, pourtant si pauvres, ne vinssent pas à la Fontaine, ouverte à tout le monde.
La source de la Fontaine. - Alors, il monta les marches pour voir d'où venait la Fontaine, Il parvint dans une grande salle. Au milieu, était un réservoir . Il s'en approcha au risque de s'enliser. Aux quatre angles, il remarqua quatre puissants étais de fer. La Source était si transparente qu'on aurait pu y apercevoir au fond le moindre cheveu'; et elle chantait merveilleusement dans le réservoir et dans le canai où elle s'écoulait. Elle était inépuisable et pleine jusqu'aux bords, bien qu'elle sortît par toutes les fentes.
Le monde périt de misère à c6té de la Fontaine de Vie. - Alors, il voulut redescendre pour voir ce qui retenait les hommes de venir puiser à la Fontaine. L'un avait dressé une barrière au travers de la place et il ne laissait passer personne sans réclamer le sou. Un autre faisait tournoyer son gourdin, pour exiger le sou. Un autre jouait du fifre, pour avoir le sou. Des tailleurs, des cordonniers, des artisans lui réclamèrent le sou. Et avant d'avoir fini, ils étaient déjà redevenus si pauvres qu'ils ne réussissaient même pas à s'enrichir temporellement. Mais personne ne venait puiser à la Fontaine.
Conclusion. - Alors la scène changea, l'homme vit des pentes sauvages semblables à celles qui entourent la chapelle et l'ermitage de frère Nicolas, et il comprit que le palais était frère Nicolas.
On ne peut servir Dieu et l'argent. La Fontaine, c'est la vie divine accessible largement, la vie trinitaire , capable de rénover la vie sociale, comme l'indiquent les appropriations :
mémoire, intelligence, volonté
autorité, obéissance, amour
puissance, sagesse,bonté
éternité, beauté, jouissance
unité, égalité, union.
Le manuel de la cellule trinitaire de votre serviteur détaille cela dans les pages 16 à 44. La recherche effrénér du sou ne peut conduire qu'à la ruine, à l'abattage, aux tremblements.
Le monde présentement se détourne des vraies réalités, et adore de fausses divinités : l'Etat, la Terre, le Peuple, etc et pousse en fait à la recherche du chaos.

Nicolas de Flue et la Trinité (25.3.01)

D'après le livre Saint Nicolas de Flue de Charles Journet (Fribourg 1966), le saint ermite eut des visions faisant mention de la Sainte Trinité:
I ...Une autre fois, occupé à quelque travail domestique, il aperçut trois hommes d'une étrange noblesse, qu'il ne reconnut pas tout de suite. Le premier lui dit: «Nicolas, veux-tu te livrer tout entier, esprit et corps, en notre pouvoir ? » Il répondit sur-le-champ ces fières paroles: « je ne me livre à personne, sauf au Dieu tout-puissant, dont je désire depuis longtemps être serviteur, corps et âme ». Alors les trois personnes éclatèrent d'un rire joyeux. Et la première lui annonça qu'à soixante-dix ans il serait délivré des afflictions, et recevrait comme trophée la patte d'ours et l'étendard de la puissante armée. «Mais c'est la croix que je te laisse maintenant, pour la porter en mémoire de nous » .
Vie, de Wölflin, Durrer, p. 537. Durrer note qu'on clouait aux portes des granges la patte des bêtes dangereuses, en guise de trophée.
On peut remarquer ici que Nicolas est favorisé d'une vision directe des trois Trois Personnes de la Trinité, tout comme Abraham (Gen. 18, 1-5), et que le Ciel n'est pas triste.
II ... Le Pèlerin et la Trinité. - Il lui parut en esprit qu'un Pèlerin arrivait, venant de l'Orient. Il tenait son bâton à la main, son chapeau était attaché et pendait par derrière, comme lorsqu'on est en route. Il était caché par son manteau. Alors il chanta l'Alléluia. Sa voix était soutenue par les petites orgues de l'univers. Et les trois noms parfaits des personnes divines sortirent et rentrèrent dans le sein de l'unique AIléluia.
Dieu nous demande l'aumône. - Alors le Pèlerin demanda l'aumône. Et voici que l'homme trouva un sou dans sa main, sans savoir comment il lui était venu. Le Pèlerin tendit son chapeau pour y recevoir le sou. Et l'homme fut émerveillé qu'il pût y avoir un si grand honneur à tendre ainsi son chapeau pour y recevoir un sou. Il voulut savoir qui était le Pèlerin et d'où il venait. Mais il n'obtint que cette réponse: « je viens de là-bas ».
La vision du Dieu incarné et de son corps mystique. - L'homme tient ses yeux attachés sur le Pèlerin. Et soudain le manteau qui le cachait tombe, laissant apparaîÎtre le mystère du Verbe fait chair revêtu de la robe couleur de cendre de notre humanité, descendu jusque dans les affres de la douleur, qui lui confèrent une nouvelle noblesse (nigra sum sed formosa), et entouré de ses membres qui lui sont une singulière parure. Mais suivons le texte de la vision: " Et voici que le Pèlerin s'était transformé. Sa tête était nue. Il avait une tunique gris bleu. Il n'avait plus son manteau. Et c'était un homme tellement noble, si bien fait, qu'on ne pouvait faire autre chose que de le regarder avec joie et avec complaisance. Son visage brun ajoutait à sa noblesse. Ses yeux étaient noirs comme la pierre d'aimant et ses membres si bien faits qu'il lui en revenait une étrange beauté. Et bien qu'il fût vêtu, son vêtement n'empêchait pas de voir ses membres . »
Le monde est déjà jugé. - Et le Pèlerin posa ses yeux sur l'homme. Alors se produisirent plusieurs grands prodiges. La montagne du Pilate s'aplatit, le monde entier se découvrit, et tout le péché qui était en lui se manifesta. Une grande masse d'hommes parurent. La Vérité était derrière eux, et leurs visages étaient détournés d'elle. Chacun avait un abcès au cœur, gros comme deux poings réunis. C'était l'intérêt propre, qui égare les gens au point qu'ils ne peuvent pas plus supporter la face de l'Homme qu'on ne peut supporter le feu. Ils rôdaient anxieux, furieux, et on les voyait finalement disparaître au loin, couverts de honte et d'ignominie. Et la Vérité, à qui ils tournaient le dos, demeurait là.
La Passion du Sauveur. - Alors le visage du Pèlerin devint pareil à un voile de Véronique, et l'homme éprouvait un grand désir de le contempler davantage.

La victoire du Christ ressuscité. - Et il le vit de nouveau comme auparavant. Mais ses vêtements étaient changés. Il était vêtu d'une peau d'ours, chausses et tunique. Elle était aspergée d'or. Elle lui allait si bien qu'elle lui ajoutait une beauté particulière .
La gloire qui élève le Christ au ciel Pourra illuminer ceux qui l'entoureront. - Et l'homme sentit que le Pèlerin voulait prendre congé de lui. Il lui demanda : « Où veux-tu aller ? » Et la réponse fut: « je veux monter dans le pays. » L'homme le suivit des yeux. La peau d'ours resplendissait plus ou moins: comme il arrive lorsqu'on marche avec une armure reluisante, dont la clarté se reflète au mur. L'homme comprit qu'il y avait en cela quelque chose qui lui restait voilé. Quand le Pèlerin se fut éloigné de quatre pas, ou à peu près, il se retourna. Il avait alors son chapeau sur la tête, il l'enleva et il s'inclina vers l'homme.
L'amour du Pèlerin pour les hommes. - Alors l'homme comprit l'amour que lui portait le Pèlerin, et il en fut bouleversé, voyant qu'il en était indigne. Il connut en esprit que le visage du Pèlerin, ses yeux, tout son corps étaient pleins d'une humilité empreinte d'amour, comme un vase si rempli de miel qu'on ne pourrait y ajouter une goutte. A ce moment, il n'aperçut plus le Pèlerin. Mais il était si rassasié qu'il n'attendait plus rien. Il.lui semblait qu'on lui avait découvert tout ce qu'il y avait au ciel et sur la terre.
... Et les trois noms parfaits des personnes divines sortirent et rentrèrent dans le sein de l'unique AIléluia.

Attardons-nous sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité, dont les représentations sont très variées. Par exemple, on voit Dieu le Père sous les traits d'un homme majestueux, avec une barbe splendide, et le Fils sous l'apparence d'un homme jeune, conformément à ce que dit l'Ecriture : Celui qui m'a vu a vu le Père (Joh. 14, 9).. Le Saint-Esprit devient ici comme une colombe. Parfois Dieu le Père serre son Fils sur son coeur. Les artistes se sont souvent évertués à donner d'autres images, évoquant en général l'Incarnation rédemptrice : le Père, Créateur ; le Fils Rédempteur et le Saint-Esprit, Consolateur. Les musulmans ont beau jeu d'accuser les chrétiens d'adorer trois dieux ...
Or on oublie souvent que la Trinité préexiste à la Création et à toute l'histoire humaine, à la Chute, et à la Rédemption. Considérons donc la Sainte Trinité en dehors du temps, en dehors de la Création. Il y a Dieu, l'Unique, le Vivant, dont la Vie s'exprime en trois Personnes : Dieu engendrant n'est autre que la Personne du Père; Dieu engendré est une Personne : le Fils, et l'Acte même de génération est la Personne du Saint-Esprit, procédant donc du Père et du Fils. Charles Journet développe en somme cela et présente des schémas explicatifs, que je vais essayer de vous commenter.
Le premier schéma représente les trois Personnes centrées en Dieu l'Unique, la parfaite égalité des Trois étant mise en évidence. (Figure 1).

