Swiss national bank figure from 2001 up to Feb. 2017, increase of the balance sheet !
Too low incomes power for swiss citizen and companies !
Switzerland shows a per-capita gap of $78,539. What is the per-capita gross income? The following link says it was $35,307 in 2005:
Your table says GDP was $67,821 in 2005. The gap percentage is thus:
35,307 x
-------- = -----
67,821 100
X = 52.05
Therefore the gap is 47.95% of GDP. Compare that to the findings of 43% for both the USA and Canada calculated here for 2008:
The numbers look to be in the same ballpark. Coincidence?
We need dividend and compensated discount.
Data in english here below and in annexes.
If you want a rough order of magnitude estimate of the gap in your country – as things stand right now – do the following:
1. Determine the nation’s gross domestic product. That number represents the sale price of the nation’s goods and services. This will be your price.
2. Determine the gross reported income for the nation. This is going to be the value of A.
3. From this information B can be computed and that is basically the gap.
4. To determine how much compensated price + dividend to give each person each year, divide the population into the gap.
Price = A + B
Gap = Price – A
In the USA, this comes to approximately $16,000 for every man, woman and child and in Canada it is approximately $17,000.
A National Balance Sheet
Social Credit and National Accounting
You will find two outlines of such an accounting system.
Social Credit and National Accounting
You will find two outlines of such an accounting system.
More to think from Prof. Joseph Huber
you can find various path-breaking contributions to the current discussion about central bank issued digital cash, including an article on
Monetary Workarounds.
Central bank digital currency and sovereign money accounts. Intermediate approaches to sovereign money reform
The paper
Split-Circuit Reserve Banking - Functioning, Dysfunctions and Future Perspectives
gives a condensed account of how the present bankmoney regime on a fractional base of reserves actually works.
you can find various path-breaking contributions to the current discussion about central bank issued digital cash, including an article on
Monetary Workarounds.
Central bank digital currency and sovereign money accounts. Intermediate approaches to sovereign money reform
The paper
Split-Circuit Reserve Banking - Functioning, Dysfunctions and Future Perspectives
gives a condensed account of how the present bankmoney regime on a fractional base of reserves actually works.
Campaign for Monetary Reform – News from Switzerland
Switzerland is politically unique in this regard as the Swiss Constitution provides a political instrument known as the Volksinitiative (Peoples’ Initiative) which enables Swiss citizens to launch an initiative aimed at changing specific provisions within the Swiss Constitution. To do so requires first of all the collection within an 18 month period of 100’000 valid signatures in support of the initiative. Should this hurdle be surmounted, the initiative would then be put to a national vote.Preparations for the spring launch are well under way, including the draft proposed amendments to the Swiss Constitution. In a nut shell, the proposal extends the Swiss Federation’s existing exclusive right to create coins and notes, to also include deposits. With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks would no longer have the power to create money through lending. The Swiss National Bank’s primary role becomes the management of the money supply relative to the productive economy, while the decision concerning how new money is introduced debt free into the economy would reside with the government. As is evident from the foregoing, the MoMo monetary reform initiative is essentially based on the monetary reform advocated by PositiveMoney.
For those interested in following the developments of the campaign, or who would like to understand the detailed provisions, including those relating to the transition period, please refer to the campaign website. The website is in German so language will present a limitation for many of you. Nevertheless, we do encourage you to visit the website and if you have specific questions, to leave a message in English. Someone from the team who speaks English will get back to you. The biggest challenge for the team at this stage of the campaign is to find the needed help and financing for signature collection. The minimum amount of funding required for a successful campaign is estimated to be 400’000 CHF or just over 270’000 GBP. Although, this is a non-UK initaitive, should the MoMo team succeed in putting such a fundamental reform proposal to a national vote, this would be a momentous achievement for the monetary reform movement in Europe and across the globe. All eyes would be fixed on Switzerland, because success for this small but significant player in the financial arena would inevitably have a ripple effect in other countries.
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Fantastic news: The debate on money reform goes mainstream! Last week has the leading UK economics commentator, the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf, argued that "the power to create money should be stripped from private banks". His article has sparked a major debate in the mainstream media and among economists, including Paul Krugman - one of the most influential economists today, in the New York Times. There has been a significant backlash from critiques and many misunderstandings (see below). But it is fantastic that this issue is finally getting attention and is being debated!
1) Financial Times’ Martin Wolf endorses Positive Money’s proposals for reform
Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator at the Financial Times: “Strip private banks of their power to create money“
“Printing counterfeit banknotes is illegal, but creating private money is not. The interdependence between the state and the businesses that can do this is the source of much of the instability of our economies. It could – and should – be terminated.”
The article includes a concise summary of our proposals and a reference to our book Modernizing Money.

“Printing counterfeit banknotes is illegal, but creating private money is not. The interdependence between the state and the businesses that can do this is the source of much of the instability of our economies. It could – and should – be terminated.”
The article includes a concise summary of our proposals and a reference to our book Modernizing Money.
2) Paul Krugman - New York Times
Paul Krugman, American economist, ranked among the most influential economic thinkers in the world today, has written a commentary on Martin Wolf’s article:
"OK, a genuinely interesting debate on financial reform is taking place. I’m not even sure where I stand. But it’s certainly worth talking about."
Here you can read our response to his commentary:A Response to Paul Krugman on “Is Banning Banking the Answer?”