Un second schéma explique la distinction des personnes : le Père n'est pas le Fils, etc, mais chaque personne étant Dieu (Figure 2).
Le symbole de Saint Athanase détaille cela d'une manière grandiose :

Symbole de St Athanase
Quiconque veut faire son salut Doit avant tout conserver la foi catholique; Car, s'il ne la garde pas pure et sans tache, il court sans aucun doute à la mort éternelle.
Cette foi catholique consiste en ceci: "Adorer un Dieu unique en Trois personnes, et Trois Personnes ne formant qu'un seul Dieu, Sans confondre les Personnes, Mais sans diviser la substance.
Autre, en effet, est la Personne du Père, autre celle du Fils, Autre celle du Saint-Esprit, Mais le Père, le Fils et le Saint Esprit Ont une seule nature divine, Une égale gloire, une même éternelle majesté.
Tel le Père, tel le Fils, Et tel le Saint-Esprit. Le Père est incréé, le Fils est incréé, Le Saint-Esprit est incréé. Le Père est infini, le Fils est infini, Le Saint-Esprit est infini. Le Père est éternel, le Fils est éternel, Le Saint-Esprit est éternel.
Et cependant il n'y a pas trois éternels, Mais un seul Eternel, Ni trois incréés, ni trois infinis, Mais un seul Incréé, un seul Infini.
De même, le Père est tout-puissant, le Fils est tout-puissant, Le Saint-Esprit est tout-Puissant
Et cependant il n'y a pas trois tout-puissants,
Mais un seul Tout-Puissant.
C'est ainsi que le Père est Dieu, le Fils est Dieu,
Le Saint-Esprit est Dieu,
Et cependant il n'y a pas trois dieux,
Mais un seul Dieu.
C'est ainsi que le Père est Seigneur, le Fils est Seigneur,
Le Saint-Esprit est Seigneur,
Et cependant il n'y a pas trois seigneurs,
Mais un seul Seigneur.
Car de même que la vérité chrétienne nous oblige à reconnaître Que chaque Personne, prise en soi, est Dieu et Seigneur, De même la religion catholique nous interdit de penser Qu'il y a trois dieux ou trois seigneurs.
Le Père n'a pas été fait, ni créé ni engendré.
Le Fils est du Père seul, non fait ni créé, mais engendré par Lui.
L'Esprit-Saint est du Père et du Fils,
Non qu'Il ait été fait, ni créé, ni engendré par eux,
Mais Il en procède.
Il y a donc un Père, et non trois, un Fils, et non trois,
Un Saint-Esprit, et non trois.
Et dans cette Trinité, il n'v a ni avant, ni après, ni plus, ni moins, Mais en tout les trois Personnes sont coéternelles et égales, Si bien qu'en tout, comme on l'a déjà proclamé, On doit adorer l'Unité dans la Trinité Et la Trinité dans l'Unité. Telle est, si l'on veut faire son salut, La doctrine que l'on doit tenir au sujet de la Trinité.
Mais il faut de plus, pour gagner le salut éternel, Avoir une foi ferme en l'Incarnation de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ. La rectitude de cette foi Veut que l'on reconnaisse et proclame Que Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu, Est Dieu et homme.
Comme Dieu, il est engendré de la substance du Père de toute éternité Comme homme, il est né dans le temps du corps d'une mère. Dieu complet, il est aussi homme complet, Composé d'une âme raisonnable et d'un corps humain. Egal au Père en tant que Dieu, Il est inférieur au Père en tant qu'homme.
Et bien qu'il soit Dieu et homme, Il n'y a cependant pas deux Christs, mais un seul. Unique, non parce que Dieu se serait changé en être charnel, Mais parce que Dieu a assumé la nature humaine. Parfaitement unique, non par la confusion des deux natures, -Mais dans l'unité d'une seule Personne. En effet, de même qu'un homme unique Est à la fois âme raisonnable et corps, De même le Christ unique est à la fois Dieu et homme.
Il a subi le supplice pour nous sauver, Est descendu chez les morts; Le troisième jour, Il en est ressuscité; Il est monté aux cieux; Il siège à la droite de Dieu le Père Tout-Puissant; Il en reviendra, pour juger les vivants et les morts.
A son retour, tous les hommes doivent ressusciter avec leur corps Et rendre compte de leurs actes, Et ceux qui auront fait le bien iront à la vie éternelle, Tandis que ceux qui auront fait le mal iront au feu éternel.
Telle est la foi catholique, Qu'il faut garder sans défaut ni faiblesse, Faute de quoi on ne peut faire son salut.
Mais le schéma circulaire ci-dessus peut être enrichi par association de mystères adjacents (Figure 3).
« Maintenant, je vais aussi te parler de la pure servante Marie, qui est une reine du ciel et de la terre. Elle a été prévue par la divine Sagesse. Elle fut investie par cette divine Sagesse dès l'instant où Dieu décida de la créer. Elle a d'abord été conçue dans la pensée du Dieu très haut, avant de l'être dans le sein de sa propre mère. Et toute la grâce qui lui était destinée d'avance est entrée en elle comme un puissant secours au moment où elle fut conçue. C'est pourquoi elle est pure, délicate et immaculée. Ainsi la vertu du Très-Haut est sortie, elle l'a enveloppée, elle l'a remplie avec Puissance de l'Esprit saint. Vois, dans la roue, le rayon qui part du cercle intérieur: il est large à sa base, et il se termine en fine pointe; or, selon la signification et selon la forme des rayons, représente-toi le Dieu tout-puissant: il couvre et il embrasse tous les cieux; pourtant, comme un tout petit enfant, voici qu'il entre dans la très haute Vierge et qu'il naît d'elle sans briser sa virginité » . Voilà la première merveille, c'est un petit enfant.
La seconde merveille, c'est la petite hostie. « Et voici que son corps délicat, il nous l'a donné en nourriture, joint à la divinité qui en est inséparable. Vois cet autre rayon qui lui aussi est large près du cercle intérieur et petit contre le cercle extérieur, vers le dehors: ainsi la grande puissance du Dieu tout-puissant est contenue sous les apparences de la petite hostie » .
La troisième merveille, c'est que la fragilité de la vie puisse être ordonnée à une récompense éternelle. En cela tient toute la raison d'être de la création. «Et maintenant remarque un autre rayon de la roue, qui lui aussi est large près du cercle intérieur et petit vers l'extérieur: c'est le symbole de notre vie, tout à fait courte et passagère. Dans ce temps bref, puissions-nous par l'amour divin mériter une joie indicible qui jamais ne prendra fin » .

«Voilà la signification de ma roue. » Ici le pèlerin, ému par le son de la voix de Permite, ajoute: « Cette parole me réjouit le cœur » 1.
Telle est, réduite à l'essentiel, et dégageant ses lignes maîtresses qui se sont gravées profondément dans la mémoire du pèlerin bavarois, la vue grandiose du pieux ermite, enivré par le contraste ineffable qu'il découvre entre, d'une part, la splendeur tranquille et inimaginable de la vie trinitaire et, d'autre part, la suscitation fragile et merveilleuse d'un univers où trois mystères brillent à ses yeux comme trois étoiles: le mystère d'un petit enfant né d'une vierge, le mystère d'une petite hostie, et le mystère de la petite durée de notre vie et de notre épreuve.
La figure suivante (Figure 4) illustre laTrinité et le monde, dessin de la première édition du traité du Pélerin, à Augsburg vers 1480.
Nous pouvons maintenant reprendre, au point où nous l'avons laissé, le récit du Traité du Pèlerin: « Vois-tu cette figure ? Au centre c'est l'essence divine, la Divinité indivisée en qui se réjouissent tous les saints. Les trois pointes qui vont vers le cercle intérieur, ce sont les trois Personnes: elles sortent de l'unique divinité, elles embrassent le ciel et encore le monde entier, qui relèvent de leur puissance. Et comme elles sortent avec une force divine, ainsi elles rentrent; et elles sont unies, et inséparables en éternelle puissance. Voilà le sens de ce dessin » .
En regard de cette figure, encore incomplète, dont Nicolas révèle le sens au pieux pèlerin bavarois, essayons de placer, pour un instant, un schéma trinitaire très apparenté, qui se retrouve fréquemment au xve siècle, soit en miniature dans les livres d'heures, soit en sculpture au portail des églises et sur les dalles tumulaires, et destiné à rappeler les processions des personnes divines, leur mutuelle distinction, leur identité avec l'être divin; c'est-à-dire tout l'essentiel du mystère de la Trinité, où nous croyons que les trois Personnes, dont chacune s'identifie réellement à l'essence divine, sont néanmoins réellement distinctes entre elles.
Note : cette figure est reproduite dans chaque exemplaire de notre revue, en page de couverture.

Ci- après apparaissent deux figures qui concrétisent ce qui précède

Jean de Siebenthal

Les attaques contre monnaie-pleine... nous serions marxistes !


Les attaques contre monnaie-pleine... nous serions marxistes !

Vollgeld Gaga ? Vollgeld & Marxismus ?

Nous ne sommes pas contre les banques mais pour l'application des lois et de la constitution.

Leurs attaques sont ridicules !

Monnaie-pleine, respect du Souverain ?

Les Suisses résistent, voir AAA+ http://aaapositifs.ch/ et www.monnaie-pleine.ch

La monnaie-pleine devrait déjà être en vigueur, ils trichent et ne respectent pas la volonté populaire à près de 60 %....

De vrais francs pour tous  !

L’initiative Monnaie Pleine ( Les francs suisses émis pour les habitants de la Suisse et pas pour les profits juteux et immérités de quelques banquiers et financiers, souvent à l'étranger ou de l'étranger ) veut exactement ce que beaucoup pensent être déjà la réalité aujourd’hui, notamment que seule la Banque nationale produise les francs suisses, y compris tous les francs suisses de l’argent électronique et des crédits. 
Nous respectons toutes les autres monnaies suisses ( plus de 100 ) , par exemple les francs wir, www.wir.ch , ou les Reka, Sels, Talents, Lémans, Farinets,  Tauschring... qui doivent être aussi des monnaies pleines...

Ceci est en adéquation avec l'intention initiale de la Constitution fédérale (dès 1891 l’article 36, « La monnaie relève de la compétence exclusive de la Confédération »). aujourd’hui l’article 99 : 

Toujours en vigueur, mais pas respecté...

  Art. 99 Politique monétaire
1 La monnaie relève de la compétence de la Confédération; le droit de battre monnaie et celui d'émettre des billets de banque appartiennent exclusivement à la Confédération.
2 En sa qualité de banque centrale indépendante, la Banque nationale suisse mène une politique monétaire servant les intérêts généraux du pays; elle est administrée avec le concours et sous la surveillance de la Confédération.
3 La Banque nationale constitue, à partir de ses revenus, des réserves monétaires suffisantes, dont une part doit consister en or.
4 Elle verse au moins deux tiers de son bénéfice net aux cantons.

Les banques commerciales ne devraient déjà pas créer de l'argent ou de la monnaie en francs suisses, la constitution n'est pas respectée, ni son esprit, ni les considérants qui interdisaient à toutes les banques commerciales d'émettre leurs propres billets ( ce qu'ils dont en fait à chaque crédit de facto, en catimini... ), nous sommes face à des abus inadmissibles, des vols qualifiés en bandes organisées de notre souveraineté monétaire, pour plus de 3 billions francophones, 3 suivi de douze (12) zéros, sic, des milliers de milliards, sic...

Postes du bilan: évolution de l’actif et du passif, ventilés en comptes suisses et en comptes étrangers des banques en Suisse

En Suisse
A l’étranger
En Suisse
A l’étranger
En millions de francs
En millions de francs
En millions de francs
En millions de francs
1 612 981
1 428 738
1 578 365
1 463 354

Avec monnaie-pleine, la vérité est faite, elles ne seront dès lors plus autorisées à créer leur propre argent; elles ne pourront prêter que l'argent qu'elles auront reçu des épargnants, des autres banques ou, en cas de besoin, de la Banque nationale. 


« Il s'agit de réformes fondamentales qui intéressent la vie de tous les jours de millions de citoyens. Ces réformes indispensables n'ont été réalisées, ni même envisagées, ni par les libéraux justement préoccupés de favoriser l'efficacité de l'économie, ni par les socialistes justement attachés à l'équité de la distribution des revenus… Les uns et les autres n'ont cessé d'être aveuglés par la répétition incessante de toutes parts de pseudo vérités et par des préjugés erronés. »

Maurice Allais, prix Nobel d'économie.

Tout ce qui est possible, apparemment légal n'est pas nécessairement bon pour le peuple et moral.
Ces créations monétaires du néant par les banques commerciales, "ex nihilo" en technique bancaire, violent la bonne foi et la réalité économique par un grave abus de la marque suisse, au contraire des francs wir, http://www.wir.ch/fr/ , qui reconnaissant honnêtement leur caractère privé. 
Les gens croient que ce sont des francs suisses mais c'est un pur mensonge et un viol de leur confiance. Ce sont de "faux" francs "suisses", un abus de langage et de titres. Le conseil fédéral écrit diplomatiquement "des substituts monétaires"... comme les points cumulus, les miles des compagnies aériennes, au risque des clients...
En récapitulation, on est face à des abus de confiance, de fausses représentations économiques, des comptabilités frauduleuses, des substituts astucieux de monnaie, donc de la fausse monnaie comme le reconnaît un prix Nobel, Maurice Allais, des complots financiers par astuce en bande, de la concussion et la corruption, des abus de biens sociaux...
Ces contrats sont iniques, odieux et impossibles à honorer, comme en Grèce, vu les exponentielles d'intérêts devenues verticales( 1+ i puissance le nombre des années ) donc nuls pour la plupart ( il faut distinguer ces créations folles de la vraie épargne )...


Pour une Banque Nationale vraiment Suisse, BNS 3.0

Nous travaillons pour faire une BNS 3.0

Venez à l'AG de la BNS: pour une coopérative citoyenne

On ne respecte pas les principes importants, on nous viole, on nous marche dessus, trop, c'est trop !

"Non aux violations de la Constitution" . Respect au Souverain suisse.

Après les dilutions monétaires, les dilutions de la souveraineté, des votes ( fraudes aux votes ) et des passeports...

Le peuple doit pouvoir se prononcer notamment sur la loi de mise en oeuvre de l'initiative contre l'immigration de masse. Plusieurs comités de citoyens de tous les bords, y compris socialistes ou ex-UDC, ont lancé la campagne référendaire. La plupart ne se soucient pas que de l'immigration, mais surtout du respect de la démocratie et du fédéralisme suisse.

"Non aux violations crasses de notre Constitution suisse".

Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'ils violent la volonté populaire, notamment dans le domaine important de la monnaie et du crédit, par milliards, la création de monnaie est du domaine exclusif de la Confédération, et pas des banques commerciales qui créent par leurs crédits du néant 
actuellement près de 95 % de la monnaie en "faux francs suisses" notamment électroniques, sans aucune base légale car en violation de l'art. 99 de la Constitution suisse... ( voir plus bas, Monnaie-pleine, respect du Souverain ? ). 
Le conseiller national Geri Müller a été victime d'une cabale car il a osé lever ce lièvre.  http://desiebenthal.blogspot.ch/2016/07/monnaie-pleine-et-geri-muller-les.html

Après les dilutions monétaires, les dilutions de la souveraineté et des passeports...

Ces violations de la Constitution et du mandat populaire par le Parlement ou le Conseil fédéral sont inadmissibles. Cette conclusion est grave car elle mine gravement la confiance dans les institutions démocratiques.

Dans une démocratie directe, la violation de la Constitution pourrait être acceptée à la seule condition que les citoyennes et citoyens l’approuvent dans une votation populaire. Une décision du Parlement ou du Conseil fédéral ne sont pas suffisantes. En effet, l’enjeu n’est pas seulement la confiance, mais aussi le principe de légitimité des décisions politiques.

Donner par exemple la naturalisation facilitée «aux enfants apatrides (article 38, alinéa 3b)» signifie une dilution de la valeur de notre passeport. Il suffira que quelques jeunes apatrides de première génération, filles ou garçons ( on sait qu'ils disent tous qu'ils ont 16 ans, impossible à vérifier, ils ont perdu leurs papiers... ), avec un passeport suisse tout neuf reçu automatiquement d'un fonctionnaire fédéral, commettent un acte terroriste pour faire plonger la valeur de notre passeport suisse... 
Les filières se préparent déjà, c'est trop facile...
La presse mondiale se fera un malin plaisir de diffuser ces nouvelles...
Résistons et agissons immédiatement...


Votez NON 12 février sur la naturalisation facilitée pour les immigrés de troisième génération ( mensonge car les jeunes apatrides sont de la première génération) et signez le référendum ci-dessous. Merci
Formulaires sur les liens ci-dessus, prêts à être imprimé, photocopié, et signé. MERCI

La BNS investit notamment dans les armes nucléaires, sic, et dans le gaz de schiste polluant, resic, ou dans Apple, concurrent de notre horlogerie, mais le pire est la création monétaire faite contre les citoyens suisses, par centaine de milliards...

Nous pouvons changer ces politiques hasardeuses...

Si vous voulez vous joindre à notre action, vous pouvez acheter une action, ou vous la faire sponsoriser, et donner l'instruction suivante à la banque. 

Ceci est valable pour tous, même pour les étrangers, le plus grand actionnaire est allemand, sic...

Projet de loi d'application de monnaie-pleine

Initiative monnaie pleine, questions fréquentes. FAQ.

Remarques et améliorations à siebenthal at gmail . com ou ++ 41 21 652 54 83 merci

Monnaie pleine, Vollgeld, positive money.

François de Siebenthal: Viols de la Constitution !


9 févr. 2017 - Viols de la Constitution ! Ce jour est à marquer d'une pierre noire ! Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'ils violent la volonté populaire... Exemple ...

Préambule - Famille de Siebenthal

Jean de Siebenthal. Note : Les ... Constitution dogmatique sur l'Église intitulée Lumen Gentium. ...... La violence (son radical: “viol” l'exprime) est rupture de cette.

[PDF]Constitution Suspense jusqu'au dernier moment - RERO DOC

20 avr. 1999 - Depuis hier, la Suisse a une nouvelle Constitution. Il s'en est fallu ...... Siebenthal 1-1. 65e Ursea ...... Zimmermann, Loup, Viol- lier, Pasquali.

Le PLR viole la Constitution et permet à l'immigration de masse de se ...


9 déc. 2016 - Le PLR viole la Constitution et permet à l'immigration de masse de se .... libres: écarter du pouvoir les violeurs de la Constitution fédérale!

IASSEM: Non aux violations crasses de notre Constitution suisse


11 févr. 2017 - Viols de la Constitution ! Ce jour est à marquer d'une .... Remarques et améliorations àsiebenthal at gmail . com ou ++ 41 21 652 54 83 merci.

Monnaie pleine, conférence de presse le mardi 8 Août, 2017, 10:00


Les valeurs suisses

Les valeurs suisses 
Un pour tous, tous pour un.


Invitation à la conférence de presse le mardi 8 Août, 2017, 10:00

Chers représentants des médias

Les initiants  présentent une étude sur les effets de l'initiative populaire sur les banques et leurs employés .Pour la première fois sont publiés des chiffres précis sur la façon dont la monnaie électronique influencent les groupes bancaires en Suisse concernés par l'initiative.
L 'association MoMo (Modernisation monétaire)  a envoyé en tant que porteur de l'initiative populaire à toutes les 2276 agences bancaires  en Suisse alémanique la brochure « Full Money: ...Information pour les employés des banques suisses ».
Le vote de ce référendum d'initiative  www.monnaie-pleine.ch aura lieu en 2018
Assistez à la conférence de presse avec:
La conférence de presse aura lieu le:
Mardi, 8 Août, 2017, 10:00
 des salles de réunion 22
Pour vos questions, je suis à votre disposition:
raffael.wuethrich@vollgeld-initiative.ch , 078 817 01 47

meilleures salutations
Raffael Wüthrich
Relations publiques www.monnaie-pleine.ch
Bon à savoir - Plein argent Initiative

Le Conseil consultatif scientifique comprennent Philippe Mastronardi , professeur em. de droit public, Sergio Rossi , professeur de macroéconomie et
 d' économie monétaire et  Peter Ulrich , professeur em. pour l' éthique des affaires.
Informations générales sur la pleine initiative de l' argent:

ARD Video: Comment les banques créent de l' argent - explique en une minute

Les messages clés de toute initiative de l' argent

Cinq questions et cinq réponses à toute initiative de l' argent

Les réponses aux questions critiques d' argent d'initiative complète

Images de presse

Ces scientifiques soutiennent l' monnaie- pleine

Vidéo: Full Initiative Money: la création monétaire vue par la Banque nationale suisse
Initiative monnaie-pleine Vollgeld
PO Box 3160, 5430 Wettingen
Téléphone: 044 586 65 96 , Mobile: 079 773 34 50

From Qatar, Mr. Benoît Ouellet, canadian social crediter

M. Benoît Ouellet, créditiste revenu du Qatar

La Garde d'Honneur


La Garde d'Honneur, c’est VIVRE :


* Chacun est invité à Vivre cette expérience spirituelle :"Toi du moins, aime-moi !" (Jésus à Ste Marguerite Marie)
La Garde d’Honneur du Sacré Cœur a :
  • Pour point de départ le Calvaire où Jésus sur la Croix a le Cœur ouvert et transpercé par la lance du soldat, un Cœur qui est toujours vivant mais continuellement blessé par nos péchés.
  • Pour modèles la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, Saint Jean et Sainte Marie Madeleineles premiers Gardes d’Honneur qui se tiennent au pied de la Croix.
La Garde d'Honneur, c’est VIVRE :
Les objectifs des Gardes d’Honneur :

* Répondre à l’Amour de Jésus qui s'est offert en sacrifice
pour chacun de nous :
"Pour eux, je me sanctifie afin qu'eux aussi soient sanctifiés en vérité" (Jean 17,19)

* Devenir un consolateur du Coeur de Jésus  :
"Jai cherché des consolateurs mais je n'en ai pas trouvé"(ps68,21)

Pour la vivre

  • Commencer par choisir son HEURE par jour, et laisser s’écouler ce temps sans rien changer à ses activités présentes. Mais les assumer en tournant son regard vers Jésus Eucharistie, Jésus si souvent Solitaire au Tabernacle(1)
  • Offrir ses activités, travail, étude, repas, repos sport, oraison, distraction …. En Union à l’Offrande (1) du Christ à son Père pour Sa Gloire et le salut de nos frères.
  • L’offrir ‘’en réparation’’(1) de tous nos péchés et ceux du monde : l’indifférence, l’ingratitude, les blasphèmes, les sacrilèges existent loin ou tout près de nous.


          Vivre cette Heure de Présence est un souhait, un engagement, mais rien ne serait une obligationsous peine de péchés. L’important dans la Garde d’Honneur, c’est l’AMOUR.
          Vivre cette Heure nous rend semblable à la Présence et dans cette proximité de Jésus notre vie devient plus conforme à Lui.

Les objectifs de l'association

  • Obtenir qu’à toutes les heures du jour et de la nuit, à travers le monde des chrétiens soient attentifs
    à l’Amour inconditionnel et actuel du Seigneur
     et ainsi 
    Créer une chaine d’Amour ininterrompue autour de Jésus. 

  • Lui rendre un culte continuel de Gloire, d’Amour (1) et de Réparation
  • pour toutes les blessures qu’il reçoit chaque jour par les péchés des hommes et les nôtres.                           
  • Si nous approchons du Cœur du Christ, nous serons captivés par « Sa Flamme. »
  Il n’est qu’Amour et Miséricorde ;
notre vie doit donc refléter sa Présence.
  Ô Notre Dame,
vous que les anges
ont escortée jusqu'au ciel,
montrez-nous la voie
du salut !
Soyez notre mère,
cheminez avec nous.
Dans l'épreuve,
consolez-nous !
Dans nos chutes,
relevez-nous !

A l'heure de notre mort,
intercédez pour nous !

Et quand, vers Jésus, vous nous accompagnerez, déposez sur notre front votre doux baiser
de Mère et de Reine !

Directeur général:
Direction et Secrétariat
Monastère de la Visitation
13, rue de la Visitation
tel: 09 51 96 47 90
Comité de rédaction
les Soeurs du Monastère de la Visitation de Paray le Monial    
Geneviève Vignes
et avec la généreuse participation
d'Henri Joseph Cornachon-Laplace
et  Jean Delfau

En france

01 - AIN

Notre-Dame de l'Assomption
10 Place de l'église, 01580 IZERNORE tel : 
04 74 76 96 59
Directeur Particulier  : Abbé Parfait BETAKOUAHOU GLADIYS 
 Zélateur, Raymond BERGERET, 68 rue des bleuets 01580 IZERNORE tel : 04 74 76 91 67 bergeret.raymond@neuf.fr

Paroisse de PONT D' AIN
 Directeur particulier Père DIANGADIO BINGO. 121 rue Louise de Savoie, 01160 PONT d' AIN   tel: 04 74 39 03 65
Zélatrice : Mme Jeanine DEUMIER, 6, rue François 1°, 01160, PONT d’AIN tel : 04 74 39 10 94
Directeur particulier : Père DEBARBOUILLE Presbytère, Montée Curtil  01600 REYRIEUX
04 74 00 23 72
 Zélatrice: Mme Marguerite GALLONE, 14, Pré Chantegrive, 01390 MIONNAY 
tel: 04 78 91 83 16 marguerite.marie@yahoo.fr
Paroisse de GRIEGES  (secteur Bresse-Revermont)
Directeur particulier Père BARNAY.presbytère, 94 place de l'Eglise, 01290 GRIEGES tel: 03 85 31 50 38
Zélateur : René Louis Meyer - 43B, 30 rue de la Coupée 71850 CHARNAY LES MACON
Tél : 03 85 29 23 65

Paroisse de TOSSIAT  52 place de l'Eglise, 01250 TOSSIAT tel: 04 74 51 61 52
Zélatrice: Mme Huguette FENET, 313, ch de la croix du Chanel, 01250 TOSSIAT
04 74 51 64 73    rogerfenet@aol.com

Paroisse de VILLARS les DOMBES
Directeur particulier:  Père FRIESS, 598, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 01330 VILLARS les DOMBES, tel: 04 74 98 02 14    abbe.friess@free.fr 
Zélatrice:  Mme Isabelle de FRAMOND  "château Glareins"  01330  LAPEYROUSE
tél : 09 60 11 83 05 
Paroisse du SACRE-COEUR 3 rue Charles Tardy 01000 BOURG-EN-BRESSE 
Tel: 04 74 21 11 79  gdh.bourg@yahoo.com
Directeur particulier:  Père François RINEAU   Tel: 
04 74 21 23 21 
Zélateur : David MARGUIN 63 Rue Clément Ader 01100 ST DENIS LES BOURG
Tél : 04 74 42 30 49   famillemarguin@yahoo.fr
 Directeur Particulier : Abbé Laurent GOY,  1 rue St Martin 01270 COLIGNY  tél : 04 74 30 10 88ab.laurent.goy@wanadoo.fr
Zélatrice : Jacqueline MIRANDOLA 3 rue des Vignes 39190 VINCELLES

 contact : Sylvie HOTTIN 12 rue Martignière 08400 BALLAY  03 24 71 24 92sylviehottin@orange.fr


Lycée militaire d'AIX en PROVENCE
Directeur particulier: Père Jean Dominique, LMA – 13, bd des Poilus,13617 AIX en PROVENCE cedex 1 tel: 06 22 80 88 88

Monastère des Filles du Coeur de Jésus à MARSEILLE
Directeur particulier : Bernard LUCCHESI 2 bd Marechal Lyautey 13470 Carnoux en Provence

Zélatrice Sœur Claude Marguerite 
Monastère des Filles du Coeur de Jésus, 68, Traverse de la Servianne, Les Trois Lucs, 13012 MARSEILLE  tel: 04 91 93 43 46

Directeur particulier:Père LUCCHESI. 2, bd Mal Lyautey, 13470 CARNOUX en PROVENCE
tel: 04 42 73 73 30
zélatrice:Mme Jacqueline DRAGON, Le Belvédère, Bt A, av du Mail, 13470 CARNOUX en PROVENCE

Directeur particulier : Père LUCCHESI  2, Bd Maréchal Lyautey  13470 CARNOUX en PROVENCE
 tel :
04 42 73 73 30
Zélatrice: Mme Marie Rose LUCIANO, Villa Mélanie, Quartier des Grottes,
13830, ROQUEFORT la BEDOULE tel: 04 42 73 29 62

Monastère de la Visitation
Zélatrice :  Soeur Monique Marie 1 boulevard Desanat 13150 TARASCON 
Tél : 04 90 91 04 40   visitation-de-tarascon@orange.fr 

Monastère de la Visitation, 7, av du Docteur Mallet, 15100 ST FLOUR                                                    tel: 04 71 60 07 82   
Directeur particulier : Père DUPONT 

18 -  CHER
INSTITUT L'ANGELUS (Fraternité Enseignante des Coeurs de Jésus et de Marie)
Tél : 02 48 73 44 57
Directeur Diocésain  (Diocèse de BOURGES) :  Père Régis SPINOZA
tél : 02 48 73 44 57   directeur-angelus@fecjm.org

20 – CORSE

Zélatrice: Mme Jeanne Marie COLAS, résidence Pétrelle   Bt 2,    20620 BIGUGLIA CASATORRA tel: 04 95 33 24 89

PAROISSE  CONSTELLATION  13 Rue de l'Eglise   31700 BEAUZELLE  tél : 05 61 59 74 78

Directeur Particulier :  Père Stéphane AYOUAZ  05 61 42 08 53  cure@paroisses-constellation.fr
Zélatrice :  Josette LABEAU  5 Rue du 19 mars 1962  31700 BEAUZELLE
Tél : 05 61 42 08 53  josette.forni-labeau@orange.fr

INSTITUT DU CHRIST ROI, Souverain Prêtre : Cours Notre-Dame de Fatima  334, rue du Pioch de Boutonnet, 34090 MONTPELLIER
Tel: 06 70 65 67 86 / 04 67 40 10 28
Directeur particulier : Chanoine De TERNAY THIBAUT chn.deternay@icrsp.c
tél : 06 72 77 15 06

36 - INDRE
 PAROISSE NOTRE DAME DE L'ALLIANCE  Presbytère, 6 rue de la Seigneurerie  36240 ECUEILLE Tél : 02 54 40 20 06
Directeur Particulier :  Frère Marie Geoffroy Philpin de Piepape  frmariegeof@stjean.com
tél : 06 16 15 10 01
 Zélatrice :   Mme Huguette LEBLANCS  16 rue Pasteur 36180 PELLEVOISIN
Tél : 06 75 29 11 42   superhuguette@gmail.com
11 rue Urbain Grandier 37500 CHINON
Directeur Particulier :  Abbé Pierre Marie de Framond    
donpm@free.fr  tél :02 47 93 07 97
Zélatrice :  Mme Régine BIDEL  24 av. Pierre Labussière 37500 CHINON,regine.BIDEL@maaf.fr
38 - ISERE
Directeur particulier :  Père MALRAISON Jean Hugues Paroisse presbytère 
tél: 04 74 92 83 74  ou     06 61 10 41 33
 Zélatrice : Mme Géraldine TRAHAY   CHANIZIEU   38510 COURTENAY   
tél: 04 74 80 84 97  mail : geraldine.trahay@orange.fr
Monastère de la Visitation, 8 rue Maréchal Joffre, 44000 NANTES,
tel: 02 40 74 15 78 
Directeur particulier:  Père TERTRAIS  4 rue Maréchal Joffre 44000 Nantes
tél :02 40 40 11 09
 Zélatrice:  Soeur Marie Marguerite  Bénardais tél : 02 40 74 15 78 visitation.nantes@orange.fr
Paroisse St Martin du Val d'Erdre, 9 rue de l'Erdre 44390 NIORT SUR ERDRE
tél : 02 40 72 20 27   
Directeur particulier : Père Frédéric ROUSTEAU
Zélateur : Sébastien MINIER , 18 rue Olympe de Gouges , 44980 STE LUCE SUR LOIRE
tél : 02 51 13 93 21 sebastien.minier@laposte.net
Cathédrale SAINTE CROIX 10 rue des gobelets 45000 ORLEANS
02 38 77 87 50cathedralesaintecroix@wanadoo.fr   site de la Cathédrale d'Orléans
Directeur particulier:   Père CHATILLON 
 Zélatrice: Mme  THIRE Christine 5 rue Jean Baptiste Péronneau, apt 61 45000 ORLEANS 
Tel: 02 36 13 23 30  fernando45@laposte.net
Paroisse de CHOLET
Directeur Particulier :   Père VITAL Glaud Couvent St François d'Assise 57 rue louis Pasteur
49300 CHOLET    
Tél : 06 73 85 72 73 p.vital@orange.fr
 Zélateur :   Mme GABORIT Marie-Thérèse 12 square Dampierre 49300 CHOLET  Tél : 06 68 75 57 69

En france (suite)


Zélatrice: Mme Yvonne BERNARDAIS 3 rue du Gros Chêne 53400 CRAON
Tel : 02 43 06 27 50 


 Paroisse Saint Patern  2 place Sainte Catherine  56000 VANNESc

Directeur Particulier : Père Raphaël d'ANSELME  02 97 16 84 47Zélatrice : Maryvonne MOINET  12 rue St Pie X  56000 VANNES
tél : 06 81 92 89 21   



Monastère de la Visitation de SCY-CHAZELLES 9 rue de Moulins 57160 SCY-CHAZELLES
Tel : 03 87 60 56 01
Zélatrice : Soeur Marie-Chantal CUNEGO 

Paroisse St Nicolas
Directeur : Abbé GIARDINELLI Johann 105 Grand'Rue 57970 YUTZ  
59 - NORD 

Paroisse de MAIRIEUX

Directeur : Père Michel PITON presbytère -1 rue de Bersillies 59600 MAIRIEUX
Tél : 03 27 67 45 00  
Zélatrices : Mme Françoise LEMAIRE, 7 rue Michel de Montaigne 59 600 MAUBEUGE 
Tel : 03 27 62 88 67 
et  Mme Myriam AUBERT 31 rue du 18 juin 1940 59250 SAINT-AMAND-LES-EAUX
Tél : 03 27 48 76 18  

Paroisse de LILLEPresbytère Notre Dame de Pentecôte 57 rue Solférino 59000 LILLE 
Directeur :  Père Jean-Luc MORAND  
 tél : 03 20 54 70 43 / 06 70 33 76 33  
Zélatrice :  Mme Agnès LOZIER 17 rue Solférino 59000LILLE  tél  : 03 20 48 20 50  ajf.lozier@free.fr

Institut du Christ Roi Souverain Prêtre

Groupe Scolaire Privé Notre Dame de Fatima, 201 Chemin de la Patinerie 59930 La Chapelle d'Armentières  tél : 03 20 44 17 41 
Directeur : Abbé Martial PINOTEAU
Tél : 07 60 06 66 11  

Centre St Denis en Solesmois27 rue de l'Abbaye  59730 SOLESMES
Tél : 03 27 37 31 08

Zélatrice : Mme Yvette PERUS 4 rue Georges Bizet 59730 SOLESMES
tél : 03 27 79 26 64 / 06 33 96 82 67  

Paroisse Sainte Waudru 
directeur : Père Hervé maison paroissiale 13bis rue de l'église 59600 MAUBEUGE SOUS LE BOIS
03 27 64 74 63

Zélatrice : Mme Nadine BRO 18D  résidence beau séjour - Av. Jean Jaurès 59600 MAUBEUGE SOUS LE BOIS   pascalnadinebro@orange.fr

Paroisse de Berlaimont et Aulnoye
Directeur : Abbé CAUVEZ
Zélatrice : Mme Geneviève BRACQ 17 rue Gilles de Chin 59145 BERLAIMONT
Tél : 03 27 67 66 33

Paroisse du Sacré Coeur - Paroisse Bonne Nouvelle  Marcq en Baroeul
17 place du Général Leclerc 59700 MARCQ EN BAROEUL
Zélatrice : Mme HERLIN Mathilde 212bis, rue Jules Delcenserie 59700 Marcq en Baroeul
Tél : 03 20 65 12 69  / 06 86 95 90 42      
Centre de DOUAI :
Directeur : Abbé André Merville 174 rue Leopold Dussart 59590 RAISMES
Zélateur : Mr Georges-Marie DELVAL rue Gambetta 59552 LAMBRES LEZ DOUAI
tél : 06 87 18 23 63   


 Monastère de la Visitation 20 avenue Antoine Béguère 65100 LOURDES
Tel: 05 62 94 11 68  
 Zélatrice:  Soeur Françoise-Agnès 

67 - BAS- RHIN

 SANCTUAIRE DE Notre Dame de Marienthal
Directeur    :  Père Franck GUICHARD 1 place de la Basilique  67500 MARIENTHAL
Tél : 03 88 93 90 91

Zélatrice : Nathalie SEMBLAT 7 rue des Romains  67500 WEITBRUCH
tél : 06 14 14  35 93   


  Zélatrice :  Melle Marie Claude BARNABE, 62 Boulevard de l'Espérance 68120 PFASTATT
03 89 51 18 36

69 - RHONE

 Collège Bienheureux FRANCOIS et JACINTHE de FATIMA3, rue des deux Amants 69009 LYON
tél: 04 78 37 21 74 ou 04 78 47 23 48
Directeur Particulier : Abbé PATTYN

Zélatrice: Mme Béatrice DUPOYET, 10 Place de la Babillière 01500 DOUVRES
04 74 38 41 75

Paroisse de la TRINITÉ  111 av. Jean Mermoz 69008 LYON
tél : 04 78 74 47 57
Zélatrice:  Mme Françoise BRUN  22 rue St Izidore 69000 LYON                                                                          tél: 06 72 16 30 15 

Paroisse St GEORGES 
Directeur Particulier : Abbé Hugues de MONTJOYE  Maison Ste Blandine 12bis, rue Sala 69002 LYON
tél 04 72 77 07 90   
Zélatrice : Mme BONFILS Marie Odile 16 Bd Croix Rousse 69001 LYON
04 72 00 28 52  



Monastère de la Visitation
 13 rue de la Visitation 71600 Paray-le Monial
09 51 96 47 90          gdh.paray@free.fr

Directeur diocésain : Père Antoine BERGERET Cure St Lazare 14 rue Jeannin 71400 AUTUN 

Directrice particulière: Mère Marie Simon, supérieure de la Visitation

Zélateurs: Mme Geneviève VIGNES, 3 rue Bad-Durkheim 71600 Paray le Monial gdh.paray@free.fr

Mr et Mme Frédéric et Muriel GASCIOLLI  71600 Lugny les Charolles 

Paroisse Saint-Juste de Bretenières  15 rue Edgard Quinet 71100 CHALON SUR SAÔNE
03 85 48 38 73  Paroisse Saint Juste
Zélateurs:  Mr et Mme Paul et Josiane COT le vieux Château 71240 St LOUP DE VARENNES

Sanctuaire Notre DAME DU CHENE
Directeur particulier :Père Alain Dominique  Notre Dame du Chêne 1 place de la Basilique 72300 VION
Tél. : 02-43-95-48-01   
zélatrice : Françoise et Valdomiro LUCAVEÏ 11 rue des Tilleuls 53200 CHATEAU GONTIER
Tél : 06 82 25 98 11  

Prytanee National Militaire 22 rue du Collège 72208 LA FLECHE Cedex
Directeur particulier : Aumônier Père Renaud DE DONA-FREDEVILLE

Tél : 06 63 19 53 71   marabprytanee@gmail.com


Oratoire des Capucins : 344 Faubourg Montmélian 73000 CHAMBERY
Directeur particulier : Père Charles CAPET
tél : 04 79 33 34 19

Zélatrice : Annie GUILLOT jardin Buissons Ronds- montée E -  40 route d'Apremont 73000 BARBERAZ
Tél : 04 79 26 01 28 

75 - PARIS 
Monastère de la Visitation  
68 rue Denfert-Rochereau 75014 PARIS
Tel: 01 43 27 12 90  
Zélatrices : Soeur Lucie-Chantal 
et  Marie-Claude MILLET 11 rue Dantzig 75015 PARIS
Tél : 06 12 80 72 81  

11 rue de la Nativité  75012 PARIS
Tél : 01 43 07 86 51 mail : webmaster@notredamedebercy.com

Zélatrice : Mme Isabelle NOGUEIRA 91 Rue St Etienne Marcel, Bât. 1B  93100 MONTREUIL
Tél : 01 55 86 90 42

12 rue Saint Joseph 75002 PARIS
Tél : 09 52 21 77 89 ou 07 86 52 91 56

Directeur Particulier : Abbé Jean François BILLOT (même adresse)abbebillot@gmail.com

Paroisse Saint Christophe de la Forêt  
1 rue Abbé Montier 76610 LE HAVRE
Directeur particulier: Père Didier Roquigny
Tel: 02 35 47 19 79  
Zélateur:  Mr Cédric JEGOU, 71 rue Jean Bouise 76610 LE HAVRE
Tel: 02 76 80 45 37  Port: 06 62 29 73 69   


 Paroisse Saint Lubin à RAMBOUILLET 46 rue Gambetta 78120 RAMBOUILLET
Directeur particulier : Abbé Amaury Sartorius
Tél : 01 34 57 36 30  
Zélatrice : Mme Edwige BARDOT 25 square Alfred de Musset 78120 RAMBOUILLET
Tel : 06 61 24 07 99   

Paroisse NOtre Dame de la Route  à AUBERGENVILLE  4 rue Gaston Jouillerat 78410 Aubergenville
tél : 01 30 95 71 55
Directeur particulier : Père Damien Warnan
Tél : 06 18 15 74 31 

83 - VAR 
Paroisse Saint-Raymond CARQUEIRANNE-LE PRADET 191 avenue Gabriel Péri 83220 LE PRADET
Tel: 04 94 08 48 74
Directeur particulier: Père Hubert BLIN
Zélatrice: Mme Irmhild MARCOUYOUX 2, Le Verger de Beauvoir, Chemin de l'Artaude 83220 LE PRADET
Tel: 09 54 45 81 71  et 06 95 20 23 68 

Paroisse de Fayence
Paroisse St Jean Baptiste 1 rue du Terme 83440 FAYENCE 
 Directeur particulier : DON HERVE LEPETIT
Tél : 04 94 39 06 20   - 06 62 23 02 52 
paroisse.fayence@free.fr   don.rv@aliceadsl.fr   


Paroisse du SACRE-COEUR, rue du Sacré-Coeur 84000 AVIGNONDirecteur particulier:  Père Paco FRANCISCO ESPLUQUES
Tel: 06 23 27 62 81 
Zélatrice:  Mme Maryse CHAUVAUX 1184 Chemin de la Bastide Vieille 84800 LAGNES
Tel: 04 90 20 91 06   / 06 83 94 86 23  mail : 

Institut Saint Dominique , 184 Rue du Clos Mariotte 88460 LA BAFFE
Directrice : soeur Marie de Saint Etienne
tél : 03 29 33 24 67 


Paroisse  Ste Rose de Lima 12 rue Schoeler 97231 LE ROBERT secretariat@rosedelima.org
Directeur Particulier : Père Christian CATAYEE 
Tél : 05 96 65 10 12 ou 06 96 24 99 27

Zélatrice : Mme Marie Claude BOROT  36 cité Paul Symphor 97231 LE ROBERT
Tél : 05 96 69 42 36 ou 06 96 82 45 15  borotmarieclaude@gmail.com


A l'étranger

Monasterio de la Visitacion, Calle Champagnat 1199,
1629 PILAR  Pcia Bs. As.-Rep.Argentine.
Tel: 00 54 2322 431 315.  fax: 00 54 2322 431 315.
Directeur national: Père Ricardo GONZALES

Centre National: Monastère et Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Merodelei, 12
Secrétaire: Mme Ursula DORIG, rue Marconi, 63, B-1190 FOREST-BRUXELLES

Paroisse Marie Immaculée, rue de l’Église 29   5060  MOIGNELEE
Tel : (0032)  71 74 40 93
Zélatrice : Mme Thérèse CHERPION,   Mukantabana 27, rue St Joseph5537 BLOULTel : (032) 7132 55 57

Directeur Particulier : Abbé Constant BOSABANA
Centre de Liège :
Sanctuaire du Vieux Bon Dieu de Tancrémont
Directeur Particulier : Père Jos. VANDERBRUGGEN, O. Praem. Recteur 

 Route de Tancrémont 77,  4860 PEPINSTER 
tél : (0032) 87 54 15 09    info@tancremont.be

Centre de Malonne 
Fond de Malonne 117 B-5020 Malonne
Directeur particulier : Abbé Giuseppe Vacca, Fond de Malonne 105  B-5020 Malonne
Zélateur: Frère Jacques Vanneste Tel (00 32) 81 44 51 76  

Centre Waltzing Arlon
Directeur particulier: Abbé Cyrille Bachelard, Presbytère Saint Bernard, 7 rue du Rhin,  B-6700 Waltzing Arlon
Tel: (0032) 63 22 32 43  abbecyrille@live.be
Monastère de la Visitation
5, avenue Hébron, B 1950 Kraainem 
Tel (0032) 720 01 67  visikraainem@skynet.be   
Directeur particulier: Abbé Jean Simonart, 2 rue Cheval d'Arçons bte 50  B -1348  Louvain - la - Neuve
Tel: (0032) 010 45 74 86
Zélatrice: Marguerite de Griscavage,
Tel: (0032) 272 07810
Centre de Nivelles
Directeur Particulier :Père Médard KITAMBALA  Place de l'Abreuvoir 8 1400 NIVELLES
Tél : (0032) 48 403 48 49
Zélatrice : GERVASONI Beatrice residence Le Montaigne Bt 6 / allée du Coulombier 5
Tél : (0032) 067 67 06 38  
Centre de SILLY
Directeur particulier : Père LOBET Benoit rue St Pierre 31    7830 SILLY
tél : 0032 68 28 32 94
Zélatrice : Mme DUQUENNOY Marie Madeleine clos tilleul 12      7830 HELLBECQ
tél : 0032 68 44 72 91   marimduquennoy@gmail.com

Centre de l'Abbaye des Bénédictines de Maredret
Directeur Particulier : Père Bertrand Paul  Chaussee de Dinant 111  5000 NAMUR
Tél : 0032/81665011 ou 0032178628147
Zélatrice : Mme LATEUR Lutgarde  Rue du Fenal, 5  5641 FURNAUX METTET 

Zélatrice : Joséphine HEDIBLE, 01 BP 2195, COTONOU 


Mosteiro da Visitaçao
rua D. Inacia Uchôa, 208 – Vila Mariana,
Tel : 00 55 ??? 5579 39 48.
e.mail: mostvisitaçao@terra.com.br  (on ne peut pas faire l'accent sur le a de visitaçiao avec le clavier français)
Directeur diocésain: Père Mairo HISATUGO
Mosterio da Visitaçion, C.P.378, 36200-970 BARBACENA M.G. Brésil tel: 00 55 032 3332 10 37

Paroisse Sainte Camille à Ouagadougou
Directeur Particulier : Père POUYA Célestin
Archidiocèse de Gitega
Directeur Particulier : Abbé Tharcisse NIYOKINDI  ntiarsis@gmail.com
Zélatrice : Sr Anne Marguerite BANDEREMBAKO monastère Visitation Ste Marie  BP 118 Gitega
tél : 000257 77885 185    

 Directeur Particulier : Abbé Moïse OMIE Paroisse St Antoine de Padoue ETOUG EBE CITY Casiuse 354 Yaoundé tél : 00 237 99 81 56 74
Zélatrice : MANGWA Marguerite Centre Pasteur du Cameroun BP1274 Yaoundé
tél : 00 237 699 87 55 70  magogofr@yahoo.fr
Zélatrice : Mme Rose ETOUNDI, BP100, LOLODORF


Centre National:
Centre canadien de l'Heure de présence, 945, rue des Soeurs de la Charité, QUEBEC G1R 1H8CANADA
tel: 00 1 418 692 1762  fax: 00 1 418 692 3562. e-mail: malet49@sympatico.ca
Directrice nationale: Soeur Georgette DUQUET, s.c.q


 Monasterio de la Visitacion, calle Huerfanos 2341, SANTIAGO, Chili
tel: 918 75 62  fax:  880 296   e-mail: visitacion1stgo@vtr.net


Monasterio de la Visitacion, A.A.75460-Calle 12. Sur N°18-314,
Colombie. Tel: 00 57 4 31 70 810 fax: 00 57 4 31 70 809

CONGO (République Démocratique)
 Diocèse de LUBUMBASHI - Province DU KATANGA :
3 centres :

Aumônier diocésain: Mr l'Abbé Daniel KALAMB kalambmus@gmail.com
zélatrice diocésaine: Mme Pascaline MANKAND, Archiconfrérie de la Garde d'honneur 
gardehcsj@gmail.com           et Francoise  Malongamalonga.francoise01@gmail.com 

CONGO-BRAZZA (République)
  Archidiocèse de Brazzavile :
Abbés responsables : abbé MAVAKALA Sébastien - Abbé NKEKO André - Abbé TOBANGUI Alexis
Zélateur : Mr MOUFOUOLO Jean

Visitation de Loango, B.P. 731, POINTE NOIRE- Rép. Du Congo-Brazza tel: 242 5 53 83 61
Visitation de Loudima, B.P.731 POINTE NOIRE, Rép du Congo Brazza. Tel: 242 5 53 78 17

Directeur national (figurant sur le registre de Bourg) : Mr l'Abbé Eboi WADJA
 Archevêché, B.P-527  GAGNOA-Côte d'Ivoire
Zélatrice : Mère Marie Raphaël SAMOSTAN KCERI SRCA ISSUSOVA,
CR 47206 LASINJA CROATIE  Tél : (00385) 47 88 43 33
 Directeur particulier : Père Stéphane BRADICA


 Monasterio de la Visitacion, Altos dé Villaverde, LA ROMANA, Rép.Dominicaine
tel: 00 1 809 293 8701 fax: 00 1 809 556 2390,

 Monastreio de la Visitacion, Apartado Postal 71,
 PUERTA PLATA, Rép. Dominicaine
tel: 00 1 809 586 6278  fax: 00 1 809 586 4010,
 Monasterio de la VisitationLa Enca, La Altagracia-Apdo 264,
LAS ROMANA, Rép. Dominicaine
tel: 00 1 809 252 3158 ,

Monasterio de la Visitacion, Santa Engracia, 20, 28010 MADRID-Espagne
tel: 00 34 91 448 78 22, fax: 00 34 91 591 61 73,

Directeur Général International : Rév. Père Juan José INFANTES BARROSO
Paroisse Ste Marie Madeleine à la POINTE AUX SABLES
Directeur Particulier : Père Jacques-Henri DAVID
zélateurs :  Shirley et Alain JOUANA 3 rue Tolstoï Street  Petit-Verger / Pointe aux Sables  PORT LOUIS
Tél : 5 769 28 47  psraj61@gmail.com

Centre National de la Garde d'Honneur du Sacré Coeur de Jésus-Pères Camilliens,
Via Sallustina, 24, 00187 ROMA-Italie,
tel: 00 39 6 06 48 18 188
Directeur national: Padre Luigi SECCHI

Directeur : Père Augustin MARDINI, Eglise Notre Dame des Anges- Capucins,
rue Badaro,BP 116-5203-1106- 2020 Musé, BEYROUTH, Liban


Vice Président de la Garde D’Honneur  : Jean-Pierre BETSARA
du Diocèse d’Antananarivo Madagascar
Tel : 00261 34 04 100 61 ou Tel : 00261 33 11 232 18

Directeur Particulier : Père Romul Richard RAKOTOMALALA
GSM : 00261 34 08 911 13,  00261 33 09 191 91
Email : garde.dhonneur@yahoo.fr Centre Zarasoa Falda Antanimena


Monasterio de la Visitacion, Campana 47 Insurgnetes Mixcoac,
03920 MEXICO D.F.Mexique
tel: 00 52 5 598 0868 fax: 00 52 5 55 615 1914, e-mail:visitacion@guardiadehonor.org

Président  Mr Hector MARTINEZ DE CASTRO
e-mail : hmartine@scholle.com    Fax : 00 525 52615 0014

Monasterio de la Visitacion, Apartado 55-0831 Paitilla, PANAMA, Rep. de Panama


 Monestario de la Visitacion, Casillo de Correo 283, CUIDAD DEL ESTE-ALTO-PARANA- Paraguay
 tel/fax: 061 506 725
 Klosztor S.S. Wizytek, Ul. Krowoderska 16,  31-142 KRAKOW -Pologne
tel  00 48 12 63 216 28.
Direction nationale: Sœur Bernadeta WYSOCKA OVM et le Père Joseph GAWEL SCJ


Madame Silva PETERLIN, Mercnikova ulica 1, 1111 LJUBLJANA- Slovenie


Centre national: St Josefsklösterli, CH-3430 SCHWYZ
Zélateurs:  Soeur Marie-Gisèle, Monastère de Montorge, chemin de Lorette 10, CH-1700 FRIBOURG
tel 026 322 35 36
et Mr Aurélien ZIÖRJEN, rue Caroline 20 CH-1227 GENEVE, tel: 022 301 15 26

Directeur national: Herrn Pfaffer Paul SCHULER

ARCHIDIOCESE de LOME    BP 142 LOME TOGO logosacredheart@yahoo.fr
Président : Janvier HOUKPATIN
Zélatrice : Jeanne SATCHIVI


Monasterio de la Visitacion, ruta 5 km 30/500, 90300 PROGRESO-D de Calones- Uruguay
  tel: 23 68 90 89, fax: 23 68 90 89,   salesasprogreso@adinet.com.uy
CENTRE NATIONAL : Monastère Visitation  Mont deux Coeurs 14 Beach Road P.O. BOX 432
TYRINGHAM, MA 01264-0432
tél : 413 243 3995
Directeur National :Père Sean O'MANNION (Même adresse Tyringham)
 Directeur Diocésain  : Père Peter D.Gillen
Monastere of the Visitation  8902 Ridge Boulevard BROOKLYNG New-York 11209-571
 tél : 413 243 3995  fax 413 243 3543    VAMonastery@aol.com

Paroisse Sacred Heart Catholic church  5909 REICHER DRIVE / AUSTIN/ TEXAS 78723 
Directeur Particulier : Father Mark HAMLET  tél : +1 512-926-2544    http://www.fathermarkhamlet.com
 Paroisse  St John the Evangelist Catholic Church 624E HOPKINS / SAN MARCOS / TEXAS 78666
Directeur Particulier : Father Victor MAYORGA    tél : +1 512-353-8969    

MONASTERE DE LA VISITATION - Garde d’Honneur du Sacré-Coeur - 13, rue de la Visitation - 71600 PARAY-LE-MONIAL
http://www.gardedhonneurdusacrecoeur.org ...

Disparitions of documents in Qatar, the answer !


Freedom of expression, disparition of documents in Qatar, the answer !

at 2 h  06 

given when we are fetching new documents !

Thanks to the Qatar authorities and to Al Jazeera fair play.

The "government" is not the quatari one but the one of other's countries.

Images intégrées 1

Some of the documents:



The Money Myth Exploded

One of the first articles written by Louis Even, this 8-page leaflet explains in a simple manner (five people on an island) how money is created as a debt by the banks. Year after year, this “classic” remains our most popular leaflet. It is a must for beginners who want to understand Social Credit. (It is also available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Italian, and Arabic.)

From Parable to Reality

Written by Louis Even

A system of debt-money

The system of debt-money that Oliver established on Salvation Island made the little community sink into financial debt at the rate at which the island developed and enriched itself through the work of its inhabitants.

The exact same thing goes on in our civilized countries. Does it not?

Canada, is certainly richer today, in real wealth, than it was 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or in the pioneers' days. Yet compare today's national debt, i,e. the total of all public debts owed in Canada today, to what the total was 50 years ago, 100 years ago or three centuries ago!

Yet it is the Canadian people who have created this enrichment by their labor and know-how. Why then should they be kept in debt for what has resulted from their work?

For example, consider the schools, the municipal aqueducts, the bridges, the roads and other public works. Who builds them? The country's builders. Who supplies the materials they need? The country's manufacturers. And how can these people be employed at public works? It is because there are other workers who produce food, clothing, shoes, or who supply the services and materials required by the builders and manufacturers.

Thus it is the Canadian population as a whole, by its different kinds of work that produces all this wealth. If goods are brought in from other countries, it is in exchange for products that we have made here.

But what do we see instead? Everywhere, citizens are being taxed to pay for schools, hospitals, bridges, roads and other public works. The population is collectively made to pay for what it has produced collectively by its own efforts.
More than double the price

But there is worst: The population is made to pay more than the cost of what it has produced. Its own production, an increase in real wealth, becomes a debt to which interests are added. With time, the interests add up and can equal or even exceed the amount of the debt imposed by the system. At times, the people are made to pay double, triple the price for a production it has itself made.

On top of the public debts, there are industrial debts, also loaded with interests. These compel the manufacturers and contractors to increase their prices beyond the cost of production, in order to reimburse the capital and the interests, so as to avoid bankruptcy. .

Both public and industrial debts plus the added interests must be paid by the people, to the financial system, Public debts are paid for by taxes; industrial debts are paid for through prices. Prices go up while our pocketbooks are being flattened by taxes.
A tyrannical system

These and many other facts are indicative of a monetary system, a financial system, that controls instead of being a servant; a system that keeps the population under its dominance — the way Oliver controlled the men on the Island before they rebelled.

And what happens when the money controllers refuse to lend, or when they add conditions that neither public bodies nor manufacturers can bear? At times, public bodies have to put off projects, no matter how urgent they may be. Manufacturers give up on plans for the development or production of goods that would have answered true needs. And this causes unemployment. And to save the unemployed from starvation, taxes must be levied on those who still own something, or on those who still earn a salary.

Can you imagine a greater tyranny, which evils can be felt by the whole population?
An obstacle to distribution

And there is more. Not satisfied with turning the production it finances into debts, or with paralyzing the part of production it refuses to finance, the monetary system is a poor financial instrument for the distribution of products.

Even though the stores and warehouses are full, and though there exists all that is needed for an even greater production, the distribution of available goods is rationed.

You can only obtain what you can pay for. In front of an abundant production, there should be an abundance of purchasing power in our wallets. Such is not the case. The system always adds more prices to the products than it delivers money into the pocketbooks of the people who need these products.

The capacity to pay is not equal to the capacity to produce. Finance does not reflect reality. Reality means having an abundance of goods that are easily made. Finance equates to money being rationed and hard to obtain.

The present monetary system is truly a system that punishes when it ought to be a system that serves. This does not mean that we must do away with it, but changes must be made to it. This is what the principles of Social Credit are meant to do.
Not a Political Party

The first thing that comes to mind when people hear the words Social Credit, are political parties. But no, Social Credit is not a party although there have been parties bearing that name. Social Credit is no more a party than Christianity is a party, even if, in some countries, you find political parties with such names as Christian Democrats, Christian Party, etc. Political parties exist for the purpose of seizing power, to be or to strive to be the group that rules the country.

Social Credit works in the very opposite way. Social Credit will set the individual free; it will allow the individual to rule over his own life. Social Credit will thus distribute power to individuals, not the power to rule over their neighbours, but the power to order from their country's production capacity, the goods they want.
Money in keeping with reality

Oliver's money, on Salvation Island, would have had no value had there been no products on the island. Even if his barrel had really been full of gold, what could this gold have purchased on an island that had no products? Gold, dollar bills or entries in Oliver's books could not have fed anyone if there had been no food. The same applies to clothing and to everything else.

But there were products on the island. These products came from natural resources and from the work of the small community. This real wealth, that which gave money its value, was the property of the island's inhabitants, and not the exclusive property of Oliver, the banker.

Oliver put them in debt for something that they owned. They understood this when they learned about Social Credit. They understood that all money, all financial credit is based on society's credit, and not upon the banker's operations. This money should have been theirs from the moment it was created; and should have been handed to them, divided amongst them, later to be used for their exchanges as products went from one person to another.

For them, the question of money became what it really is in essence: a matter of accounting.

The first thing required of accounting, is for it to be exact, that it be in keeping with what it is meant to express. Money must be in keeping with the production and with the destruction of wealth. It must follow the flow of wealth: Abundant wealth, abundant money; easy production, easy money; automated production, automated money; free production, free money.
Money to finance production

Money must be made available to producers at the rate at which they need it to mobilize the means of production. This can be done since it was done overnight, as soon as war was declared in 1939. Money that had been lacking for the previous ten years appeared all of a sudden; and during the six years the war lasted, there were no more money problems to finance all of the production that was needed and required.

Therefore, money can be, and must be, at the service of public and private production, as faitfully as it was at the service of war production. All that is physically possible, to answer the legitimate needs of the population, must be made financially possible.

This would put an end to the nightmares of public authorities. It would also mean the end of unemployment and of its hardships, as long as there remain things to be done to answer the needs of the population, both public and private.
Everyone a capitalist - To each a dividend

Social Credit moves that a periodical dividend be distributed to each and every person: An amount given each month to each individual, regardless of whether he is employed or not; the same way dividends are distributed to investors, even when they do not personally take part in any work.

It is widely recognized that a capitalist, someone who invests money in an enterprise, has the right to draw a benifit from his investment, an income which is called a dividend. Other individuals will set his capital to work, and they in turn are rewarded for doing so, through their salary. But the capitalist draws an income simply from his money being invested in the enterprise. If he also works there, he will then draw two incomes: a salary for his work and a dividend for his capital.

Social Credit considers that all members of society are capitalists. Together they own a real capital that contributes considerably more to production than the investor's money-capital or the employees' labor.
What is this social capital made of?

First, there are the country's natural resources that were not made by anyone. They are a gift from God to those who inhabit the country.

Then, there is the total of all the knowledge, the inventions and discoveries, the improvements made to production processes; the total of all the progress acquired, accumulated, increased and passed on from one generation to the next. This is a common inheritance, earned by past generations, used and increased by our generation before it is passed on to the next generation. It is not anyone's exclusive property but a communal property "par excellence".

And this is by far the greatest factor in modern production. If the motive force derived from steam, electricity and oil - all inventions of the last three centuries - were taken away, what would be left of the total production, even if you were to increase the amount of labor and the number of hours worked by all of the country's workforce?

No doubt, producers are still needed to set to work this capital, and they are rewarded for doing so by their salaries. But this capital must earn dividends to its owners and therefore to all the citizens since they are all, equally, coheirs of past generations.

Since this social capital is the most important factor in modern production, the dividend should at least cover everyone's basic needs. And as the part of production due to mecanization and automation increases, while human work decreases, the part of production distributed by social dividends must increase.

This way of understanding the distribution of wealth is quite different from today's. Instead of leaving individuals and families in dire poverty, or instead of taxing those who work to help those who are no longer needed for production, everyone would be guaranteed a basic income through a dividend.

This would be a means, well adapted to our modern productive capabiities, to carry out in practice the right held by all individuals to the use of material goods. This right is derived from one's very existence. A fundamental and inalienable right as expressed by Pius XII in his radio message of June 1, 1941:

"Material goods have been created by God to meet the needs of all men, and must be at the disposal of all of them, as justice and charity require.

"Every man indeed, as a reason gifted being, has, from nature, the fundamental right to make use of the material goods of the earth...

"Such an individual right cannot, by any means, be suppressed, even by the exercise of other unquestionable and recognized rights over natural goods."

A dividend to each and everyone: This is the most brilliant social and economic formula that was ever offered to a world whose problem is no longer to produce goods, but to distribute them.

Offre spéciale pour organiser des cercles d'étude
Pour connaître et comprendre la cause de la crise financière, il vous faut lire ces ouvrages très instructifs qui vous sont proposés à un prix spécial pour un temps limité, afin de former des cercles d'études dans vos paroisses, dans vos milieux:
1) «Du Régime de Dettes à la Prospérité», 110 pages, une traduction par Louis Even du livre "From Debt to Prosperity" de J. Crate Larkin. L'édition originale anglaise comprend 96 pages. Louis Even, notre regretté fondateur, a eu le livre entre ses mains, en 1934 durant la crise économique. Après en avoir pris connaissance, il s'est dit : "C'est une lumière sur mon chemin, il faut que tout le monde connaisse cela".
2) «Sous le Signe de l'Abondance», par Louis Even, 312 pages. Une conception nouvelle de l'économie, une merveille de simplicité qui fait voir clairement le non-sens de la misère en face de l'abondance.
3) «Une lumière sur mon chemin» C’est en 1934 que Louis Even pris connaissance providentiellement d’un petit fascicule de 96 pages, intitulé From Debt to Prosperity (du Régime de dettes à la prospérité) qui lui a fait voir la cause de la fameuse crise économique et le génial moyen d’y remédier.
La cause est le manque d’un petit instrument, un ticket, d’un permis que l’on nomme argent. Les produits étaient en surabondance, mais pas d’argent pour les acheter et l’humanité entière souffrait.
En lisant ce petit livre, Louis Even s’est exclamé: «Une lumière sur mon chemin. Il faut que tout le monde en soit éclairé !»
Le livre inclus «Une Finance Saine et Efficace», par Louis Even, 32 pages, format-magazine, un ouvrage qui démontre clairement comment on pourrait appliquer les grands principes de la Doctrine Sociale de l'Église dans les faits concrets.
4) «La démocratie économique expliquée en 10 leçons», par Alain Pilote, 250 pages, une vue d'ensemble à la lumière de la Doctrine Sociale de l'Église, une synthèse qui est utilisée dans nos semaines d'étude et dont plusieurs se servent pour former des cercles d'étude de par le monde.
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