3) More debate
Ann Pettifor, Director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME), Honorary Research Fellow at the Political Economy Research Centre at City University (CITYPERC) and a fellow of the New Economics Foundation, London:
Here's our response:A reply to Ann Pettifor: Why there will be no “shortage of money”

Josh Ryan Collins, Senior Researcher at New Economics Foundation:
Sovereign money: what it is and why it matters (nef)

Izabella Kaminska, financial reporter at FT Alphaville discusses the issues in two articles:
Martin Wolf on funny money creation
Martin Wolf on funny money creation
Joe Weisenthal, executive editor at Business Insider has written an article with a somewhat misleading title, but addressing the "gross misconception about what a bank does that people tend to have":
Ban all the banks: Here's The Wild Idea That People Are Starting To Take Seriously
Our responses coming shortly. Keep an eye on our blogs.
http://www.vollgeld-• Explaining Monetary Reform - Presenting the American Monetary Act, brochure by Stephen Zarlenga, American Monetary Institute.
• Sensible Money paper on Resolving the Eurozone Debt Crisis. A Guide to Full-Reserve Banking in the Eurozone (Note: The term full-reserve banking here denotes plain sovereign money in a modern currency system, not 100% reserve).
• Richard A. Werner, How to End the European Financial Crisis - at no further cost and without the need for further political changes, University of Southhampton, CBFSD Policy Discussion Paper No. 3-12.
• Richard A. Werner, How to Turn Banks into Financial Intermediaries and Restore Money Creation and Allocation Powers to the State, University of Southhampton, CBFSD Policy Discussion Paper No. 3-12.
• Stephen Zarlenga on > The Need for Monetary Reform, American Monetary Institute.
• Towards a Twenty-First Century Banking and Monetary System. Submission to the Independent Commission on Banking , 39 pages, 2011, by Ben Dyson (Positive Money), Tony Graham, Josh Ryan-Collins (New Economics Foundation) and Richard A. Werner (University of Southhampton).
A compact presentation of the British monetary reform approach. Its core components are based on the Huber/Robertson proposal of Seigniorage Reform, and by and large it concurs with the monetary reform concepts of the American Monetary Institute, Monetative Deutschland, Vollgeld Switzerland, and others.
Note: Even though the authors used the term ‘full-reserve banking’ at the time, this is definitely not a 100%-reserve approach, but a plan for fully liquid sovereign money beyond the reserve system, thus a new currency approach, not a bank-liability system anymore.
• A New Currency System for the UK according to Positive Money
The Positive Money System (2013)
in plain English, 28 pages
more technical, 35 pages, by Andrew Jackson, Ben Dyson and Graham Hodgson.
• Here you can download > Money and Macroeconomic Dynamics, an accounting system dynamics approach to explain the effects of a sovereign-money system, part IV, by Kaoru Yamaguchi, professor of economics and system dynamics, Japan. newsAndMedia/videoAndAudio/ channels/ publicLecturesAndEvents/ player.aspx?id=2105
and viewed in the light of the social doctrine of the Church; a study prepared by Alain Pilote on the occasion of the week of study that followed the Congress of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael in Rougemont, September 5-11, 2006. The Social Credit idea may raise many questions among our new readers, and one article is certainly not enough to answer all these questions, or to give a clear understanding of the whole concept of Social Credit. Besides, most people simply do not have the time to read long books on the subject. So, here is the solution: the Social Credit proposals explained in 10 lessons, each one being the logical continuation of the previous one. |
Louis Even's masterpiece All those who appreciate Louis Even's writings on Social Credit will make it their duty to get this book, a masterpiece of logics and clarity. To the new readers of “Michael”, we strongly recommend this book, which gives, in a simple but brilliant way, the best possible explanations on the new conception of economics that Social Credit represents. You can find on line on this site the complete book (50 chapters plus appendices). 410 pages, 14,5 cm x 21 cm, $20 by mail, from our Rougemont office |
The booklet that caused Louis Even to understand Social Credit by J. Crate Larkin It is this booklet that changed the course of the life of Louis Even and made him a Social Crediter in 1934. “It was a great light on my path,” Louis Even said. This 112-page booklet could change your life too! Order it now! The pricfe is $? by mail (Canada and U,S,A,), and $10 international. ![]() |
Two booklets on Social Credit by Louis Even ![]() |
![]() Two booklets of 32 pages, 21 x 27 cm $2.00 each (handling and shipping included) |
An exceptional offer: three books on Social Credit To study the cause of the present financial crisis And put an end to poverty amidst plenty ![]() 1. The Social Credit proposals explained in 10 Lessons, viewed in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church (151 pages); a study prepared by Alain Pilote that is used for our seminars on the occasion of the week of study. 2. In This Age of Plenty (410 pages), by Louis Even, a masterpiece of logic and clarity, with over 50 chapters plus appendices. 3. From Debt to Prosperity (112 pages) by J. Crate Larkin. It is this booklet that changed the course of the life of Louis Even and made him a Social Crediter in 1934. "It was a great light on my path," Louis Even said. Since our first goal is to spread the news and educate the population, we offer for a limited time, a special price for these three books (the prices given include the shipping):
There is also a better deal for those who wish to order in large quantities:
And we have a very good deal for those who want to organize study circles: 10 copies of Social Credit in 10 Lessons: 50 dollars; and 90 dollars for 20 copies. Send your cheque or money order to our Rougemont office (1110 Principale St., Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0). |
I have just published a little booklet dedicated to an exploration of the relationship existing between the social doctrine of the Catholic Church and the economic ideas of Major C.H. Douglas.
While it is not necessary to be a Catholic in order to be a Social Crediter, the very great affinity existing between Catholic social teaching and Social Credit is quite astonishing. They fit together like hand in glove ... a natural consequence, undoubtedly, of the objective truth of both. In brief, all Catholics should, if they are convinced of the technical aspects of the Major's thought, be ardent Social Crediters.
The book can be obtained via the CreateSpace e-store and the amazon network: